Chapter Fifty-Four

Jack and Rose decided to spend a quite evening at home. They were both cuddled up in a blanket, just lying on the couch. Jack knew that he had to tell her this...he just didn't know how.


"Hmm?" Rose replied, turning her head to look into his eyes.

"I really need to tell you something."

Jack couldn't believe he was actually going to tell her this, after all they have been through together. How could he not have told her? He really hated himself for waiting until now to say anything.

"What is it, Jack?" Rose asked, sitting up.

"It's gonna come to like a big shock to you..."

"Jack, just tell me. I bet it's nothing. You always worry about things..."

"Rose," Jack said. "This isn't nothing. It's a really big deal."

"Jack...is it your health? Are you okay? Did they lie to me? Those bastards..."

"No..no..Rose, I'm fine."

"Then, what is it?"

Jack took a deep breath. Maybe he would feel better after getting it off of his chest. He really needed to tell her.

"I need to tell you about Dave..."

"Who's Dave?" Rose asked.

"My son."

Rose started to laugh. Jack really did know how to joke around...but when Rose looked back into his eyes she knew it was no joke.

"Oh my God...how? Why?"

"Look," Jack said. "I was only fourteen...I did it with...my brother's girlfriend..."

"Tony's?" Rose asked.

"Yeah...and I don't even know why I did it. But, now She's living in Paris. I havn't seen her since the birth."

"No wonder Tony shot you!" Rose yelled. Then, knowing Jack was in pain and needed her, she softened her voice.

"Jack..." Rose said, feeling his face. "Why didn't you ever tell me? Why wouldn't you trust me?"

"I do trust you, Rose. I just didn't know how you would take it... I'm so sorry, Rose," Jack said, hugging her tightly.

"Is Dave with her?" Rose asked.

Jack took a deep breath. "He died a few days after he was born..."

Rose took a deep breath, and hugged him back. She was in too much shock to really say anything. So, they just stayed like that for a while. "I'm so sorry, Jack."

"I'll understand if you never forgive me..." Jack said. "I can't believe I waited until now to tell you."

"It's okay, Jack," Rose said, kissing him. She didn't show she forgave him, but she showed him that she still loved him. She would always love him. Nothing could change that.

Rose held Jack as he cried on her shoulder. She was glad that she could comfort him after all of the times he had done the same for her.

"Everything is going to be okay, Jack..." Rose said.

Jack looked into her eyes. "Is it?"

Chapter Fifty-Five