Chapter Fourteen

March 3, 2002

"Damn it all to hell," Rose muttered, glancing at the bedside clock. 2:16 AM. Unable to sleep, Rose got up and went into the kitchen to warm up some milk. It usually calmed her and helped her sleep, but tonight it only seemed to wake her more. As she made her way to the dishwasher, a sudden gush of water puddled at her feet. Startled, Rose stared at it for a few minutes, until reality set in. Her water had broken. Taking a deep breath, Rose moved cautiously towards her room to wake Jack.


"Jack...Jack! Jack, you have to wake up," Rose frantically whispered, shaking his sleeping form.

"Come back in the morning," Jack mumbled, pulling the blanket over his head.

Immediately, Rose had to smile. Jack had never been an early riser. "Jack, wake up!" she said louder.

Slowly, his eyes opened, and he stared at her in confusion. "Rose? What the hell..." he asked groggily, sitting up.

"Jack, it's time. We have to get to the hospital."

The confused look stayed on his face for a few minutes, but then was replaced by a look of pure panic. Jack jumped out of bed. "Are you okay? Does it hurt? Oh, shit!"

Rose sat on the edge of the bed, chuckling at his worry. "Jack, calm down. I'm fine and the pain isn't too bad yet. You get dressed and I'll go get in the car."

Jack nodded. "Right. Okay. You can walk that far?"

"I'll be fine. Now, go, get dressed."


Jack paced back and forth in the waiting room. They'd been at the hospital for over four hours now and he'd been allowed to stay with Rose for the first three, but had escorted out shortly after. He was overcome with worry. Fathers were usually allowed in the delivery room. Why had they made him leave? Was Rose okay? How was the baby? These thoughts plagued his mind as he waited. After twenty minutes had passed, a nurse approached him. "Mr. Dawson?"

Jack whirled around. "Yes? Is she okay?"

The nurse smiled. "She's fine. She's asking for you, so just follow me..."


Once Jack had put on a smock and washed up, a nurse ushered him into the room where Rose was. Her hair was matted against her head with sweat, her eyes squeezed shut in pain, but to Jack, she'd never looked more beautiful. He sat down next to her and took her hand, giving her a reassuring smile. Rose smiled faintly at him, then gripped his hand tightly as another contraction hit.

The doctor glanced up at the couple, amazed that just the presence of this woman's husband had calmed her so. Not more then ten minutes ago, she had been screaming obscenities at anyone who came near her, and now she was quiet. "We're almost there, Miss. Another half hour or so and it'll be time to push."

Rose nodded, but then screamed out in pain with another contraction. "Get this damn thing out of me!"

Jack squeezed her hand and leaned over to whisper something to her. That seemed to calm her down. "Thank you, Jack," she whispered.

Jack kissed the top of her head. "Just a little while to go, Rosie. Then we'll have our very own baby."

Rose nodded and grimaced slightly, squeezing Jack's hand to the point he thought she was going to cut off his circulation. Rose eventually let go of her death grip when the doctor announced it was time to push. She looked up at Jack, worry and panic written all over her face. "I can't do this, Jack. I can't."

Jack shook his head. "You have to, Rose. I understand you're scared, but you have to do this. Don't worry. I'll be right here the entire time," he reassured her, giving her hand an affectionate squeeze. Rose nodded and closed her eyes, ready to bring their child into the world.


"Congratulations! It's a boy!" the doctor announced proudly. Rose fell back, exhausted, as the doctor brought Jack towards the screaming baby. "Care to cut the cord, dad?"

Jack's eyes glowed as he did just that. A son, he had a son. Rose had fallen asleep, so once the baby was cleaned, a nurse placed him in Jack's arms. Jack sat on the edge of Rose's bed, careful not to wake her. Almost hesitantly, he pulled the blanket away from the baby and looked him over. "You're so tiny..." Jack murmured, in complete awe. The infant fidgeted for a moment before falling back asleep. Gingerly he kissed him on his head, which was covered by blonde locks. Glancing upwards, Jack whispered, "Mom, Dad, Karen...this is for you. I love you."

Chapter Fifteen