Chapter Six

Rose quickly exited the room with Jack in tow. Taking a deep breath, she leaned up against the wall. "I can't believe I just did that. I'm free. I'm finally free."

Jack grinned. "Yes, you are. But to be completely free, we gotta get you packed up and moved out. Come on."

Rose nodded and led him up to her room, feeling a bit shy about having him there. Jack noticed the faint pink shade of her face, and laughed.

"You want me to go?" he asked, motioning to the door.

Rose smiled, but shook her head. "No, I'm gonna need your help. It's just...you haven't been up here since we were kids. And after everything we've done...it feels a bit weird."

Jack nodded knowingly. "It's all right. I understand. You got boxes?" he said, trying to place focus back on the task at hand.

Rose nodded, and pulled a bunch of them out of the closet. They worked together for a while, taping the boxes so they'd stay together. Once that was done, Jack gazed around the room, amazed at how much stuff one person could collect.

"Where do we start?"

Rose looked thoughtful. "Hmm..." She paused. "I'll start with my clothes, since I'll need those most. Why don't you start with the bookcase?" she stated, trying to put him in the least intimate place.

Jack raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. With a smile, they both went to work. Halfway through packing Rose's books, Jack recognized the hollow book he had given her to hide the stuff he gave her from Ruth.

Turning to face her, he held it up. "You still have this?"

Rose glanced up, and when she saw what he was holding, broke into a smile. Quickly, she took it from him, and sat on the bed. Motioning for him to sit, she opened it. "This was all I had left of you after you left. Mother went about trying to destroy every romantic memory I had of you. But I hid this stuff and took it out from time to time. It made me remember what you said that night. 'No matter how alone you feel, there is someone out there who loves you.' You have no idea how much that helped me through."

Jack hugged her. "What's in there?"

Rose smiled and began removing the items. Once the book was empty, she spread them out on the bd. Jack glanced up at her in amazement after surveying some of the items. "You kept all of this stuff?" he asked, picking up a dried rose he had given her for Valentine's Day.

"Like I said, it was all I had left of you. The only connection I had. It especially made getting through each day easier, once my mom forced me into that engagement. She never realized how much she was hurting me, how much of my spirit she was killing. I know she hated the fact I refused to let go of you."

Jack shook his head. "She really hated us being together, didn't she?"

Rose nodded sadly. "Yeah. Daddy always kept her in line about it, but after he died, she tried so hard to take you from me even more. I think she was trying to make me die with him."

Jack hugged her, planting a kiss on the top of her head. "Nobody is ever going to push us apart again. I love you too much to let that happen."

Rose leaned up to kiss him. "I love you." She paused. "We should probably get back to packing."

Jack nodded and held out his hand to help her up.


Ruth stood in the hallway, tears in her eyes. She had just heard her daughter talking about her. Had she really been so blind that she couldn't see how badly she was hurting Rose? Was her foolish judgment of Jack getting in the way of her ability to see how much they both loved each other? Ruth gasped as realization hit her. What Rose had said was true. She had been trying to kill her own daughter's spirit by attempting to remove every memory she had of Jack. A lone tear escaped down her face. She was so confused. Turning away from Rose's door, she went into her bedroom to think.


Rose glanced around her room. She and Jack had been packing her stuff for the past five hours. Everything she owned was now in the boxes Jack was loading into the back of his truck. All she had left to do was take her bed apart. She smiled, thinking of how stupid it probably was to take her bed. She'd probably end up sleeping with Jack every night. Too involved in her own thoughts, Rose didn't hear Jack come in and jumped when his arms slid around her waist from behind.

"Was that a smile I just saw?" Jack asked, kissing her neck.

Rose grinned. "I was just thinking that I might not need to take my bed."

Jack chuckled. "You may have a point there, Rosie. We should take it though, just in case."

Rose turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I suppose you're right. Help me dismantle it, would ya?"

Jack swept her up into a passionate kiss before answering her. "Now I will."

Fifteen minutes later, the bed was in the truck and they came back inside to make sure nothing was left behind. Rose took one look around the room and sighed. As happy as she was that she was moving in with Jack, she was going to miss her room.

"What do you wanna do abut the other furniture?" Jack asked, breaking into her thoughts.

Rose glanced up at him. "I suppose leave it for now. Maybe Ryan and Matt can come over and help you move it tomorrow."

Jack nodded. "That shouldn't be a problem. Are you ready to go, then?"

Rose smiled. "Yeah. Let's go home."

Jack took her hand as they headed down the stairs. Just before they went out the door, Ruth's voice made them stop.

"Rose, wait a minute."

Rose turned to face her mother. "Yes?"

Ruth closed her eyes momentarily, speaking once she reopened them. "I know there is no way for me to stop you from leaving, but at least let me say this."

"Fine. Go ahead," Rose said coolly.

"I know I hurt you, Rose. Trying to marry you off to Caledon when you're so obviously in love with Mr. Dawson. I wasn't thinking about your feelings, only the fact he could give you everything you could ever need. I know my actions the past few years have been far from honorable, but I do love you, Rose. I just want you to be happy. I guess I'm trying to say I'm sorry."

Rose nodded. "Yes, he could give me anything except the one thing I wanted and needed most--Jack. I can't forgive you right now, Mother...maybe one day, but not right now."

Ruth sighed, but nodded. "I owe you an apology as well, Jack. I never thought you were good enough to date Rose. Mainly because your family didn't have as much money as us. I just refused to acknowledge how happy you made her. I'm truly sorry. Just promise me you'll take care of her."

Jack smiled slightly. "I will, Mrs. DeWitt-Bukater. I will."

Chapter Seven