Chapter Ten

Rated NC-17 for Content

In the days following Jack's proposal, their world was in an uproar. The entire town of Chippewa Falls was in and out of the Dawson home, offering their congratulations, services, and support. Mrs. Cahn, the preacher's wife, was there most, excited that Rose was pregnant. She had been Jack's mother's best friend and like a second mother to Jack. After the demise of the Dawsons and Jack's departure, it was thought by all that there would never be another blonde-haired, blue-eyed Dawson baby, thus already thrusting their child into the spotlight. After a week and a half of the constant barricades of townspeople, Jack put his foot down and only allowed people relevant to the upcoming wedding to come inside. Father Cahn and his wife, the six bridesmaids and groomsmen, and surprisingly, Rose's mother. Despite being both emotionally and physically drained, Rose went ahead and began working full time at the Boutique.

July 10, 2001--9:30 PM

Rose leaned up against the wall and took a deep breath. The past week had been completely exhausting. Between the rush of people, their engagement and baby announcement garnered, and planning her wedding, she wanted nothing more than to collapse.

Only another half-hour...Rose thought, looking around the store. There were only a few customers. She could probably close up after they left and leave early. Jack picked her up from work, now that he was working full time as well. He usually got there a good fifteen minutes before she got off and they could get home and go to bed earlier. Just then, the phone rang, and Rose quickly made her way over to the front counter.

"Lila's Boutique. How may I help you?" she said in her business voice.

"Rose, it's me."

Rose smiled at his voice and sat down on a nearby stool. "Hey, Jack. What's up?"

Jack sighed. "I'm stuck in Eau Claire for the night. Ed's keeping us busy, so I won't be able to pick you up tonight. Is there someone you can catch a ride home with?"

Rose blew a stray curl out of her face. "No. I'm the only one working tonight. I'll just walk home."

"Can't you call Gina?"

"She's in Madison with Greg."

Jack sighed again. "I really wish you wouldn't, Rose. In your condition..."

Rose cut him off. "I'll be fine, Jack. Besides, it's nice out, and I have my cell in case anything goes wrong."

"I know...I just have a weird feeling, that's all. Just promise me you'll be careful, though. I'm worried about you."

"I know you are, sweetie, but I'll be fine. I'll see you in the morning, okay?"

"All right. Love you."

"Love you, too. Bye."


Jack hung up the phone and tried to calm his nerves. He had no idea why he was so worried about Rose. She had walked home from work a ton of times; tonight would be no different. But he just couldn't seem to shake the feeling that she was in trouble. As he glanced out the hotel window, his heart screamed for him to go home. Unable to take it any longer, he left the room and knocked on his boss's door.

"What can I do ya for, Jack?" Ed's comical voice asked once he let Jack into his room.

"I gotta get home. I think Rose is in trouble," Jack said hurriedly, worry apparent in his voice.

"Are you sure?"

Jack sighed. "I don't know for certain, but I feel it. And the feeling just won't go away."

Ed turned serious. "All right. I'm gonna need you back here first thing tomorrow, though. You understand?"

Jack nodded, and turned to leave. "Thanks, Ed."

"Not a problem. I hope she's okay."

"Me too, Ed. Me, too."


Rose yawned as she locked up the front door of the Boutique. It was only 9:50, but the store and the streets were empty, so Rose decided it would be fine to close. Flipping the We're Open sign to the closed side, she thought about Jack. He was so worried tonight, but about what? She often walked home on the nights he was stuck at work, and it never bothered him before. Cashing out and turning off the lights, Rose suddenly felt the fear Jack had sounded. Maybe she should call someone instead of making the long trek home alone. Rose shook her head; there was nothing to worry about. Chippewa Falls' crime rate was almost nonexistent. There had been only two murders, one rape, and a handful of robberies in the past decade. What were the chances of something happening to her?

"None, Rose. Now, get hold of yourself," she muttered, stepping out into the warm July night. Locking the door, she walked down the narrow path that led to Main Street.


