Chapter Four

Rose had many secrets no one knew about. She had learned dark magic. She knew it was dangerous to be learning about it herself, but she had found the book and wanted to learn to protect herself. She had meddled with the three unforgivable curses—Imperius, Cruciatus, and Avada Kedavra. She knew she shouldn't have done this, but she had used it on a dog that was going to attack her one day when she was returning from school. Afterwards, she kept on using it on whoever did her wrong. Nobody told on her because they didn't have the nerve.

One day, after classes, she pulled Harry aside. He was shaken by her. He wondered why she had pulled him into a corridor. "Rose, what are you doing?" Harry dropped some of his books.

"Harry, you have been truthful with me. It’s only right that I do the same. I am not proud of what I have done, but I know dark magic, and I’ve used it, too. Don't think of me as a bad person, because I'm not. It was all for survival." She picked up his Advanced Potions book, looked inside, and noticed writing in it.

"Harry, this book--did you write this? Sectumsempra?" she asked.

"Can you keep a secret?" he asked.

"Sure." She nodded and gave the book back to him.

"When I came to Hogwarts, I was to take Advanced Potions with Slughorn, but I didn't have a book, so I used a used one. Later, I found out someone named the Half-Blood Prince had written in the book. It has a lot of things made up, but they work. Promise not to tell?" Harry pushed her against the wall.

"Never. My lips are sealed." She smiled at him.

They walked down the hall. Malfoy got in the way. "So, Potter, got yourself a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, and proud of it." He held Rose close.

"Knock her up yet, Potter?" Malfoy loved to make Harry's life a living hell.

"It's more than I could say for you. You wouldn't know the touch of a woman." She leaned against Harry.

"I've known the touch, Weasley. Has Potter?" he teased.

"That's our business, not yours, Malfoy." She dragged Harry with her.

Rose thought in her head, Imperius. Malfoy lost control and stood there awaiting her command. She turned and just left. It had worked. Using her mind without speaking the curse had worked, too.

"Do you think Malfoy has been intimate with a woman?" she asked Harry.

"Wouldn't know, but I wouldn't doubt it," he said as he laid his books in the library.

"Have you?" she asked, curious about him.

"Have I what?" he asked.

"Been intimate?" She waited for his response.

"No. Never." He looked embarrassed.

"Want to change that?" She pushed him into a far corner of the library no one was in and kissed him hard on the lips.

She teased him, and she liked it. He had no control over what she was doing to him. She kissed his neck and he moaned. That was the response she was waiting to hear. Make Potter drop to his knees. She got so into it that she picked up his books and dragged him to the Gryffindor common room.

"Put these in your room," she told him.

He went to put his books away. Dumbledore had put a charm on the boy's side of Gryffindor Hall so no females could pass. Rose used one of her charms and took down the defense.

"Harry, is anyone in here?" she asked.

"No. Everyone is down in the library, I suppose," he told her.

She locked the door and went to Harry, kissing him. She pushed him onto his bed and laid down with him. She knew that his neck was sensitive, so she placed her tongue on it and gently sucked it. He moaned like he had in the library.

Rose got up and let loose the ties of the curtains that surrounded his bed. She wanted privacy.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"You'll see. Close your eyes," she said when the curtains were all drawn closed. When he closed his eyes. she took off her shirt and her skirt.

She came closer, removed his glasses, and put them on the nightstand. She kissed his red, swollen lips and laid him on his back, straddling him as she climbed on top of him. She wanted him. She needed him.

He opened his eyes and was surprised. She was in her bra and underwear. He didn't say a word, just laid back and enjoyed her kisses. She brought his hands to touch her.

"Make me yours, Harry. Let me be the first," she whispered in his ear.

He wasn't sure about this. He didn't know if he was ready for this step in his life. "Rose, I'm not sure about this. I'm not sure if I am ready to take this step."

"Uh…Harry, if you haven't noticed, you’re ready, all right." She could feel his manhood underneath her, coming to life.

Just then, they heard the door open. Rose heard, jumped off of Harry, and he threw her his invisibility cloak. She slipped it over her head.

"What's all this?" Ron asked.

"Uh…nothing. I fell asleep, and since it was daylight, I closed my curtains." He smiled and nodded.

Ron saw a girl’s shirt on the floor. He knew it wasn't Harry's. "Have something to explain?"

"Uh…that's none of your business." Harry took Rose's shirt.

"You had a girl in here, didn't you? Was it Rose?" he asked.

"Listen, Ron, I swear I didn't do anything to your cousin. She came in here and she started to…well…you know." Harry was nervous.

"Did you two...?" Ron looked at him.

"Uh…no. You came right in time." Harry looked very nervous now.

"I know it’s none of my business, but if you did, I hope you did the right thing," Ron said.

Harry nodded. "Of course."

Rose was still in the room. She had managed to put her skirt on, and she came toward Harry, kissing him on the cheek.

"She's still here, isn't she?" Ron asked when Harry grabbed hold of the air in front of him.

Rose lowered the invisibility cloak. "Of course I am. Can I have my shirt back, please?"

"Oh, yeah. Here." Harry passed it to her.

"Thank you." She took off the invisibility cloak and put on her shirt.

"Well, I had better study. I suggest you two do the same." She left with her shirt half-buttoned.

She came out of the boys’ dorm buttoning her shirt. Hermione and Ginny looked at her.

"Hello, Hermione, Ginny." She smiled.

"Hello, Rose. How did you get into the boys’ dorm?" Hermione asked.

"A little trick I know." She felt happy to know what she knew about Hogwarts. "See you, girls. I am gonna go shower." Rose left, still feeling the hotness that Harry had left on her skin. The scent of him drove her beyond insanity.

Chapter Five