Chapter Two

As the Hogwarts Express came to a stop, everyone was shipped to the school by a horse-drawn carriage. When they reached the school, they reported to the great hall for the beginning of the new term. All new students were to wait until they were told to come into the great hall, as they needed to be sorted.

Jack looked at Rose. "Looks like it’s just you and me."

"Yeah. What house are you looking to go into?" She walked closer to him.

"Uh…not sure. I would like to be a Griffindor, but anything is fine for me." He didn't care which house he was in as long as he was close to her.

"I would like to be a Griffindor, too." Rose smiled at him.

Professor McGonagall entered the corridor where they were waiting. "Come on, you two," she called. Jack and Rose were looking at everyone around them. They entered and went down to the end of the hall.

Professor McGonagall called Jack first. "Jack Dawson."

He went up, and she put the hat on him. He felt the hat sway and talk above his head.

"Hmm…difficult. You’re a natural leader, with great strength and the sense to prove yourself. But where to put you? You'd be great in Slytherin. I shall put you in Slytherin!" the hat announced.

Slytherin. He had heard that wizards in Slytherin were bad. He looked at Rose and knew right away that she would not be put into Slytherin. He sort of frowned on that, and went to sit next to Draco Malfoy.

"Okay, dear. You next," McGonagall said.

Rose stepped up and sat on the chair with the hat put on her head. The hat began to speak. "Hmm…another firstborn Weasley. I’ve got the perfect place for you. Griffindor!"

Rose smiled. She went to sit next to her cousin, but Hermione was there, so she sat close to Harry, feeling a bit shy around him. "Hello, Harry." She smiled. "Would you do me the honor of showing me around?"

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to." Harry smiled back. He blushed, as well, and looked at Ron.

As they listened to the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore speak, Rose got the courage to grab Harry's hand. He looked at her and was surprised that she had actually done that. From across the ways, Cho Chang saw them holding hands. Had Harry forgotten about her? Was he still mad about the last time they had talked?

She kept staring at them, wondering if they were together. But how could they be? Rose was related to Ron, and Harry would never do anything to wreck that friendship. Or would he?

Jack could barely see Rose and Harry, but he could tell something was going on. By the look on Harry's face, he seemed red as a tomato. Draco wondered what Jack was looking at. When he saw him glancing toward Harry, he questioned him.

"Something wrong, Jack? Do you have something with Potter?" Draco asked.

"Nah…not really. Just a little bit curious about the girl sitting next to him." Jack stared across the way.

"Rose Weasley. You shouldn't get into that lot. They are unworthy and downright disgusting." He had been disgusted with the Weasleys for some time, especially now that his father was in prison because of Potter.

"She may be a Weasley, but she isn't at all disgusting. I find her intriguing," Jack admitted.

"Whatever suits you, Dawson." Draco did not touch that one. He had to admit that she was by far the best-looking Weasley he had ever seen.

Chapter Three