Chapter Twenty

Jack sat on the bench, looking out at the lake, still wondering how to tell Rose about his grandmother. Sighing, he rubbed his hands over his face. He hoped that, by some miracle, he wouldn’t have to leave. But thanks to his earlier behavior, he knew that chances were good that he would have to go.

"Jack?" Rose came upon him, her eyes void of emotion. She was there for the truth, and she couldn’t let him see how much keeping this from her was killing her emotionally. "We need to talk."

Jack looked up at her and frowned. He didn’t like this. Normally, her face was an open book. Her green eyes were normally full of life and expression. But now she was totally blank. He couldn’t read anything from her. Something must have happened to make her like this, but what?

"Rose?" he asked, a bit uncertain. "What do we need to talk about?"

Rose sat next to him, resisting the urge to bury herself in his arms. She needed to keep her head right now. If she instigated a make-out session, she’d never get down to the truth.

"I met the owner of the school my mother wants to send me to. An Irene Devereau. Sound familiar?"

Jack sighed and leaned back against the bench. She knew. Of course, why hadn’t he put two and two together when Rose had told him about the boarding school? Looking at Rose, he finally saw her pain. Pain he had caused by trying to protect her from the inevitable. "Rose…"

"Why, Jack? Why didn’t you tell me? I thought we trusted one another."

"We do." Jack’s heart ached at the pain in her voice. "I do trust you, sweetie. I…I just wanted to wait until things calmed down for you. I didn’t want to upset you more then you already were."

"You should have told me, Jack." A tear slid from her eye. She looked away and got to her feet. "Jack, I think it’s best if you left now. There’s no point in pretending that everything is all right when it isn’t. You’re leaving, and most likely, so am I."

"Rose, no, please. Just listen…"

"No, Jack! No…I can’t see you right now. So please…just leave."

"Rose…please…just listen. I love you. I just wanted to protect you from anymore pain. Please listen…"

Rose didn’t. She just looked away. She was too angry to talk to him at the moment. She just wanted to be alone to stew in her anger. Maybe tomorrow they could work it out, but not now.

"Okay, Rose. I’ll go. But we’re talking about this later." Kissing her cheek, Jack turned to leave, just to come face to face with the barrel of a gun.

"Jack Dawson, I presume?" The gunman grinned. "Brother of Chloe Dawson, girlfriend of Carter Jones?"

"Jack?" Rose got to her feet, wondering who the man talking to Jack was. She gasped when she saw the gun. This was bad. It was very bad.

"Jones owes me some money and hasn’t paid me. Maybe he will if I take his girlfriend’s brother hostage." The gunman also waved the gun at Rose. "Her brother and brother’s girlfriend."

"Listen, if you want me to come with you, fine. I will. But just leave Rose out of this. Please." Jack stepped in front of Rose. She had already been through so much. She shouldn’t have to go through this, too. Besides, this had to do with his family. Rose had no part in it.

"Sorry. I can’t do that. She’ll go to the police. I can’t have that."

"Well, then, don’t do this! Neither one of us are related to Carter!" Rose snapped. This was absurd, as far as she was concerned. Taking her and Jack hostage was a complete waste of time.

"You got a big mouth for such a pretty girl," the kidnapper growled, tightening his hold on the gun as he pointed it at Rose. "Best to keep it shut. It’d be a real shame if it got you killed."

"Leave her alone!" Jack made a move like he was going to punch the man. No one threatened his girlfriend like that. But a frightened gasp from Rose and the re-aiming of the gun stopped him from going any further.

"Go ahead, kid. I’m just waiting to shoot someone today," the gunman growled. "Now, we’re going to my car and we’re getting out of here. I don’t want any trouble out of either of you. Is this in any way unclear?"

Joining hands, Jack and Rose followed the gunman to a black car. Neither of them dared to even talk to one another as the car carried them into the unknown.


Irene and Ruth were at the Dawsons, making the final arrangements for Rose’s transfer. Chloe just stood in the doorway, thinking of the mess her family was now in.

"Ruth, I am so grateful for your call. It gave me a chance to check on my grandchildren. I am so glad I did." Irene sighed, taking a sip of coffee.

All three women looked up as Carter came in, looking as if he’d been run over by a train.

"Look who finally returned." Irene glared disdainfully at the seemingly broken man. "Whatever happened to you?"

Carter ignored Irene and looked at Ruth. Guilt was clear in his eyes. "Mrs. DeWitt-Bukater, you’re here. I must say I’m glad you are." He turned to face Chloe, hoping that she wouldn’t throw him out after hearing what he had to tell her. "Chloe…sweetie. I have some news. It’s about your brother and Rose."

Chloe’s heart sank. Jack had promised to be on his best behavior. He had seemed so sincere, and she truly had believed him. "What did he do now?"

"Nothing. It has more to do with what I did. You remember Butch, don’t you? The loan shark?"

"Oh, dear Lord." Irene paled. She had heard things about loan sharks. If you didn’t pay them on time, you could end up dead. What did her grandson have to do with such people?

"Yes. He was the reason we left New York in the first place. He wasn’t supposed to find us here, Carter. What’s going on?"

"Yes. What’s happened to my daughter?" Ruth demanded.

"He found us, babe. He did his research. He just called me at the job. He’s taken Jack and Rose hostage and won’t return them until he gets all his money, with interest."

Chloe gasped in fright. Her brother and Rose, who had nothing to do with their New York troubles, were now in serious trouble and would pay for Carter’s debts if they didn’t do anything. "When does he want the money?"

"By the end of the week. Or else the kids are dead."

"My God! Rose!" Ruth gasped. "W-we have to call the police!"

"No. That will only get them killed." Carter shook his head.

"No, Mr. Jones. You and my granddaughter will get them killed!" Irene yelled. "If anything happens to them, I’m holding the both of you completely responsible!" Irene grabbed her purse.

"Where are you going?" Chloe asked, feeling like the world was closing in on her. She could feel her parents and Grandma Mae’s eyes bearing down on her in disappointment.

"To the police station. Chloe, expect to hear from my lawyer about the twins!" Irene stormed out, followed by Ruth, whose mind was full of fear for her daughter’s well-being.

Chapter Twenty-One