Written by Siriusly Addicted to Reading
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

“Whatcha watching?” asked William. I sighed at how stupid he was sometimes. I mean, seriously, couldn’t he see that I was watching a music video on YouTube?

“A music video, Will,” I said. He looked at the screen and saw a paused scene from Titanic on it, the part where Jack was running to Rose while the ship was sinking.

“What’s her name again?” he asked, smiling. I laughed and played along.

“Well, it has something to do with a flower.” We laughed.

“Sunflower! Sunflower, come back,” he imitated Rose’s line at the end of the movie.

“No, it’s not Sunflower. It’s…Daisy! Yeah, Daisy. Daisy! Daisy, come back.” We couldn’t stop laughing now.

“Nah, it’s not Daisy. It’s Tulip. Tulip! Come back!”

“Wait, wait! It’s not Tulip, it’s Wildflower!”

“Wildflower, come back!” we yelled at the same time.

Then, all of a sudden, Rose—the character—came out of the kitchen, slapped us both, and said, “It’s Rose!”

Will and I looked at each other.

“Wildflower!” we yelled at the same time. Rose stalked off, into the unknown that was our kitchen.

The End.
