Chapter Five

Down at the hospital, Jack walked in. He saw Gabrielle and walked towards her.

"Gabby, is she all right?" Jack asked, his voice still very hoarse.

"They don’t know, Jack." Gabby sniffed.

"Gabrielle! Gabrielle! Is my daughter all right?" Ruth asked, running towards Gabby.

"I am sorry, but they said they don’t know!" Gabby said, laying a hand on Ruth’s shoulder.

Ruth noticed Jack and asked, "Who are you?"

Jack extended his hand. "Jack. Jack Dawson."

Ruth didn’t shake his hand. "How do you know my daughter?"


"He is my cousin from my mother’s side," Gabby cut in, and then Jack smiled at her.

"Really? You guys look nothing alike."

"Yeah. He was adopted." Gabby smiled.

"O-okay." Ruth sat down.

The doctor came out. "You all here for Rose?" he asked.

"Yeah," they all replied.

"Well, she is gonna be fine, just a lot of cuts on her. They will heal, but just take it easy." He smiled and walked away.

Ruth went in to see Rose, and then Gabby. Once Ruth left, Jack went into the room.

"Rose, are you awake?" Jack asked, sitting down next to Rose.

"J-Jack?" Rose’s eyes fluttered open.

"Sorry to wake you, but I had to wait to come in because your mother was out there." Jack smiled; Rose smiled back.



"Was all that--I mean, was that--that thing that happened earlier all true?" Rose’s eyes searched Jack’s for an answer.

"Unfortunately, yeah. You walked out. I want you stay. Please? I am one hundred percent sure we can work on it!" Jack said, kissing her lips.

Rose pulled away. "We’ll see." Rose rolled over, and an astonished Jack walked out of the hospital room and back to his home.

Rose thought, Why am I being such a bitch? Why am I letting my pride take over? One part of head said, Maybe you feel he betrayed you by getting and taking that job! Rose shook her head and fell asleep.

One Week Later

Gabrielle had come to see Rose every day, and every time Gabby came she got the same questions. Did he leave yet? Has he talked to you? Do you see him with other girls? Gabby would always answer no.

"Hey, Rose! Today you get back on your feet and start--" Gabby started, but stopped when she saw Rose sobbing.

"My goodness, Rose. What happen?" Gabby asked. Rose was sitting up in her hospital bed, trying to stop her tears with a tissue.

Rose looked up. "H-h-he…left today! Gabby, he came here, gave me a kiss on the hand, and said ‘Good-bye, Rose.’ His voice was so cold. Like Cal’s used to be when he was mad!"

Gabby went to Rose and hugged her. "Rose, it will be fine. Trust me." Gabby frowned, not believing her own words.

On The Plane

Jack sat next to the window, thinking about Rose. He felt bad about being so cold to her, but he was hurt. Suddenly, he felt someone sit next to him. He turned around to see a beautiful girl next to him. She had rich brown hair and blue eyes--just like Jack’s eyes. She smiled at Jack.

"Hi. My name is Juliet Snow." She extended a hand to Jack.

He shook it. "Jack Dawson."

"Are you excited about going to New York? I have never been there. I have to go for a wedding," Juliet said.

"I guess I am excited. I just got over a breakup, though." Jack smiled sadly.

"Aw…sorry. What happened?"

"Going to New York happened."

At Rose’s School

"Rose, we finished school! Woo, woo!" Gabby said, dancing around like a fool.

Rose couldn’t help but laugh. "This will be a long summer…" Rose frowned.

"Rose, I am taking you on vacation. I asked your mom, and I have enough money saved for us both!" Gabby smiled.

"I am in no mood for a vacation," Rose stated.

"Vacation will help get your mind off Jack--" Gabby knew Rose cried when she heard his name, so she stopped herself. "We are just gonna go. Out to the horizon!" Gabby put her arm around Rose. Rose just shook her head in sadness.

La Guardia Airport

"Jack, here is my hotel number and cell phone number. Call me." Juliet smiled.


Chapter Six