Chapter Sixty

Rose looked out of the big window of the airport. This was it. She was really going to leave. She had refused to ride with Ruth and John to the airport. She had gone with Jack in his truck.

Of course, all of Rose's friends were there to say good bye; Dominique, Tommy, Fabrizio and Alexia. Rose had promised herself she wouldn't make any eye contact with her mother unless it was necessary.

Dominique was the first one to hug Rose goodbye. They were both in tears. "I can't believe you're leaving," Dominique said. Rose smiled, trying to make her best friend feel better.

"I'll miss our trips to the mall," Rose said with a laugh. Dominique just smiled and finished her hug goodbye.

Tommy was next. Tommy held onto Rose. They had been through a lot together. When Tonya had died, both of their lives were shattered. But, they got through it together.

"I'm gonna miss you, Rose," Tommy said as he kissed her on the cheek. "You better write me with prank ideas to do to Fabrizio."

Rose just laughed and kissed him slightly. He had been such a great friend to Rose. Whenever Rose was feeling down, he could always make her laugh.

Fabrizio hugged her next. "I don't know what we're gonna go without you, Rose," Fabrizio said.

Rose smiled at him. "Take care of Dominique, okay?"

Fabrizio smiled and wiped away one of Rose's tears. "Okay."

Alexia was next. They had not been friends for long, but they had formed a bond. "Rose...what can I say..I'm gonna miss you."

Rose looked into Alexia's eyes. "Keep Tommy out of trouble."

Alexia smiled. "I promise."

Jack was next. He was standing three feet away, watching the sad goodbyes. Rose looked at him and held out her arms. Jack smiled through is sadness and ran to her. He held her in his arms and they both got hysterical. Even the people at the airport were staring at the scene.

"Jack..." Rose was able to mutter. "Oh, God, I love you so much."

Jack just held onto her tighter. This was really it. Jack took her face off of his left shoulder and held her head to look into her eyes. "I don't wanna forget these eyes," Jack said.

Jack didn't know what to say to his Rose. His Rose that was now leaving him. But, not because she wanted to. She had to.

"Last call for flight 207," the announcer said. That was Rose's flight.

Jack kissed Rose on the mouth. It was a sweet, loving kiss. Then he looked into her eyes again. "I love you..." He tried to stop his sobbing, but he couldn't. "This is the hardest thing I'll ever have to do."

Rose smiled at him and wiped away his tears with her fingers. "Never let go," she said.

Jack just smiled. No words could reply to what was just said. Rose released her hand from his and walked out the door without looking back.

Chapter Sixty-One