Chapter Two


Slowly, she turned towards the voice, and felt her heart start to fail her when she saw the face. Two very concerned deep blue eyes stared at her, and she stumbled down to the ground. Covering her eyes, she cried. It couldn't be him. How could he show up just when she asked for him? Rose heard footsteps approaching her and sensed him sitting down on the grass next to her. Suddenly, she was in his arms, crying against his chest, and could feel his tears falling into her hair. There were no words, both were too afraid if they spoke they'd wake up, and it would all be a dream. So they sat silently, clinging to one another, and cried. Jack pulled away to look at her face. Even with her eyes being red and puffy from crying, he still found her to be the most beautiful person in the world.

Rose somehow found her voice. "Is it really you?" she whispered.

Jack nodded and pulled her back into his arms.

"Oh God, Jack. I missed you so much," she sobbed.

Jack gently wiped the tears from her eyes. "I know, Rose. I've missed you more than I thought possible. I'm so sorry it took me so long to come home."

Rose shook her head. "It doesn't matter. You're here now. So much has happened, Jack. So much we need to talk about."

Jack looked at her, unable to hide the pain in his eyes. "Like that ring on your finger?"

"Yes. That and so much more."

"Who is he?" Jack asked, scared of the answer.

Rose dropped her eyes to the ground. "Caledon Hockley," she said quietly.

Jack removed his arms from around her, unable to believe what he'd just heard. "Hockley?"

"You have to let me explain, Jack. It's not what it seems."

"Not what it seems? You promised you'd always love me, and I come home to find you engaged to that asshole Hockley?" Jack said, anger rising in his voice.

Rose put her hand on his arm. "Jack, please. You have no idea what has happened since you left. I promised I'd love you forever, and I have not broken that. I do love you, always will. If I had a choice, Cal wouldn't be anywhere near me. But this..." She gestured to the ring. "...is my mother's doing. I don't know how to escape."

Jack looked at her, obviously confused. "Your mom? I don't understand."

"Then let me explain. Okay?"

Jack nodded, and Rose took a deep breath. She told him about her father's death, her horrible depression, how the engagement came about, and most recently about her thoughts of suicide to escape the upcoming marriage.

He listened intently, and when she was done, he took her back into his arms. "I'm so sorry, Rose, for doubting you. I'm so sorry I stayed away so long, and allowed this to happen to you."

"You can make it up to me," she said, looking up at him with a hint of a smile on her face.

"How?" he questioned, almost afraid of her answer.

"Help me break free from Cal."

Jack smiled. "You didn't even have to ask. I promise you, Rose, if you walk down the aisle to anyone, it's going to be me."

"Thank you, Jack. For coming back to me, just when I needed you."

Jack pulled her closer and whispered the words she hadn't heard in nearly three years. "I love you."

Rose smiled, the first genuine smile since before her father's death. "I love you, too."

After what seemed like an eternity, their lips met, reigniting the fire that burned between them.


A few hours later, the two of them were sitting at the edge of the dock, catching the other up on the past three years of their lives. Jack had just finished telling her about him and his friend Fabrizio, and how they managed to get a free trip to Europe.

Rose was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. "I can so imagine you doing that, too," she said, once her giggles subsided somewhat.

Jack grinned. "You would've done it, too. Don't try to deny it."

"Me?" Rose exclaimed, acting innocent. "I would never do such a thing!"

Jack chuckled. "Sure, sure."

They fell silent for awhile, until Jack spoke up, suddenly serious. "Did you keep your other promise?"

Roes looked at him and nodded. "Yes. It hasn't been easy. Cal is very adamant about what he wants. But so far, I've managed. What about you?"

Jack hesitated, glancing at Rose's expectant face. There was no way he could tell her, so he nodded slightly. "Yeah."

Rose smiled sadly. "I'm just afraid that we won't be able to break off the engagement before he forces me into it. He's not a very nice or patient person."

"He doesn't...uh...hurt you, does he?"

Rose sighed and pushed up the sleeves of her shirt, exposing the deep purple bruises covering her arms.

Jack gasped. "He did this to you?"

Rose nodded. "Thursday night. We went out for dinner, and he got mad because I argued with him about what I wanted to eat. It wasn't the first time, either."

Jack stood up. "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch! Who the fuck does he think he is, hurting you like that!" he yelled.

Rose winced, and it didn't go unnoticed by Jack. "Rose?"

"Please don't yell like that, Jack. It scares me."

Jack sat down and put his arm around her. "I'm sorry, Rosie. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. It...it just reminds me of Cal, I guess."

Jack pulled her closer. "In that case, I really am sorry. You know I'm not like that."

Rose smiled at him. "All the reason to love you more."

They sat there, enjoying being together, when Jack made a heart wrenching decision.

"Rose...I just wanted to tell you, that um...if you have to, you can break your promise. Anything to keep him from hitting you again. I won't hold it against you."

Rose stared at him for a moment before responding. "I have a better idea," she said, her eyes lighting up.

"And what would that be?"

Rose leaned in closer, kissing him before continuing. "Make love to me, Jack," she whispered.

Jack couldn't help his eyes bulging. "You sure?"

Rose grinned and nodded. "I'm sure. Besides the fact it would keep me from breaking that promise, I want to. I've always been yours in mind and soul. Now it's time for us to belong to each other in body. I'm ready, Jack."

Jack smiled, and scooped her up. "If we're going to do this, we're going to do it right. Let's go back to my house."

Rose agreed, and they walked, hand in hand, back to Jack's house.

They had a promise to fulfill.

Chapter Three