Chapter Eleven

Rose opened her eyes and wondered how she got to bed. She looked at the alarm clock and it was only 8:00 A.M

Rose shifted in her bed, trying to go back to sleep when Dominique came jogging through the door.

"Dom, what the hell are you doin' up?" Rose asked.

"Didn't you know I go jogging every morning?"

"Not this early..." Rose replied. She looked over at Tonya peacefully sleeping and wished she could do the same.

"Jack's up," Dominique said.

"He is?" Rose shot out of bed.

"Well...well...well..." Dominique replied sarcastically.

Rose went out into the living room and saw Jack eating cereal out of a box with his hands, watching cartoons.

"Rose, you're awake. Come sit by me," Jack said. "Did ya sleep well?"

"Perfect, I just don't quite understand how I got to bed..."

"Oh, you fell asleep on the couch last night so I carried you to bed."

"That's so sweet," Dominique said from the kitchen.

Jack offered Rose some cereal but she shook her head. "Jack, do you always eat stale cereal for breakfast?"

Jack shrugged his shoulders.

"Want me to make you some breakfast?" Rose asked.

"No, Rose you don't have to..."

"I insist, what do you want?" Rose asked as she headed towards the kitchen.

"Anything you make, I'll love," Jack said.

Rose smiled at him. Then she saw Tommy open the boys' bedroom door with a yawn.

"I can't go back to sleep, Fabrizio keeps saying Dominique's name and slobbering all over the pillow. What the hell did you do to him last night?" Tommy asked.

Dominique blushed, and Rose stood up for her friend, "Well, Tommy I hear somebody makes love with their socks on."

Jack started cracking up with laughter.

"Shut up," Tommy said as he took the remote from Jack.

"Tommy, do you want some scrambled eggs?" Rose asked from the kitchen.

Tommy turned his head. "Yeah, as long as I don't have to get up."

Dominique rolled her eyes at Rose as she helped her make breakfast.

"I'm sick and tired of watching MTV non-stop," Jack said as he took the remote and turned it to ESPN.

After Rose and Dominique were finished, they gave the boys their breakfast and got some themselves. They saved the rest for Tonya and Fabrizio.

"Since you guys can't agree on what to watch, give the remote to me," Dominique said as she grabbed the remote from Jack.

She turned it to Teletubbies.

"Teletubbies?" Tommy said in disgust.

"They're so cute..." Dominique said.

"Hey Tommy, that Tinki-Winki character looks like you," Jack said with a laugh.

Just then Tonya came out of her bedroom. "Good morning all."

"There's some eggs left if ya want some," Rose stated.

"Okay," Tonya said as she poured herself some milk and got some eggs.

Just then Fabrizio came out of his room.

"Good morning Fabri," Rose said and showed him to get eggs.

"What does everyone want to do today?" Tommy asked.

"Um how bout' we play strip poker!" Fabrizio said in excitement.

"Didn't you and Dom play that last night?" Jack said.

After some arguments, they decided they were going to spend a day at the beach house. Fabrizio did get his way, they decided to play strip poker. They taught Tonya and Rose how to play.

They all sat around the coffee table on pillows. Jack dealt.

Everyone looked at their cards.

After they got some new cards exchanged, everyone folded except Rose and Jack.

"Alright Rose, what do you have?" Jack asked.

"You go first," Rose said.

"Okay..." Jack said as he layed down his hand. He had a two pair.

"Sorry sweetheart, I have three of a kind. Don't I win?" Rose asked Tommy. He nodded.

"Yes! Jack, take off your shorts."

The rest of the game they played until it was afternoon. The one with the most clothes off was Fabrizio.

"What do ya'll wanna do now?" Tonya asked.

They all looked at each other.

"I know," Tommy said as he looked through the closet. "Let's play twister."

"I wanna be the spinning person," Dominique said.

After they set it all up they were ready to play, although Jack sat out and drew them all playing.

"And don't forget to date it Jack," Tonya said.

"I know..." Jack said.

Rose went first.

"Right hand red," Dominique said.

Rose did that.

"Don't look at my girlfriend's butt, Tommy," Jack said, not taking his eyes off his drawing. Tommy put his eyes where they belonged.

After a while, Tonya spoke up. "This game is getting boring. Rose, you win."

They all decided to quit and watch a TV, but this time Rose got to pick what to watch since she won Twister.

"Okay...let's see," Rose said as she turned on the TV.

"Yes! Days of our Lives."

"Aw no. I ain't watching a soap opera..." Tommy said. "Whoa, who's she?" Tommy asked sitting back down.

"Oh, that's Bell. She's John and Marlena's kid," Rose said.

"She's really..."

"Really what?" Tonya asked.

Tommy looked back at his girlfriend. "Not as pretty as Tonya here."

"Oh, that's Hope," Rose said.

"But, it's really Princess Gina," Jack said.

Tommy looked at Jack and started laughing. "You watch this show?"

"Rose makes me," Jack said as he kissed Rose. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Chapter Twelve