Chapter Ten

Anakin and Padmé came outside, laughing and holding hands. They came in close, and she put her hand on his cheek.

"Ani, when you leave…when you leave, I’m going with you," she said. He smiled.

"This is crazy."

"I know. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s why I trust it." She smiled, and the two kissed. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were walking by and saw them. Qui-Gon smiled, but Obi-Wan did not.

"Why aren’t you happy for him?" Qui-Gon asked.

"You forget she’s engaged to someone else."

"Doesn’t seem to bother them very much." Obi-Wan nodded. The two Jedi were walking when they felt something in the Force. Anakin, who was still kissing Padmé, stopped. He felt it, too. The animals that were around the area left. Even the bugs crawled away.

"Ani? What’s wrong?" Padmé was worried. The ground started to shake a little.

"Anakin! Anakin!" It was Qui-Gon. He came running towards them.

"Master!" Anakin called out. They heard a crack, and the ground shook harder. The wind started to pick up, and the calm night sky flashed with lightning. Padmé looked up at the bolts of lightning. The lights of Naboo went dim for a split second, and the ground stopped shaking, but the lightning storm was still going on, and it was windy.

"Padmé." Qui-Gon came over. "I want you to get inside and go to your family. Anakin, come." Anakin walked with Qui-Gon, and Padmé started to follow.

"Padmé, get inside," Anakin ordered her. She got inside and went back to her quarters, where her family waited. Her father and sister didn’t seem to care, but her mother was different. She walked in, and her mother grabbed her by the shoulder and threw her on the couch.

"You stupid, stupid girl! How dare you do this to Bail? Running off with someone in the night. It is disgusting, and I will not have it in this house!" Jobal yelled.

"Jobal, stop it." Ruwee stood up.

"You stay out of this. I hate it when you stand up for her. She’s not a little girl anymore."

"You’re right. She’s not a little girl. She never has been. She’s always been a woman. And she’s one hell of a better woman than you ever were! At least she’s honest about her feelings. And, dammit, I applaud her for sleeping with a Jedi!" The parents got into an argument.

"She’s engaged to a wonderful man…" her mother started.

"She’s engaged to the most pompous, self-centered, egotistical asshole this galaxy has seen, and you know it!" Ruwee said. Bail’s mouth dropped.

"She needs to understand…"

"Nothing! She’s not happy! You don’t see it! And when one of my daughters is unhappy, so am I!"

"What? You don’t enjoy life anymore?" Jobal asked. They were in each other’s faces now.

"How can I enjoy anything when she enjoys nothing? Tell me that, dearest! The real question is, how can you prance around knowing your daughter is dying on the inside?"

"She will marry Bail, or I will strike at her any way I can!"

"Please. Do you know what she’s going through?" Ruwee was winning the argument.

"She is a courtier, and she will be with someone of her class, not a Jedi!"


"You’re out of line, Ruwee…"

"No, you’re out of line. Do have any idea what she has gone through in the past week?"

"What do you know about love, Ruwee? Tell me. Tell me how our daughter should feel."

"All she needs to know is a life without love is no life at all. So, if she walks down that aisle and marries that man, she will have no life."

"Bail?" Jobal asked, still looking into Ruwee’s eyes. "Anything to say to your future wife?"

Bail walked over to Padmé. "This is between them. Don’t even look.” Bail looked down at Padmé, and she looked up with watery eyes. He smacked her right across the face.

"We have a slut on our hands, now, don’t we?" Bail looked down at Padmé. "Look at me when I’m talking to you!" He pulled her out of her seat. Ruwee had had enough and walked over to Bail, grabbed him by the shoulders, and threw him to the ground.

"How dare you touch my daughter?" He pulled Bail to his feet. "Just wait until Anakin hears that you touched his..." There was a knock on the door. A man walked in, a servant.

"Mr. Amidala and Mr. Organa, I have been asked to tell you to come to the hangars just outside the grounds," the man said.

Ruwee literally had Bail by the throat. "Not now. We are busy," Ruwee said.

The man gave him a funny look. "I’m sorry to inconvenience you, but it’s the queen’s orders. Please dress warmly. It’s a bit cold out," the man said.

Ruwee let go of Bail. "This is ridiculous." Ruwee walked over to Padmé and took her into her bedroom.


Meanwhile, the three Jedi, the court, and the queen were in the throne room.

"Everyone has been ordered to head to the hangar," the queen said. "What is going on?"

"Naboo is about to face an attack by the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild, the Corporate Alliance, and Count Dooku," Qui-Gon said. "We need to get these people off the planet."

"We can’t evacuate the whole planet," a member of the court said.

"Then at least get them to a safe place," Obi-Wan pointed out.

"The shielded areas," another member said. "Most cities have them. They’re located about an hour away by ground. The transports can get them there in less than fifteen minutes."

"Good, good," Qui-Gon said. "If you have any military forces, get them mobilized."

"Wait. We’re being attacked already. So, why should we launch an attack on those threatening Naboo?" the queen asked.

"Your highness, if you don’t do something, there might not be a Naboo left," Anakin commented.

"How many ships are coming?" Sio Bibble asked. Qui-Gon pulled out a piece of paper.

"The storm that is going on outside is part of their ships. It looks to me that they have that same number of large-scale assault ships as the large cities like Theed. These ships can still pull a storm to them, even in hyperspace. That’s how big they are."

"What’s going to happen?" the queen asked.

"First they will send in small fighters. These will take out the people on the streets. Then they will send in larger ships to take out homes, buildings, and small cities." Qui-Gon sighed.

"What about the ground shaking? What was that?" the queen asked.

"We’ve just learned that there are nuclear warheads under the ground," Anakin said. "The Federation has been planning this for years now. The Federation is about to go into a nuclear war with Naboo, wiping everything out, down to the last child. These larger mother ships, whatever the hell you want to call them, will launch these warheads. They will travel to one city and take it out. That city’s fire will take out another one. It will be a chain reaction."

"Can we disable them?" Sio Bibble asked.

"No, we can’t," Obi-Wan said. "We won’t be able to locate them in time."

"What’s the closest planet?" Anakin asked.

"Carpath. It’s more of a moon. But it does have city life. It’s about a parsec away. Why?" a court member asked.

"Contact that planet and have them ready to take these people," Anakin told them. "But get the transports to the shielded area."

"How strong are these shielded areas?" Qui-Gon asked.

"They’ve been tested to withstand just about anything, nuclear warheads included," another court member said.

"How many transports are there?" Obi-Wan asked.

The queen sighed. "Sixteen to a city."

"Are you kidding me?" Anakin asked.

The queen shook her head.

"Get on the Holonet and tell everyone to get to a transport. If they can’t, tell them to stay inside their homes, get to the lowest room, and try to ride it out," Qui-Gon said. "We will get the women and children and any court members and their families so the people will still have a government system when this is over. We won’t be able to get these people to Carpath, so scratch that idea. Just get them to the shielded areas. I’ve contacted the High Council and they are sending every Jedi we have." Qui-Gon sighed. "They can be here in about five to six hours. Let’s do this. When a transport is done unloading the people into the shielded area, have them come back around to pick up more people."

"How much time do we have before the first ships come in?" Sio Bibble asked.

Anakin looked at Qui-Gon. "Two hours or so. Three the most," Anakin said in a thick voice.

"And how many beings on this planet, your highness?" Sio Bibble asked.

"About six billion," the queen said.

Chapter Eleven