Chapter Twelve

August 14, 2001
Wedding Bells

You know, I never once doubted that when we were getting ready for your wedding, it would be to Jack. Not even before," Crystal, one of Rose's bridesmaids, commented as she helped Rose put her veil on.

"Yeah, right Crystal," Rose replied, laughing.

Crystal jokingly punched her shoulder. "I'm serious. Everyone else thought you were nuts. I thought it was priceless. Like some romance novel or something, the way you waited for him."

Rose tugged on a curl. "Well, I thank you, then."

Crystal grinned. "Uh-huh. Where is everyone?"

Rose shrugged. "Gina, Katie, and Erin went to see the guys, I think. I'm not sure where Coral and my mom went."

"And Lisa isn't here yet?"

Rose looked up at her. "No. She's bringing Felicity, too," she said, referring to Jack's cousin and her daughter, who were serving as a bridesmaid and flower girl.

Just then, the door flew open and Gina entered, followed by Erin. "You are so lucky, Rose. You would not believe how HOT Jack looks today," Gina announced, coming up behind her best friend.

Rose turned to look at her maid of honor. "Are you making passes at my fiance, Johansen?"

Gina giggled. "No, I'm just saying. I mean, not that he's not always hot, but he's just yumalicious today. If I weren't engaged to Greg...I'd wrestle ya for him."

It wasn't that her comment was all that funny, but Rose burst out laughing, which then turned into crying. Gina put an arm around her shoulders. "Rose? Hon, it's not time to bawl yet."

A light giggle escaped Rose and she sighed. "I know. But what if...this is wrong? Everything so far has gone haywire. First the shoes come in the wrong color. Who ever heard of a bride wearing bright orange shoes? Then we can't get married at the lake like we wanted. Now I'm missing a bridesmaid and flower girl. I don't have a father to walk me down the aisle. It's like we're being conspired against!"

Gina shook her head. "Do you love him?"


"Do you love him?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I love him."

"Then those things don't matter. Isn't the important thing that the two of you leave this church as husband and wife?"

Rose smiled. "As usual, you're right. Thanks, G."

Gina nodded. "Anytime. Are Lisa and Felicity here yet?" she asked, just as the two walked in.

"Oh my God, Rose," Lisa exclaimed. "I'm so sorry we're late. Felicity misplaced her shoes after rehearsal and..."

Rose held her hand up in interruption and grinned. "It's okay. We still have at least a half-hour. Why don't you two go get dressed?"

Lisa nodded, grateful Rose wasn't mad, and led her daughter into the changing room.


Jack paced back and forth in front of the mirror. Half an hour. Thirty minutes. How the hell was he going to survive this? He hadn't seen Rose in three days. Smiling to himself, he thought about what she'd said when they found out that the wedding couldn't take place by the lake.


Throwing her hair over one shoulder, Rose's eyes glowed. "Maybe we should just jump in the truck and hit Vegas. We could be there by Friday and get hitched at one of them drive through deals."

Jack almost died laughing at the suggestion. "And have our honeymoon in a dirty, cheap motel?"

Rose grinned, sitting in his lap, her arms and legs around him. "I hardly think it matters." She winked suggestively. "Where we consummate our marriage."

Jack kissed her. "Hmm. You know, you're probably right," he said, kissing her again.

Rose moaned slightly and began kissing his neck...


"Aye, Dawson, you're awfully quiet for a man who's about to get married," Matt, Jack's best friend and best man, said.

"What? Oh, yeah. I guess," Jack mumbled.

Matt looked at him, concerned. "You all right? You're not having second thoughts, are you? I mean, this is Rose we're talking about."

Jack shook his head. "No, I'm not having second thoughts. My mind's just not all here. This all seems surreal right now."

Matt nodded. "I guess that's understandable. Put a smile on your face, though. You're marrying the most gorgeous girl around, not to mention the love of your life, not going to a funeral," he said, patting Jack on the back.

Jack smiled. "I am one lucky bastard, aren't I?"

"That you are, my friend. Come on, you got ten minutes before you're a married man."

Taking a deep breath and fixing his tie, Jack followed Matt out of the room.


"Ten minutes, Rose!" Katie squealed excitedly.

Rose whirled around to face her friend. "That's too long! Can't we start early? I'm sure everyone is here..."

Ruth came into the room, shaking her head. "You can wait ten minutes, Rose. Aren't you nervous?"

Rose looked thoughtful for a minute. "Maybe a little. But this is Jack, the guy I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with. I know that much."

Ruth nodded. "I'm glad to hear that."

Just then, Rose's Aunt Molly poked her head in the door. "Time to move out, ladies. Five minute to go. Let me see you, Rose." She gasped. "Well, if you aren't the prettiest little bride I've ever seen. Come on!"

Rose grinned and met Gina's gaze. This was it. In less than an hour, she would be Mrs. Jack Dawson. Shivering with anticipation, she followed everyone out.


Jack stood beside the priest at the front of the church, surprised to see his hands were sweating. He shot a look at his grandmother, who winked and gave him a reassuring smile. Although his parents hadn't lived to see this day, he was glad that the last few members of his family were there. Thinking of his family made Jack wonder about Jason. Jason Dawson was his only living sibling. Born six years before Jack, he was a product of his father's first marriage. He had left town when Jack was eight, to live with his mother, and nobody had heard from him since. That was another thing that he and Rose had in common. They both had wayward siblings. His brother and her brother and sister.

