Chapter Two

Rated NC-17 for Content

When the plane touched down in Charlotte, Jack got his bag and a rental car and drove to his hometown. By then, it was about ten o'clock. He looked down the street, looking for a place to stay. He stopped at a local inn and parked his car.

Jack put on his hat and rang the bell for the person to give him a room.

The lady smiled at him. "May I help you, sir?"

"Yeah. I need a room for a week." Jack stood there, looking down.

"Okay. That will be three hundred dollars even. Will this be charge or credit?" the lady asked.

"Neither. I'm paying cash." Jack took out his wallet.

"All right. Sign here." The lady handed him a slip.

He wrote a different name, not wanting people to know who he was, so he wrote Howard Johnson. He gave the lady the cash and she gave him the key. He went to his room and laid his suitcase on the bed, not even unpacking. He quickly changed and then he began to roam the streets like he had when he was a child.

He dressed in his baseball cap and his black t-shirt and jeans. He didn't care if he was not properly dressed. He went to his favorite spot, where he and Rose used to go to be alone. It was then that he took off his shirt and climbed his favorite tree. When he reached the top, he looked in his favorite spot. He picked up a box and climbed down. Inside was a picture of him and Rose. He put it in his pocket and threw the box in the lake.

When he turned around, he bumped into a woman with beautiful red hair. "Excuse me. I'm sorry," Jack said.

"It's quite all right. What are you doing here? This is private property." Rose wondered who the stranger was.

"I just came to get something. This girl and I used to come up here when we were kids," Jack explained, not knowing who she was.

"Jack? Jack Dawson?" Rose looked into those beautiful blue eyes.

"Rose, is that you?" Jack took off his hat.

"Oh, Jack, I missed you so much." She kissed him hard on the lips, like he had kissed her so many years ago.

He lay down on the grass with her. When he pulled away from her, he touched her breasts. "I missed you, Rose. I had to come back for you."

"Shh. Make love to me, Jack," Rose said, kissing him back.

"Not here, but I promise soon. I want you just as much as you want me." Jack was not lying.

"How long have you been here?" Rose asked.

"I just got here today. I was gonna come and see you, but I didn't know if you were with anyone." Jack hoped she wasn't.

"I ain't with anyone. I want only you." Rose told him the truth.

"Same here. I wasn't with anyone, either," Jack said.

He stared into her eyes. They were still the same shade of green that he seen the day he left. He kissed her again, taking off her sweater to see her skin. It felt soft to the touch. He kissed every single spot, leaving nothing untouched. Before he got into it, he pulled her up and took her to his car. He didn't say anything. He started the car and drove back to his room.

When they got there, he pulled her by the hand and picked her up. He carried her through the door and went inside. She lay there, waiting for his instructions.

He took off his shirt, showing her his fine physique. He got on the bed and looked at her. "I don't wanna scare you, nor do I wanna hurt you, Rose."

"You won't. I trust you." Rose looked at him.

She stood up and pulled her dress over her head. She stood there, wearing only her panties. Jack’s eyes widened. He had never seen such a pretty sight. She climbed onto the bed and got him by the hips, pulling his belt and his pants off. His blue eyes looked intense. She smiled and pulled his cap off his head, tossing it to the floor.

He kissed her and pulled her close to him. Her breasts touched his face, and he began to kiss each one like it was a sweet peach. Rose moaned. Her Jack had finally came home to her.

He pulled off his underwear and pulled off hers. He looked into her eyes, waiting for her response.

"Go for it, baby."

He smiled wickedly and put himself inside her. She was so tight, it was hard for him to even go inside. He never felt anything like this. He didn't bother to tell her she was his first. He just hoped he did everything right.

Rose closed her eyes, feeling him stretch her insides. She had never thought it would be this painful. She bit her lip hard. She heard him grunt as he kissed her neck.

"Oh, Rose, you feel so good." He kissed her and noticed her eyes watering. He pushed deeper, and then he heard her scream.

"Jack, you’re hurting me." She pulled away.

He looked down and noticed that there was blood on him. "Rose, please don't tell me you were a virgin."

"Yeah, I am, or rather, I was. I'm so sorry." Rose felt bad.

"Don't be, honey. I'm honored to be the first man you’ve ever been with." He kissed her lips and smiled.

"It's been waiting for you since the day I was born," Rose said.

"So was I. I was made for only you." Jack lay her down next to him.

"Where have you been?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

"New York. I've been selling paintings. I sold my best one two days ago," Jack said, getting up to get his portfolio.

"What did you paint?" Rose asked.

"You. I sold a painting of you for twenty-four million dollars. I've come to take you home, Rose." He held her hand.

"I am home, Jack." Rose didn't understand what he was saying.

"I think you misunderstood me." He got up, went to his bag, and took something out. "I'm taking you home. Our home." He put a picture of their home in her hands.

"You want me to live with you?" Rose asked.

"I want to marry you, Rose. Be my wife." He slipped a diamond ring on her finger. A very expensive ring.

Rose was speechless. She would never say no to Jack Dawson, her lover. She kissed him, and even though she was in pain, she asked him to finish making love to her, because if this was the last time she would be home, she wanted to remember her and Jack one last time together in each others’ arms--for all she knew, this could be a dream.

Chapter Three