Chapter Ten

It was a beautiful, sunny day. A day too beautiful for a funeral. Jack took one more look in the mirror, noticing how the sad gleam in his eyes had returned. The last time the gleam was there was five years ago when his parents had died.

"Jack?" Lily and Paul stood in the doorway. Tears were shining in their blue eyes.

"When’s Nana waking up?" Lily asked.

His heart broke at the question. He went to the children and hugged them tightly. "She’s not going to wake up, sweetie. Remember what I told you? Nana was so sleepy that when she fell asleep, she wasn’t able to wake up."

"Well, then, who will take care of us?" Paul frowned.

"I will, sweetie. I’ll take care of you." Jack wiped away the little boy’s tears. "I promise. I’ll take care of you and I won’t leave you."

"Neither will I." Chloe stood in the doorway. She sighed in relief to see both Jack and the twins dressed in their Sunday best. The past couple of days had been nerve-wracking for her. The twins had refused to do anything she told them, plus Jack had been difficult, as well. He had stayed on the phone, ignoring the fact that she needed help. Finally, he had gotten off the phone and made the twins behave. She was grateful that today wasn’t going to be more of the same. "I assume that you three are ready."

"We’re on our way out." Jack nodded.

As soon as Chloe was gone, Lily turned to Jack. "Are you sure we should behave for her?"

"Yes. Like I said, if Nana was awake, she’d be upset to see us being mean to our sister. And we wouldn’t want Nana to be mad at us, would we?"

The twins shook their heads; their eyes were wide with innocence.

"I didn’t think so. So as long as Chloe’s around, you do what she says and behave. Now, let’s go. We don’t want to be late." He took the children’s hands and led them outside.


Jack and Chloe flanked the door as the mourners arrived. They ranged from Mae’s friends to Jack’s.

"Hey." Moira stopped to fiercely hug her friend. "We’re all going to miss her."

"Thank you for coming." Jack pulled away, forcing a smile. "She would have appreciated your being here."

Moira simply smiled. "Keep your chin up, kid."

Rose was next. Jack immediately pulled her into a hug. They hadn’t seen each other since the night they had made love. Rose’s mother had kept her busy. Plus, she was afraid that he was mad at her. After all, she had taken advantage of his grief.

"Thank you for being here, Rose. You don’t know how much this means to me." Jack tightened his hold on her, afraid that she’d disappear if he let go. He had so much to apologize for, but he knew this wasn’t the time or the place.

"I wouldn’t miss being here. I meant what I said the other day. I want to be here for you."

"Rose, your seat is right over…" Chloe began, but Jack interrupted.

"She’s sitting with us. Rose, wait here. I’ll show you where we’re sitting." Jack held her hand tightly. Neither of them noticed Chloe’s worried frown.


The crowd was now surrounding Mae’s casket. Rose held Jack’s trembling hand as the preacher read the service. She closed her eyes against her own grief. She needed to be strong for Jack. He needed her right now.

Finally, the speech was over. Slowly, they began to lower the coffin into the ground. Unable to watch, Jack let go of Rose’s hand and ran into the church. Rose and Moira were right behind him. They found Jack on the church’s front steps, sobbing into his hands.

"Jack." Rose sat next to him and rubbed his back.

"Are you okay?" Moira asked, hoping that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. She had never been good with grieving people, unfortunately. She never knew what to say.

Luckily, it wasn’t Moira that Jack looked to for comfort. "She’s gone, Rosie. She’s really gone," Jack sobbed, falling over into Rose’s arms. "It didn’t hit me until now…when I saw her casket being lowered into the ground!"

"She’s always going to be with you, Jack." Moira bit her lip.

"That’s right. Mae will never truly leave you."

"I need to get out of here." Jack sniffed, pulling out of Rose’s arms. "I just can’t be here any longer. I’m not doing the twins any good by staying."

"Where will you go?" Moira frowned.