All of a sudden the sounds of music broke through his thoughts. His eyes went to the back of the church, where his second cousin, Felicity, was making her way down the aisle, carefully placing flowers on the floor. He gave her a smile as she approached the altar, and then went to sit next to her father. Next came his cousin Lisa and friend Josh. Followed by Coral and Shawn, Eric and Kyle, Crystal and Greg, Katie and Ryan, and finally Gina and Matt. Jack's throat tightened as the last pair reached the altar. His eyes searched hard until they finally found what they sought. The entire room stood still as Rose made her way to him. He had never seen her look so beautiful. The creamy white silk gown contrasted perfectly with her deep bronze limbs. Her beautiful red curls, now streaked with blonde, were pulled up into a French twist, though a few had escaped. Thus, creating the perfect vision of a bride. At that exact moment, they both realized how right this was. When she reached him, he smiled and took her hand.


"And do you, Rose DeWitt-Bukater, take this man to be your husband?" the priest asked.

"I do," Rose said softly through her tears.

"With the power vested in me, through the grace of God and the state of Wisconsin, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Jack turned to Rose with a smile before melting his lips against hers. All of a sudden a loud cheering and clapping section at the back of the church broke them apart. Rose looked up and saw the large group of their high school buddies standing, hooting, and hollering. Glancing up at Jack, she broke out laughing. Jack leaned over and whispered in her ear. "I think we should hide the alcohol from them tonight."

Rose nodded and took his hand as they left the church.

The Reception

Once the wedding party pictures were taken at the gazebo outside the reception hall, Jack swept Rose up in his arms, kissed her, and insisted on carrying her inside. "Happy, Mrs. Dawson?" he whispered as they sat at their table.

Rose gave him the most dazzling smile. "Happier then I've ever been. And you, Mr. Dawson?"

Jack kissed her. "I never thought someone could be this happy. I love you."

"I love you, too."


After dinner was served, the dancing began. "This one is for the bride and groom," the DJ announced.

Jack stood up and extended his hand. "Come on, my lovely wife. It's time to boogie."

Rose giggled and slipped her hand into his, following him to the dance floor as the first few notes of Aerosmith's Don't Wanna Miss A Thing came on.

"This is exactly how I feel about you, Rose. If I had to put my love into words, the lyrics to this song are just barely adequate to express it."

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God we're together
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
I don't want to miss a thing.

Rose smiled through her tears as she and Jack danced. Had he not come back, she'd probably be on her honeymoon with Cal right now. Rose shivered and moved closer to Jack. With thoughts of honeymoons in her head, Rose looked up at Jack. "That's my husband..." she thought. Quite unbelievable still. "Jack?"


"Where are we going for our honeymoon? You never told me."

Jack tightened his grip on her waist and gave her a goofy grin, the one he knew made her melt. "You're just going to have to wait and see, aren't you, Mrs. Dawson?"

Rose gave him a look of mock annoyance. "I bet I can get it out of you," she teased.

"Oh, yeah? And how, exactly, do you plan on doing that?"

Rose gazed at him with a mischievous smile. "I happen to know exactly what drives you wild..."

Jack's mouth turned up into a sly grin. "Oh, really? I don't think you have the guts."

"You shouldn't put anything past me, Mr. Dawson. I thought you knew that by now."

Jack didn't answer, but instead pulled her closer and devoured her mouth with his own.


"Hey newlyweds, it's time to cut the cake. Get your asses over here," Greg called to Rose and Jack, who were sitting, their lips pressed together.

Jack pulled away, a sheepish smile on his face as he realized everyone was staring at them. "Okay, okay. We're coming," he said, helping Rose up.

Once the cake was cut and they had fed each other the first piece, including when Rose proceeded to smash Jack's piece all over his face, Gina pulled Jack outside.

"Listen, Jack, are you sure it's a good idea to take Rose to France? I mean, with the war breaking out and all."

Jack shook his head. "We'll be fine. The US is on France's side, anyway. Besides that, this is Rose's dream. She's always wanted to go, and I'm not denying her that. You know that."

Gina gave him a worried look. "Okay. I know you wouldn't ever purposely put Rose in any danger, so I'll trust you on this. But if something happens to her or that baby..."

"Nothing's going to happen," Jack interrupted.

"Okay, if you say so. Shall we return to your reception?"

Jack grinned and offered her his arm. "Come along, Miss Johansen. I believe its time for the groom and the maid of honor to dance."


Rose watched as Jack and Gina re-entered the room. What had been so urgent that Gina had to tear him away from her? As if reading her mind, Jack caught her gaze and mouthed, "I love you." Rose mouthed the words back and sat back in her chair. Out of nowhere, Matt appeared next to her. "I think it's time that we show Jack and G how this is done. What do you say?"

Rose grinned and led him to the dance floor.


The dancing died down, the guests were growing tired and the bride and groom wanted to be on their way to the airport. Ruth signaled for the party to follow them outside, where a limo was waiting to take them to the airport. Before climbing into the back seat, Jack turned to face everyone.

"Thank you all so much for coming tonight. It was wonderful having you all there to share this with us. Although, we would've been satisfied with just us and an Elvis priest down in Vegas," he joked.

The crowd laughed and clapped, shouting their congratulations. Taking Rose's hand, they waved good-bye, got into the car, and sped away.

Chapter Thirteen