Chapter Fifty-Two

Rose looked happily around her history classroom. This was the last time she'd be here. She felt relieved, yet sad. She would miss all of the good times she had with Tommy in this class. She'd also miss Mr. Andrews.

"Hey," Tommy said. "What time are you going to Dom's party tonight?"

Rose looked over at him. "We're going over at seven. It's gonna be so awesome!"

They were talking about Dominique's 'End of the School Year Blast'. Rose ran her fingers through her hair. "I can't wait!"

"Rose," Mr. Andrews said. "Will you bring your text book up please?"

Rose smiled and picked up her book. As she handed it to him, she noticed something. He was her favorite teacher she had ever had. She just never knew it.

Rose smiled at him and handed him her book. She went back to her seat just in time for the bell to ring.

Tommy and Rose raced out of the classroom after saying a goodbye to Mr. Andrews. Right when they entered the hall, they saw Dominique and Jack coming there way.

"They you two," Dominique said in a happy voice. "Tommy, you coming tonight?"

"Of course I am," Tommy said. "I never miss a wild party."

Jack put his arm around Rose and gave her a quick kiss. "Only an hour left of school," Jack said.

Rose smiled. "I know..." Rose trailed off as she saw who was coming closer.

"Hey guys," Cal said. "I heard about the shooting, Jack," Cal said quitely. Rose thought for a second that Cal actually cared. But, just for a second. "Next time, you should be a man and not be stupid enough to get mad at Tony Dawson."

"You act as if you know him personally," Jack said.

"I do, in fact," Cal replied. "I bought some weed from him a while back. Good buisness man."

Dominique rolled her eyes. "Come on you guys, we gotta get to class."

They all left Cal alone to his thoughts. He stood there, thinking. Maybe he was a little to hard on Dawson, but he figured Jack deserved it. Jack was the one who took away the girl of his dreams. "Yeah..." Cal thought. "Jack deserved it."

"Oh shit!" They heard Tommy say. Then they heard what he was hearing. It was on the intercom. It was Tommy singing! "Let me see that thong..."

"I'm gonna kill him!" Tommy said. Fabrizio had gotten him good this time!

Jack, Rose, and Dominque continued to laugh as Tommy ran off. "Tommy has one heck of a voice," Dominque said.

At The Party...

"Oh my gosh! Rose, I love your dress," Dominique said as Rose and Jack came through the door.

"Thanks Dom. Yours is cute, too."

Dominique smiled and then her face lighted up. "I have to tell you two something..." She said, lowering her voice. "Don't tell Tommy I told you...but Alexia told me that they did it for the first time last night!"

Jack and Rose looked at each other. "Oh my gawd!" Jack said. He had no idea that Tommy was so in to her.

"Are you serious, Dom?" Rose asked.

"Of course I am! Isn't that weird? I mean, you know them being together."

Rose shook her head. "Totally weird."

"Did you invite him?" Jack asked, looking over at a dancing Cal.

Dominique shook her head with disgust. "Hell no! You will never believe it. Him and Katie are going together!"

"Really?" Rose asked. "Katie could do so much better."

Dominique nodded in agreement. "Well, I gotta go make sure the house is staying in one piece. You two have fun!" She said before she went off.

"Do you wanna dance?" Jack asked, not seeming to into it.

Rose shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno...do you wanna go for a walk instead?" Jack could sense that Rose needed to talk to him.

Jack smiled and said, "Sure. I want to make sure that we stay clear of Cal tonight." So, he took her hand and they walked out the back door.

Rose and Jack enjoyed the nice breeze.

"Jack?" Rose started. "Have you ever wanted to tell someone something so bad, but when you tell them you think that they'll take it bad."

Jack smiled and put his arm around her. "Rose, whatever it is we'll go through it together."

"I wouldn't know how to tell..."

"Rose, just tell me."

"I'm pregnet."

Jack's eyes widened and he suddenly felt like he was going to faint. "I...I...I need to sit down," Jack said.

They both took a seat on the curb. Rose kept her eyes looking straight into Jack's.

"How could this happen?" Jack said. "We were always so careful."

Rose shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." Rose suddenly got scared. Jack was being so mean. Was he just going to abandon her and their baby.

"Are you sure?" Jack asked.

"Well my period is five weeks late and I took the test...but I havn't been to a docter."

"I'm sorry Jack," Rose said as she started to cry.

Jack cradled Rose in his arms. "Rose, don't worry, honey. We'll get through this, alright? I promise."

There was silence for a moment.

"Do you wanna get one of those abortion things?" Jack asked.

Rose looked back at Jack. "I could never to that, Jack. It's our baby. Our baby."

"So what do you want to do?" Jack asked.

"I just wanna keep it a secret for while. Not telling anybody, especially Mom and John. We just need to think things through."

Chapter Fifty-Three