Chapter Six

Jack opened the door to his new apartment. There was Juliet, standing there.

"Hello, Jack."

"Juliet, what are you doing here?"

"Well, a friend can visit a friend, right?"

"Yeah, sure. Come in."

"Thank you."

On the Streets of New York City

"Gabby, why would you bring me to New York, of all places?"

Gabby blushed. "Rose, I want you to see Jack. For you two, it’s written in the stars. Can’t you see? Why are you being so stubborn?" By the end of her statement, Gabby realized she was yelling. People on the streets were looking at her and Rose. Rose blushed and grabbed Gabby’s arm. She pulled Gabby into a nearby bookstore.

"Why would you embarrass me like that?" Rose asked through clenched teeth.

"Sorry. I didn’t realize it until I finished my sentence. Now, Rose, I am your best friend. Trust me."

"Is that all you and Jack say?" Rose questioned.

Jack’s Apartment

Jack and Juliet were talking when, out of nowhere, Juliet kissed Jack. At first he liked it. Then he felt as if he were cheating on Rose.

"J-Juliet, I can’t. I just can’t. I have to be true to my girlfriend." Jack sat up.

"Fine, but I never knew anyone who could turn down this!" She drew a hand across herself, showing off her beauty.

"Good-bye, Juliet," Jack said angrily, letting her out. On her way out, she smiled at a redhead and her friend. Jack saw Rose, and thought, This looks bad. Juliet smiled at the girls. Rose gave her a dirty look. "Rose?" Jack looked shocked to see her.

"Rose, I have to go…shopping. Please talk to him," Gabby said, pushing Rose towards Jack.

"Hello, Jack." Rose tried to smile.

"Sorry. Come in, Rose."

They sat on Jack’s couch.

"Would you like anything?" Jack asked, looking at Rose. The way she was eyeing him was new. Rose leaned forward and kissed Jack. It was passionate. Then Rose leaned back, their faces still very close.

"Yes, Jack. I want you."

Jack smiled, then asked, "Are you sure?"


Jack picked Rose up and brought her to his bedroom. Rose was happy with her decision.

Chapter Seven