Chapter Forty-Four

The whole gang was hanging out at 'Waves Swim Club' which was a local pool by Tommy's house. They often went there to swim.

Dominique, Alexia, and Rose were all laying out on their chairs, sun tanning. Alexia really wanted to get a better tan for Tommy.

"Are you guys ever gonna swim?" Fabrizio asked, looking down at the three girls.

"Nope," they all said at the same time.

"How about we all go down the slide," Tommy suggested.


"Wanna go jump of the diving board?" Jack tried.


"That's it everybody in the pool!" Tommy said. "We came here to swim and that's what we're gonna do."

With a groan, the girls got up. They all jumped into the pool. The cold water felt good against their skin.

"I know what we can do!" Fabrizio said. There he went with one of his stupid game ideas again. "Let's play water truth."

"What the hell is that?" Tommy asked.

"You have to go underwater and admit one of your deepest darkest secrets, and if you can hear well underwater, you'll know it," Fabrizio said.

"Okay..." Alexia said with a slight laugh.

"So, we gonna play?" Fabrizio's eyes pleaded.

"Why not?" Tommy said. "But you gotta go first."

"Fine," Fabrizio said.

They all went underwater and listened to what he said. They all came back up.

"All I heard was 'I Love'", Jack said.

"I heard Dominique's name," Alexia said.

Fabrizio's mouth dropped. "No table talk."

"Table talk?" Tommy said. "This is the stupidest game ever. We all know that you and Dominique are crazy about each other!"

Dominique and Fabrizio looked at each other and said stuff like, "Yeah right." and "You wish."

"Didn't you two have sex on the beach once?" Alexia asked.

"Yeah, they did!" Tommy answered for them.

"Oh my gosh!" Rose said. "Dominique, look who is life guarding!"

They all looked over at a handsom young man. He had black hair and a great build.

"Rose! I thought you said he left!"

"I thought he did," Rose replied.

"Who is this guy?" Jack asked.

"Ummm my cousin," Rose lied.

"Justin is your cousin?" Dominique said with a laugh.

Rose gave her a dirty stare. "Remember Dom?"

Rose climbed out of the pool, hoping he wouldn't recognize her. Just her luck, he came over to her.

"Rose!? Is it really you?" He gave her a hug and a slight kiss on the lips. Everybody but Dominique's mouth dropped. Who was this dude? It certainly wasn't her cousin.

"I thought you went back to Illinois," Rose said.

"I moved back. I'm so sorry I left you like that. My mother needed me," he said sadly. "I can't believe it's really you!"

By then, all of the teens were out of the pool. Jack looked at this 'kid'. What did he want with Rose?

"I'm so glad I'm back," Justin said as he kissed Rose's hands. "Now maybe we can get back where we were," he staretd to head in for a kiss from Rose but Jack pushed him away from her.

"What the hell are you doing?" Justin said.

"Rose, who is this guy?" Jack asked.

"I'm her boyfriend, pal," Justin said.

Jack looked at Rose. She shrugged her shoulders. "He's my old boyfriend," she said quitly.

"Rose! We never broke up!" Justin said.

"You left me! That's a break-up!" Rose snapped back.

"But we love each other," Justin said.

"I'm sorry Justin," Rose said. "I have a new boyfriend, and I love him more than anything in the whole world."

Justin starred into Rose's eyes. "I'll never forget what we had, Rose." Justin knew he had to get Rose back. She belonged to him. He'd figure out a way...

"Me neither. Goodbye Justin," Rose said as she turned and walked away, with her friends following.

"Rose? Why didn't you ever tell me about him?" Jack asked.

"Well, you never told me about your old girlfriends, I thought I'd never see him again."

"He has just gotten so sexy!" Dominique said, Alexia nodding her head in agreement.

Good way to cheer Jack up. "He said you guys loved each other," Jack said.

"I thought I loved him but I was wrong. I didn't even know what love was until I met you," Rose said as she gently touched his face.

Jack smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you, Rose."

"I love you, Jack."

About 15 minutes later, everything was okay. They were all back in the pool.

Jack pulled Rose into his arms. "Hey beautiful."

"Hey yourself," she said with a smile. "I finally finished my book!" Rose said.

"What book?" Jack asked.

"The book that I've been reading all year. Remember? I was reading it when you asked me out!"

Jack shrugged his shoulders.

"That Titanic book," Rose said.

"Oh yeah!" Jack replied.

"That book was good. You gotta read it! It makes me start to wonder what it would have been like if we were alive back then and on that ship."

Jack smiled. "Well I don't know much about this ship, but I know we would have both survived."

Rose eyed him carefully. "You never know."

Chapter Forty-Five