Chapter Fifteen

It was the night of the wake. Jack came over to Rose's house to pick her up. Rose ran to his truck and quickly got in.

"How you holding up?" Jack asked after he kissed her.


"I've been better. Way better."

"Jack, we're about to see Tonya dead. DEAD. This feels like a nightmare. I want to wake up so bad. I wanna wake up and go to the mall with her again...but she's gone. Gone forever."

Rose's words hit Jack hard. "I know Rose. We're gonna get through this, though okay? Tonya has gone to a better place, and we will see her again."

Rose smiled slightly at Jack. Even though she knew he was in pain, he was trying to be the optimist.

"Gosh, Jack I miss her so much," Rose said as she started to cry.

"I do too, Rose."

Once they got there, they met up with Fabrizio and Dominique in the lobby.

"Where's Tommy?" Jack asked.

Dominique pointed toward the casket. There was Tommy. Staring down at the casket.

"We haven't gone in yet, we wanted to wait for you," Dominique said as she gave Rose a hug.

They all walked in slowly. Once Rose saw that body, she froze. She just couldn't move. Jack helped her and took her hand.

When they all came closer they all were shocked. It didn't look like a monster, like they had expected. It looked like Tonya. Tonya, the bundle of energy they all remembered. She looked like she was sleeping peacefully.

Tommy finally noticed his friends walking toward him. Tommy just stared at them for a second and shut his eyes, trying to hold back his tears.

The funeral went a lot like that as well. Everyone cried through the whole thing.

Rose looked over at Tonya's parents, who were also crying.

Rose looked over to Jack, who was sitting next to her. He had tears in his eyes. When Jack noticed Rose staring at him he looked over at her and gave her a reassuring smile, even though Rose knew it was a fake one.

Once the ceremony was over, they all looked at Tonya for the last time.

"Goodbye Tonya," Rose whispered. "I love you."

Rose saw Tommy say goodbye and she could feel how strong his love for her was.

They all left to go to the cemetery. Everyone was still sobbing and crying.

Jack looked over to Rose to make sure she was holding up. She wasn't crying anymore, she was staring out into space. He saw her whisper something to herself.

After it was over, they all went home. Fabrizio and Jack made sure Tommy made it home okay, while Dominique took Rose home.

"Dom, I'm still in shock," Rose said as they got into Dominique's car.

"I am too, it hasn't really sunken in yet."

"I have an idea, let's go to my Church and light a candle for her," Rose said.

"Good idea."

They drove the rest of the way in silence. When they got there, they saw that Jack and Fabrizio had already beat them to it.

"You two had the same idea?" Fabrizio asked.

"Yep," Rose replied, heading straight to Jack.

Jack gave her a hug and a kiss. "I love you," Jack whispered in her ear.

"I love you too."

They all lit a candle and said their prayers. They all knew that Tonya was with God now. They had no idea there were even more trouble ahead.

Chapter Sixteen