Chapter Nine

The shuddering sensation didn’t last long, just a few seconds. But it was enough to concern her. It felt like the ship had hit something from the way it had shook, and Rose wanted to make sure it was nothing to worry about. She’d always been cautious and still didn’t really believe the line about the Titanic being unsinkable. And she’d overheard that conversation between Captain Smith and Mr. Ismay about icebergs. It was better to be safe and check that everything was all right. Then she could get on with things without worry.

She finished dressing, having put on some jeans and a sweater, and went to wake up Jack, shaking him.

"Jack? Jack? Something’s wrong. I think we hit something…" she said loudly.

He stirred with a groan and rubbed his eyes. "What are you talking about? I don’t feel anything. Wait…have we stopped moving?"

"Yeah. Get dressed. I want to check it out," Rose told him.

Jack sighed. "Okay. Give me a minute."

Quickly, Jack put his own clothes back on and then he and Rose left the room, Rose wanting to go in search of a crew member to find out why the ship had stopped moving.

A few other people were also wandering the halls, clearly puzzled like she was.

"What do you think is going on?" Jack asked as he let Rose lead him through the halls.

"I don’t know. But I don’t have a good feeling about it. That’s why I want to find out."


They’d only been walking a few moments when someone calling Jack made them both freeze. Rose turned and saw Posey behind them, and she swore under her breath.

"What are you doing with her?" Posey demanded, pointing at Rose.

"Not now, Posey," Jack said, and he grabbed Rose’s hand and kept walking at a hurried pace.

"Don’t walk away from me!" Posey snapped. "You know what Dad said. You aren’t allowed to hang with Dawson anymore. Do you wanna be cut off?"

"Posey, I don’t care. Just go away. Better yet, why don’t you try to find someone and ask why we’ve stopped. It’s about time you did something other than painting your nails and flipping through magazines," Jack replied irritably.

Jack hurried away, leaving a stunned and speechless Posey DeWitt-Bukater behind him.


They soon reached the Grand Staircase area that lead into the a la carte restaurant, and it was there that Rose saw dozens of people congregated in posh evening wear, all talking loudly and looking greatly miffed. And it was there that she saw Thomas Andrews. He looked stressed and worried, and Rose’s belief that something serious was going on was confirmed.

"Mr. Andrews? I felt the shudder. Something’s happening, isn’t it?" Rose asked him quietly as she cornered him near the entrance door.

"We’re sinking," he told her, looking deadly serious. "The captain’s about to issue an order for everyone to go on deck and wait by the lifeboats. You and Mr. DeWitt-Bukater should waste no time…go, now, back to your staterooms and fetch your life vests. Then go and wait by the boats. They’ll be lowered shortly."

Rose gasped. She’d thought whatever was happening wasn’t good, but the revelation that the supposedly unsinkable ship was sinking was something that she was struggling to comprehend.

"Are you sure?" she stammered, just unable to believe it.

"Certain," he answered. "Please, get to a lifeboat quickly. Don’t wait. It’s my belief than in less than two hours, this ship will be at the bottom of the Atlantic."

Andrews rushed away then.

"Oh, my God." Like Rose, Jack couldn’t believe it. How could what had been a wonderful night change so dramatically and so quickly? "I need to find my parents and Parker. They probably don’t know. I know I said I was cutting myself off, but…"

"This might change things. I understand," said Rose. Now was the time for maturity and sensibility, not pettiness and personal prejudices. If Jack wanted to be with his family, then so he would be. But she wasn’t going anywhere. "Let’s go find them. Where do you think they might be?"

"Mom’ll probably be in bed. Dad might be, too, but he could be in the smoking room or the gambling hall. We’ll try the smoking room first," Jack decided.

They quickly reached the smoking room, and as luck would have it, George was indeed inside. He was at a table with a cigar, surrounded by other men who laughed every time George spoke. Jack pushed his way to the front of the table, dragging Rose behind him.

"Father, I need to talk to you and Mom," Jack announced, turning formal the way he always seemed to do when he was around the senior Bukater. Rose hated that. It made Jack seem so stilted.

"Later, Jack. I’m busy," said George. He didn’t even seem to notice Rose. Either that, or he didn’t want to cause a scene in front of his fellow high society friends. Rose was going with her latter theory.

"Sorry, but I insist," replied Jack, using more force this time. "It can’t wait."

"This had better be good." George sighed as he stood up, turning to one of his buddies. "Ben, make sure you and your friends don’t get through all those cigars without me. And can someone call over a waiter? I want a fresh glass of brandy waiting for me when I return."

George left his table, following Jack and Rose out into the hall.

"So, tell me, Jack." George practically sneered his son’s name. "What’s so important that you had to come and drag me away from my friends?"

"Did you feel the shudder earlier?" Jack asked.

"Yes, but I didn’t think it was anything worth thinking about." George sounded annoyed that Jack was bothering him over that.

"Well, you’re wrong. Rose and I just spoke to Mr. Andrews. He said that the ship’s sinking and that we need to get into a lifeboat right now," Jack explained.

George just laughed. "Whatever you’ve been drinking, you’ve had too much. Stop bothering me and to go bed."

