Chapter Eight

The following week, Jack and Ginny hung out together. Harry was on guard, trying to protect his best friend's sister. He saw them make out at times and it hurt to see her with him. He knew what he had to do whether he wanted to or not. He knew what Jack was doing, so he would go forward with Rose to get them at their own game.

When they were allowed to go into the village, he went to a jewelry store. He picked out the prettiest ring. Rose had no idea what he was up to. He knew that what they had done so far was elementary, but he wanted and needed to show everyone that he was not afraid to be a man. Rose was special to him and he was not afraid to announce his love for her, whether he was accepted or not.

At lunch, he whispered into her ear. "I’ve got a surprise for you," he whispered.

She looked at him. "What is it?"

"Can't tell. It’s a secret." He put his arm around her.

She leaned into him. She wondered what he was up to. She was glad that Jack was with someone. She anticipated Harry's surprise. She liked the way he whispered into her ear.

"Harry?" She looked afraid. "It's happening again," she told him.

Harry quickly got out of his seat and they hurried together out of the lunchroom. They found a nearby classroom and locked the door in case intruders wanted to come in. Harry didn't know what to do, so he took her into his arms.

"Harry, hurry," she told him.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked.

"It’s time for it," she grabbed him by his trousers and pulled at his belt.

He knew what she meant, so he had her lay down on a table, watching her from above. "Are you sure? Are you on the pill?"

"No. I never took the pills, but please, this is hurting me." She didn't care about anything. The pain was unbearable.

He couldn't watch her in pain. So, he gently knelt down between her legs and went for it.

She arched back and screamed. Harry was in shock. He hadn't meant to hurt her. "Are you all right?"

"Keep going, please. It's just my virginity." She turned to look at him. He look scared at what he had just done.

He looked at her and kissed her with every single thrust inside her. He felt his own coming start to build up. He had never had sex with a girl, but he wanted to make the most of it. This was his first time. He noticed over time that it got easier and Rose felt less pain. It was Harry who had won her over. Not Jack.

He started to grunt over her, loving the feeling, and Rose kissed him, urging him on. She made all kinds of noises. They must have been good ones, because she didn't cry. When he felt his own coming, he closed his eyes, grunted one last time, and collapsed on top of her, filling her with his seed. When she felt him, everything in her body exploded. The curse was broken.

"Harry, it’s over. The curse has been broken. I can feel it." She lay there as he got off and pulled his pants back on.

She felt wet between her legs. The consummation of their unity had set her on fire, especially when she had felt him inside her. She looked over at him. He was breathing hard. As she put her hand to his face, the door suddenly sprang open.

Chapter Nine