Chapter Ten

"Are you excited?" Rose asked as she watched Dominique brush her hair again.

"Rose! I told you, it's not a real date. It's just two people going out for a walk," Dominique replied.

"Whatever...it's a date!" Tonya said.

Dominique sighed. "As if!"

It was everybody's first night at the beach house and the girls were sleeping in one room, and the boys in the other.

Just then, they heard a knock on Dominique's bedroom door.

"That's him!" Dominique said. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful," Tonya said.

Dominique gasped.

"I mean, stunning, outrageously beautiful..." Tonya said.

Dominique smiled. "Thanks. I'll be back later," Dominique said as she headed out the door to go on a long stroll with Fabrizio.

"Wanna go see what the boys are doing?" Tonya asked.

"Sure," Rose said as they left their room and went over and knocked on the boys' room.

"Come in."

They walked in to find Tommy and Jack playing video games.

"Don't you guys ever take you're eyes off that stupid game?" Tonya asked. "Tommy? Can't we go take a walk on the beach?"

"Later sweetheart..." he said as continued playing his game.

Tonya rolled her eyes.

Tonya looked over to Rose. "They're hopeless!"

"I bet I can get Jack to quit playing that game," Rose whispered to her friend.

"Yeah right..."

"Watch," Rose said as she knelt behind Jack. She started to kiss him all over his neck.

Suddenly, Jack dropped the control and started to kiss Rose back.

"Jack, we're in the middle of a game here!" Tommy yelled.

"Looks like he's playing a different game now," Tonya said.

The four of them walked into the living room and decided to watch a movie.

"What do you guys wanna watch?" Tonya said as she started going through the videos they had.

"Ah, they have 'The Shining' this movie scares the hell out of me..." Tonya said as she put it in the VCR. "Is that okay with everyone?"

Everyone agreed and watched it.

"Who has seen this movie?" Tonya asked.

"I have," Jack said.

"Is it scary?" Rose asked.

"You're just gonna have to wait and see," Jack said as he kissed Rose on the cheek.

After the movie was over, they all had a nice chat.

"What did you guys think?" Tonya asked.

"That was so scary..." Rose said as she gave Jack a hug. "Especially that woman in the bathtub. Ew!"

Jack laughed. "She was pretty ugly."

"It was okay...I've seen scarier," Tommy said.

"Scarier than The Shining?" Tonya asked. "Explain."

When Tommy was about to answer he heard the front door open. It was Fabrizio and Dominique. Everyone noticed Dominique's hair being a mess, and it was never messy.

"Hey Fabri, is that you're sock?" Jack asked as he pointed toward the pink sock on Fabrizio's shoulder. It was obvious they made love.

"Not a real date, huh Dominique?" Tonya asked. "What the hell do you do on a real date?"

Everybody laughed and they all went their separate ways. Tonya and Dominique headed for bed, and so did Fabrizio and Tommy. Jack and Rose stayed out in the living room.

"Wanna watch another movie?" Jack asked.

"Sure..." Rose replied. "Can you just go put something in?" Rose asked with a yawn.

"Yeah..." Jack said as he got up and went down to the TV and VCR. "How about...um...'Scream'?" Jack asked as he looked over at Rose. She had fallen asleep.

Jack smiled and whispered her name, there was no reply. He went over and picked her up and carried her to her room.

Chapter Eleven