George turned to go, but Jack grabbed his arm. "No! Dad, I’m not drunk, and I am serious. You have to do what I’m saying…"

"No, I don’t. The Titanic is unsinkable. Whatever’s happened, I’m sure the crew is taking care of it and that we’ll be on our way shortly. Until then, I’m going back to the smoking room. Oh, and you remember what I told you about any further interactions with Miss Dawson? That still stands. Consider yourself cut off–tomorrow morning I’m canceling your credit cards and cleaning out your bank accounts. I hope she was worth it."

George turned away, disappearing back into the smoking room.

Rose had watched the whole exchange between father and son with disgust. "Jack, are you okay?"

"Well, I was going to cut myself off anyway, right? Anyway, there’s more important things going on than our personal lives. We should find Parker. She has a brain in her head. She’ll listen. Come on."


Locating Parker wasn’t as easy as finding George had been. First they checked her room, but she wasn’t there, which meant she could be literally just about anywhere on the ship.

By now, everyone had become aware that the Titanic had struck ice, and many had gone out on deck while the officers prepared the lifeboats. Yet still nobody really believed they were in serious danger, and the fact that they were being made to get in the lifeboats was all just some sort of glorified security drill.

It was almost midnight. Jack remembered Mr. Andrews’ words that the ship had barely two hours before she would be under. Jack believed Andrews. The man had designed the ship; he’d know what he was talking about more than anyone else aboard. The look in Andrews’ eyes as the older man had explained just what was going on had convinced Jack, even if his words could have failed to do so. Jack knew that he and Rose had to hurry and get themselves into a boat, yet he couldn’t leave without knowing his family would be safe. Once he had seen them all get into a boat, then he would follow suit, in a separate boat with Rose.

But it seemed, that actually convincing any of his family to leave the ship was going to be a challenge, and he knew that only Parker was sensible enough to believe and listen to him. If he could get her on his side, he might be able to convince at least his mother, and then Ruth would work on George and Posey.

At least, that was the plan.

"Jack, we need to find Mandy, too," Rose realized suddenly as they were heading towards the pool room. "If all she’s heard is Captain Smith’s announcement, she won’t know how serious this really is and will probably dismiss it. I want her in the boat with us."

"Sure. We’ll look for her, too. Any idea where she might be?"

"Not a clue," sighed Rose. "Sorry. But she’s my best friend. I won’t leave without her."

"It’s fine. Of course it is. We’ll find her. Don’t worry," Jack said, his voice trying to sound reassuring.

They went inside the pool room. A few people were in there playing a game or drinking, but no Parker.

"Damn!" Jack cursed. "I’m running out of ideas. We’ll try the gym; if she isn’t there, we’ll go and find my mom or Posey and see if they know. Then we’ll look for Mandy. Okay?"

"I just hope it doesn’t take much longer. The list is getting worse. Can you see it?"

Jack looked. The ship was indeed listing, and it was getting very noticeable. Soon everyone would realize that this was serious. He hoped there wouldn’t be a mass panic and that everyone would get in the lifeboats. He had a bad feeling bubbling in the pit of his stomach.


They finally found Parker a half hour later. She had been on the way back to her room to get her coat, and it had been by pure chance that they’d bumped into her in the corridor. Parker already suspected the seriousness of the iceberg collision and was on her way to gather the family and go out on deck.

"Good luck with Dad. He wouldn’t listen to me at all," Jack told his sister.

"I’ll get them outside. Don’t worry. With me and Mom both nagging, he’ll do it just to shut us up." Parker smiled. "Jack, this is really bad, isn’t it?"

"I saw Andrews. He said that in a couple of hours this ship will be at the bottom of the ocean. No joke," replied Jack. "Please. Make sure you and the others all get in a boat. Don’t worry about anything else; just get off this ship as soon as possible."

"What about you?" Parker asked with a frown.

"I’m going in a separate boat. With Rose," Jack said.

From the expression on Parker’s face, it was clear she knew what Jack meant by his statement, but he continued. "Parker, I’m sick of this family–well, except you. I’m sick of my life. I want to achieve things and live my dreams, and I won’t be able to do that while I’m tied to Dad. Did you ever wonder how I met Rose? She found me on deck when I was trying to commit suicide with Dad’s gun."

"What? Jack, I knew you’ve been unhappy for ages, but I had no idea that…why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped you," Parker said, sadness and regret in her words.

"I know. I’m sorry. But I’m going to be okay. I’ve got Rose. She’s what I was missing." Jack took Rose’s hand and looked at her meaningfully. Rose blushed, but had never felt so loved.

"What are you gonna do? Ditch us when we get back to America?" Parker seemed hurt.

"Not you. But the others? Parker, you’ve seen the way Dad treats me. I’m just a puppet for him. Mom’s too busy gossiping with her friends to ever care about anything else, and after tonight, Posey probably wouldn’t mind if I went down with this ship," Jack said. "Parker, I have to do it. I’m going crazy otherwise. Please understand."

"I…I guess I do. I’m just going to miss you so much." Parker hugged Jack tightly, not wanting to let go.

"I’ll keep in touch. We can phone and e-mail. When I get settled somewhere, you can come visit me," Jack promised. "Thanks, Parker. You’re the only one in this nutty family who’s ever even tried to understand me."

"Same with you and me." Parker smiled. "Now, I’m going to get the rest of the clan together and get the hell off this stupid ship. You two make sure you both hurry up and get off soon, too, okay? And Rose? Look after my big brother for me."

"I will." Rose smiled back.

As Parker walked away, Rose and Jack went in the opposite direction to continue their search for Mandy.

Chapter Ten