Updated September 16, 2012

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"One of the most profound tragedies of human existence is to live at the end of a golden age - and know it."
- M.K. Wren, A Gift Upon the Shore

Welcome to Our Times, a (mostly) Titanic Present Time site. The stories here involve the Titanic characters from the 1960's onward. This includes not only the Jack and Rose stories, but also stories directly related to the movie, such as stories about Rose in her later years (or Jack and Rose, if you write alternative sequels), Rose's family (such as stories about her granddaughter Lizzie), or other Titanic characters (such as Brock Lovett).

To be included on this site, a story needs to be set all or mostly in this time frame (stories set in the future are okay, too). Please send submissions to Anne Blair.

Note: If an image seems to be broken, right-click on it and click Show Picture. The image should appear.

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Disclaimer: This site is in no way associated with James Cameron, Leonardo di Caprio, Kate Winslet, Paramount, or anyone else besides the fans who have contributed to it. This is a fan site only, and no one is making money from it.