A man dressed in dark clothes spotted the red-haired beauty walk by, humming to herself. Every time he saw her, he wanted to claim what was rightfully his. But every time he was about to, a certain blonde-haired knight came to her rescue. Cursing his luck, he watched her as she crossed Main Street. What was she doing? Dawson picked her up from work. Why was she walking? Realizing this was his chance, the man followed her.


Rose stopped. Why did she feel like she was being watched? "Cut it out, Rose. You're torturing yourself," she thought. But she couldn't shake the feeling. Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed a shadow cast over the ground. One that was certainly not her own.

"Hello?" she called and yet nobody answered. Slowly, she turned around. "I know you're there, you might as well come out."

When there was still no reply, she turned on her heel and began walking again, quickening her pace. When she reached the next intersection, she stopped and cast a look in both directions. The street was empty, but from past experiences, she knew that the high school kids often came speeding out of nowhere down this road. Suddenly a hand clamped over her mouth and another grabbed her waist, pulling her into a nearby alley. Once there, the man turned her, keeping his hand tightly over her mouth. Rose stiffened when she saw the man's face. Two coal black eyes spat hatred at her.

"Well, well, well, look at what we have here. Jack doesn't care enough to pick his fiancee up from work? He'll be sorry. Very sorry indeed," the man hissed, glaring at Rose.

"What do you want?" Rose said, her voice muffled by his hand.

"What was that, sweetpea?" the man asked, slightly removing his hand.

"I said, what do you want, Cal."

Cal leaned in, a satisfied smirk on his face. "Oh, sweetpea, nothing much. Just your body."

Rose shook her head. "In your dreams."

Cal made a tsking noise. "Now, now Rose. We can do this the easy way...you give me what I want and I'll move on. Or I can take it by force. Either way, I'm not leaving until I get what I came for."

Rose's eyes narrowed. "Why are you so set on fucking me, Cal? I'm just a small town girl. An engaged, pregnant one at that. With your money, charm, and looks you could have anyone. Why me?"

Cal cocked his head to one side, the arrogant smirk returning to his face. "Because I love you, Rose. Don't you know that? I've loved you ever since the first time I laid eyes on you."

"You sure have a great way of showing it. Threatening to rape me. God, now I have no idea what I see in Jack. I must be crazy not to be in love with someone like you!" Rose replied sarcastically.

Cal slapped her. "Shut up. Undress. Now," he commanded.


"You're just making this harder for yourself, Rose."

"Then that's my choice, isn't it?"

Cal's face went ablaze with rage, and he savagely raped her mouth with his. Although she knew she was no match for him, Rose fought to push him away, to no avail. Suddenly Cal cursed and backed away slightly. She had bitten him!

"You bitch," he seethed, moving in closer again. "You're going to pay for that."

"All right, Cal. You've had your fun. Let me go home."

"I don't think so, princess," Cal sneered, his cold gaze penetrating her to the bone.


"I SAID SHUT UP!" he yelled, slapping her across the face.

Rose's head snapped to the back, hitting the brick wall behind her. She slumped down as blood trickled down her forehead.

Cal looked at her triumphantly. "Now that I can do it in peace..." he murmured. Once he pushed Rose's barely conscious, limp body to the cement ground, he literally ripped the clothes from her. Once that was done, he unfastened his pants and forced himself inside her. This continued until Rose woke up a bit and realized what was going on and screamed. Startled, Cal jumped up, pulled his pants back on, and took off running. Even after he was gone, Rose kept screaming.


Jack pulled onto Vetner Boulevard when suddenly a male figure darted in front of his car, causing him to slam on his brakes. Quickly he rolled down his window as the figure ran away. "What the hell is wrong with you, asshole!" Jack yelled. It was then Jack heard someone screaming. Pulling the car to the side of the road, he got out and followed the cries to a dark alleyway. There, amongst the trash, he found Rose, bruised, naked, and hysterical.

Chapter Eleven