"You can come to my apartment for a while. Mother’s gone for the day. There’ll be nothing but peace and quiet there." Rose’s eyes lit up at the idea.

"Rose…I don’t know…I don’t want to intrude."

"It won’t be intruding," Rose reassured him. "Come on, Jack. Let me take care of you."

"I would take her up on that if I were you." Moira snorted. She wasn’t a big fan of Rose, but she could tell that the redhead cared a great deal for Jack.

"It won’t be any trouble?"

"None at all." Rose smiled.

Jack sighed. There was no one he’d trust more than Rose. She had seen him at one of his lowest points already, and she was closer to him than anybody. "Okay. Moira, will you tell Chloe where I went?"

"Sure." Moira nodded, watching the couple leave hand-in-hand.


The apartment was dark and empty when they arrived. Rose immediately went around the area, turning on the lights. When she got back to the living room, she found Jack sitting on the couch, once again sobbing into his hands.

She immediately went to him and pulled him into a warm embrace, wanting to take his pain away. "Shh, Jack. Everything is going to be all right. You’ll see," she crooned, rubbing his back gently, just like her father used to do for her whenever she was upset. It had made her feel loved and safe.

"I miss her so much, Rose! Why did she have to die?"

"I don’t know, Jack. I don’t know. But just think, she’s not in pain anymore. She’s not sad…and she wouldn’t want you to be sad either, Jack. She’d want you to be happy and to take care of yourself and your little brother and sister. She’d want you to get to know Chloe better. She’d want you to have a good life."

"That seems so impossible."

"I know. Right now it does, but Jack…trust me. You’ll be happy again. I know you will."

"Ever since she died, the only time I’ve truly been happy was when we…well…" Jack blushed, remembering that night of passion.

Rose also blushed at the memory. It had been her first time, and was something she’d never forget. She just wished that it had happened under better circumstances.

"Rose…I’d like to apologize. Our first time should have been more special."

"It was special, Jack. I’ve never been close to anyone like that before. I’m glad you were my first."

"I feel like I’ve taken advantage of you, Rose. I feel like I used losing my grandmother as an excuse to get you into bed. I am so…"

"Jack, wait a minute. You’re not guilty of anything. I’m the one who initiated everything. When you tried to stop…I wouldn’t let you. So if anyone’s at fault here, it’s me."

Jack sighed, exasperated by the situation. "Rose, you did nothing wrong. It was what I wanted."

"Well, I wanted it, too."

"Okay. That night was something we both wanted. Neither of us are guilty of any wrongdoing." Jack smiled for the first time in days. "The only time I feel remotely happy is when I’m with you." He pushed a red curl out of her eyes, ready to lean in for a kiss, when Rose gave a startled gasp, her eyes wide with alarm.

"What?" Jack pulled back in concern. "I didn’t hurt you, did I?"

"Jack…I wasn’t on the pill…and you didn’t use a condom."

"So?" Jack stared at her blankly, not yet getting what she was saying.

"Jack…I won’t know for a couple more days, but still…Jack, I could be pregnant," Rose gasped, getting to her feet and pacing the floor. "Oh, God, what if I am? What am I going to do? My mother is going to kill me!" Hot tears filled her eyes at the thought of being thrown out in the street with a crying baby.

"Shh, Rose. Don’t cry. We don’t even know if you’re pregnant or not." Jack got to his feet and grabbed her shoulders to stop her from pacing. "Listen, this is what we’ll do. We’ll wait for your period. If it doesn’t come, then I’ll buy the test, and then we’ll know for sure. But no matter what, Rose, I promise I’ll never stop loving you and will always be here for you."

"You love me?"

"Of course. That night wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t." He smiled again.

Rose laughed, happy again. "I love you, too, Jack. I love you, too."

They stood in the middle of Rose’s living room in each other’s arms, knowing that no matter what happened next, they’d get through it together.

Chapter Eleven