Chapter Two

Jack put his hands on Rose’s waist, pulled her close, and kissed her passionately. When they pulled apart…

"My goodness," was all Rose could say. Then she smiled, and Jack smiled back. "You know, this is odd and fast…but I love you!" Rose said, relieved to get that off her chest.

"I know. This is crazy. I love you, too." Jack and Rose smiled and kissed again. Then Rose saw a familiar face come around the corner. It was Cal.

"Jack, come on over here," Rose whispered, and they ran into the store they were closest to.

"What is it, Rose?" Jack was wondering what had just happened.

"That is the boy I just broke up with. You know, the one I told you about over dinner. I’ll bet you he’s looking for me."

Jack laughed, as did Rose. Cal was gone, so Jack and Rose walked out nonchalantly.

"Jack, we can’t get caught. I am sure you know I am sixteen and you are twenty. Now, in two weeks, I will be seventeen. Still, if my mother knows—" Rose was cut off by Jack.

"Shh. Don’t worry. Everything will be all right. Here is my number—555-4545. Call any time, night or day, if you are in trouble or just want to talk. Okay?" Rose nodded.

"Jack, here is my private number—555-9007, and my cell number is 555-8896. You can call anytime. I have to go. I hope to see you later." She smiled and kissed him deeply, then skipped off with a smiling Jack behind her.

Chapter Three