Chapter Eight

July 1, 2001

Rose lifted her head from the toilet seat and groaned. This was the fourth time in the past week she'd been sick. Jack didn't know. She hadn't told him for fear he would worry too much. He left for work before she woke and it subsided long before he returned home. Although they didn't need the money, Jack had gotten a job drawing cartoons for a local television station, to fill his days. More over, he loved his work and it, according to him, made him feel more like the man of the house. Rose kept busy with her usual escapades with her friends and sometimes lent a hand at Gina Johanson's mother's clothing boutique. Sighing, she stood up slowly, trying to fight off the dizziness. After a few minutes passed, she decided she was fine, and proceeded to get ready for the day. Once she was showered, she decided to make an appointment to see the doctor and hopefully put an end to these morning sickness episodes. Dr. Calvert, the town's doctor, agreed to see her that morning, so she ate a quick breakfast and headed into town.


Jack yawned and sat back from his desk. He just couldn't concentrate on the cartoon he was supposed to be designing. Truthfully, his mind was on a whole other planet.

"Rose. Rose DeWitt-Bukater. Rose Dawson."

It was what Jack wanted more then anything--to make Rose his wife. They talked about a future together constantly and even talked about having kids once in awhile. But the topic of marriage had never come up once. He'd been thinking about this since Rose had moved in, almost a month earlier. He even bought the ring. He was just afraid. Jack knew she loved him, any fool could see that. He was worried that this wasn't what SHE wanted. They loved each other and lived together, but was she ready? The question plagued his mind. The only real way to find out was to propose. Yes, that was it. Tonight. He'd take her out to a fancy dinner and then they'd take a walk down by the lake. Right there, where their relationship had started, he would ask. By the end of the night, he would know their fate. Of course there were some things he'd have to reveal to her...but he pushed that realization far from his mind.


Rose stared at the doctor, her eyes enlarged. "You can't be serious."

The doctor chuckled, having seen this response many times. "Oh, I'm quite serious. About a month along, unless I miss my guess."

Rose gulped, and nodded. "Holy shit," she murmured, walking out of the office.

A baby? Sure, she and Jack had discussed the possibilities of having kids one day--in the far future. But so soon? How would he react? What if he didn't want it and threw her out onto the streets? Rose shook her head, to clear those thoughts from her mind. She knew deep in her heart he would never do that, especially now, since she was carrying his child.

"Oh, dear God. I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother."

Chapter Nine