Chapter Eighteen

May 17, 2003

Rose rocked baby Janelle, trying to get her to sleep. The twins had been brought into the world five days earlier, during the early morning hours of May twelfth. They had come home the day before and so far, were the perfect babies. Janelle's twin, a brother, whom Rose named Colin, was even more well behaved than Josh had been. Josh himself was elated to be a big brother and tried helping, though he just ended up getting in the way most of the time. Both twins were the mirror image of their father, much to the delight of their mother. "That's a good baby," Rose whispered, kissing her daughter's head before laying her down in the crib. She sighed happily as she watched the two of them sleep. Precious gifts from her and Jack's unrestricted love.

As she made her way down the hall, to where Josh was playing with the dog, Rose felt a sudden wave of sadness wash over her. In no way was it fair that she was here, with their three kids, while Jack was only God knows where. He should be home with them, sharing in the joy of raising their children. Rose let out a sob before sinking to the floor, tears falling freely. In the distance, she heard the phone ring and Helga answer, not really comprehending it. Suddenly, Helga appeared in front of her. "Rose? Rose, stop crying. The phone is for you."

Rose brushed some tears away. "I don't feel like talking. Tell whoever it is to call back later."

Helga gave her a stern look. "Believe me, you want to take this call."

Rose shrugged and went into the kitchen, where the phone was lying on the counter.

"Hello?" Rose said, half-heartedly.

"Oh, God, Rose," the voice on the other end cried.

"J-J-Jack?" Rose stuttered.

"It's me. Oh, God, Rose. It's so good to hear your voice."

Rose broke down into tears. "I miss you Jack. When are you coming home? Please, you have to come home."

It was all Jack could do to keep his composure. "Don't cry, honey, please. I'll be home, I promise."

Rose blinked back her tears, realizing Jack didn't know about the twins. "Jack...you're a dad again."

"You had them?"

"Yes, Saturday morning. A boy and a girl...Janelle Christine, for your mother, and Colin Michael."

"I'm missing everything." Jack sighed. "Was everything okay during delivery? Nothing went wrong?"

"It was fine. I was in labor for a long time though. Nearly seventeen hours."

"Shit! I'm so sorry I wasn't there."

"I know you are, but don't beat yourself up over it. You can't control your not being there."

"As usual, you're right. How's Josh?"

"He's doing really good. Would you like to talk to him?"

"Could I? Do you think he would?"

"Yes. Hold on a second." Rose pulled the phone away from her mouth. "Josh! Josh, hon, come here."


Jack heard the sound of footsteps, a dog barking, and a child's laugh. Suddenly, the phone was picked up again and he could hear Rose talking to their son. "Your daddy's on the phone. You wanna talk to him?" Silence. "Okay. Say hi!"

A small voice came on the line. "Hi!" it exclaimed.

Jack felt like crying. "Hi, Josh. This is Daddy. Do you remember me?"

Josh giggled. "Dada!"

"Yeah, that's right. I'm your dada."

Jack could hear him start to jump up and down. "Mama, Mama! Dada, Dada!"

Rose chuckled at Josh's excitement, despite the fact it made her want to cry. She took the phone from him. "Jack?"

"He remembers me," Jack said, in awe.

"I told you that. He loves you and misses you immensely."

Jack sighed, debating over something. "I'm coming home."

"I know you will. You wouldn't break a promise like that."

"No, I mean I'm coming home now."


"There's a bunch of guys in the medical area, doctors for the injured. They've got this whole thing going...if I break something small, an arm or something, and let them know I've got young kids at home, they'll write me up as seriously injured and I can be dismissed from duty."

"Jack...I want you to come home. Don't get me wrong. But that's illegal..."

Jack sighed again. "I know. That's why I haven't done it. But I can't take this. I can't stay here, all the way around the world from you, from my kids. I need to hold you, Rose. Not just dream about it."

"I'm not going to try and stop you. I know better than that. But I don't approve."

"I'm going to think it through before I do anything. Don't worry, I'm not going to make any rash decisions."

"Okay. Other than...all that, how are you?"

"Tired. Lonely. Depressed. Hungry. How are you?"

"I'm all right, minus being sore from the birth still."

"It's only been a few days. You complained when Josh was born, too."

"You try pushing a child out of you and see how you feel."

Jack laughed slightly. "All right, point taken. Have you talked to your mom lately?"

"Last week. You're never going to believe what happened, though."

"What's that?"

"Cal killed himself."

Jack fell silent for a minute. "How?"

"Shot himself, I guess. Mom didn't go into the specifics."

"Damn. I wish I could say I'm sorry, but I'm not. Serves the bastard right for what he did to you."

"That was my initial thought, too. But as much as I hated him, I wouldn't wish death upon him."

"You're a lot more forgiving than I am."

"I suppose so."


"Jack? What's wrong?"

"I have to go. We're all loaded up."

Rose sighed. "You really have to?"

"Yes. I'll write as soon as possible."

"Okay. Be careful out there. And don't be stupid. I want you to come home, but in one piece."

Jack laughed dryly. "All right. Give the kids a kiss for me. Send Helga my love. And dream of me."

"Consider it done. I love you."

"I love you, too. More then I can say in mere words."

"I miss you."

"Miss you, too."

"Bye, Jack."

"Bye, Rosie."

Chapter Nineteen