Chapter Five

The feeling of yesterday's shower had done nothing but let the feeling continue. Rose was pent up with emotion for Harry. He had made a big impact on her life. She knew her crush was taking a toll. It was showing in her studies. Term papers left in her notebook passed overdue. She was receiving horrible grades. She knew the only way to solve her problem was to end what was bothering her. Harry was the only one who could help her.

After her class, she was walking down the hall, sweating from the heat. She accidentally dropped her books. Jack, from far away, ran to help her. He saw her. He knew something was wrong with her. She looked at him with lust in her eyes.

"Hello, Jack." She smiled at him like she never had before.

"Hi." He smiled back.

"Thanks for helping me with my books." She touched his hand.

"Sure. No problem. Something wrong?" He looked at her.

She pulled him into another classroom, dragging him by the hand. He had no idea what was up, it all happened so fast. She was flushed from the heat. She pulled Jack into a heated embrace. He kissed her.

He wanted this so much, he went with it. He didn't care about Harry. It was important that she wanted him, but why all of a sudden? He pulled back. "Rose, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Can't I just kiss you without explanation?" Rose asked.

"Sure, but you’re with Harry," he reminded her.

"Yeah, but I can't find him, and I need this. Jack, I want sex," she said flat out.

"Shouldn't that be a choice you make when you love someone?" he asked her.

"Yeah, but I am in extreme need, and I have no idea why." Rose started to unbutton his shirt.

"Go to Harry. That's who you really want to be with. Not me." He pushed her away.

"Jack, I do love you. Maybe not like Harry, but I feel a connection between us." She took his mouth.

"Connection?" He parted again from her.

"Don't deny it, Jack. I see it in your eyes. You want me." She trailed her hand down his chest.

"I do, but you’re with Harry." He caught her hand.

He kept reminding her about Harry, so she got the hint. "I’ve got to find him." She left her books in the classroom.

Jack didn't know why she was acting so strangely.

She found Harry walking down the hall with Hermione and Ron.

"Princess!" Harry said.

"Hi, Harry, Ron, Hermione." She waved. "I need to speak with you in private." She grabbed his hand.

"Sure. Excuse us, Ron, Hermione." He smiled at them.

Ron and Hermione left them alone. They went down the hall and turned down the next hall. When Rose saw that no one was in sight, she pulled him to her. She grasped his wrist to touch her chest and brought his head down to kiss her. She moaned against him, feeling relief.

"What's wrong, love?" he asked her.

"I need you so bad, Harry." She traced the outline of his robes, feeling warm.

"As do I. Listen, some of us are going out tonight. How about we step up this relationship to the next step?" Harry asked.

"You mean it?" She was giddy.

"Yeah. Since you’re my girlfriend, I would like to take you flying tonight, and a little something more in mind after flying. Want to go to Hogsmead?" He caressed her neck with his fingers.

"Sure. What do you have in mind?" She played on with his little charade.

"Dinner, and then dessert." He kissed her.

"Sounds good." She winked her eye at him.

"Date?" he asked.

"It's a date, babe." She pinched him on his butt.

Overwhelmed by the sound of a date with him, she fainted. Harry wondered what had happened to her. She never acted like this, but then, he hardly knew Rose. He carried her over to Madam Pomfrey.

"Put her here," she instructed Harry. "What happened?" she asked.

"I asked her out and she fainted," Harry told her.

"Looks like a case of amortentia," Pomfrey said.

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"Someone slipped her a love potion, Harry." Madam Pomfrey touched Rose's head.

"Any clue when?" he asked her.

"It had to be recent. You asked her on a date. Has she had any other contact with anyone else?" she asked him.

"Not that I know of." He had no clue.

"Stay close. She's going to need you, more than you know." Madam Pomfrey dragged the curtain around her bed.

"What are you saying?" Harry scratched his temple.

"The effects of this potion are very tricky. There's different types of this potion. I don't know which one she used. There're three steps to this--first base, second, and third." Madam Pomfrey was unsure at the time what was really happening.

"You mean she's gonna need someone to do all this intimate stuff with?" Harry asked.

"Correct, Harry. We won't let this get too far. You'll never have to go all the way with her," Madam Pomfrey assured him.

"Do I have to do anything?" he asked.

"Just follow her along with her symptoms. If she chooses another partner, you’re going to have to find him." Madam Pomfrey was fixing the sheets as she talked to Harry.

"All right," Harry pondered, wondering who she could have passed on the way. He had no idea. It could be anyone in the whole school.

Rose awoke. "Glad you’re here." She smiled.

"Thanks. Listen, did you pass anyone in the hall just before you came to see me?" he asked her.

"Just Jack Dawson. Why?" She looked at him with desire.

"Did you do anything with him?" He had to be sure.

"Can't remember." She had no recollection of what she had done.

"All right. I have to speak to him. You stay here, okay? I will be back later." He patted her hand.

"All right." She spanked him as he got up to leave.

"You’re gonna be the death of me, Rose. Voldemort will thank you for that." He smiled awkwardly.

"He won't touch you. I promise that." She smiled.

Harry smiled and left, going to find Jack to tell him what had happened to Rose. He hoped that she hadn't done anything with him, because if she had, he wouldn't know what part would be his. He also hoped she didn't have to go to third base, because if she did, he was going to be the one to give himself to her, not Jack.

Chapter Six