Chapter Thirteen

Padmé went into Anakin’s arms and cried. He held her, and the group stood there for a few moments. But the ground shook again, and the lightning storm got bigger. The wind started to pick up even more. People looked up in the sky and saw red fire. Padmé squeezed Anakin tighter ,and Anakin held her as close as he could. People gasped at the sight. It was scary, but beautiful at the same time. The lightning bolts struck at the red fire.

"They’re here," Qui-Gon said in a calm voice. The ships came out of orbit. People looked up in awe as they watched the giant ships come into view. Padmé got closer to Anakin as the wind picked up even more speed. It was able to blow the trees hard. Then, in the distance, everyone saw little white dots. They got bigger and bigger. The three Jedi looked at each other. An explosion hit the city of Theed.

"Run!" Obi-Wan yelled, and everyone screamed as more of those small ships came, destroying small homes and killing people who were outside. Anakin grabbed Padmé’s hand, and they ran. "Everyone get inside!" Obi-Wan yelled out. People started to get behind trees. Others broke into homes and stores. Anakin, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Padmé rushed to the palace grounds. The gate was open, and a mass of people ran up the stairs to the grand palace while being fired at. The doors opened, and people went inside. The lights flickered on and off. People went in all directions. More explosions could be heard and seen from outside the window. Everyone looked outside the huge window, and a small cruiser came their way.

"Get down!" Anakin yelled as a missile came through the window. Anakin flew towards the wall and shielded Padmé, who was screaming. Everyone who was alive got up and kept running. Anakin picked Padmé back up and grabbed her hand, while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan formed a circle. "We need to get in the center of the palace on the lowest level." Anakin’s voice was stern. They ran, and people followed. More people followed the people that followed the Jedi. Whistling could be heard from the missiles being fired and shots from blasters from both armies. People could be heard screaming for help or in pain. Outside, there was complete and utter chaos. Buildings, statues, homes, trees were being fired at. Fires were breaking out. Already, there were more than a thousand dead. The last transport that took off didn’t even make it to the halfway point. People ran around trying to find lost love ones or trying to get away from the attack of the droid army.

Up in orbit, the huge ships that controlled everything were waiting for orders. The Viceroy of the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray, sat at a table with the leaders of the Commerce Guild and Corporate Alliance, and Count Dooku was there as well. They were watching the bombing of Naboo from cameras from the ships there. Someone who was in charge of the assault, General Grievous, came in from a hologram.

"Ah…General, right on time," Dooku said. "What is the update?"

"Everything is going well. You will be able to launch the warheads soon. The only thing we found that might hinder us is that they have some shielded areas that can avoid our attacks."

"That is not a concern, General. The majority of Naboo’s people are nowhere near safety." Dooku stood up. "But we will have to pull out soon. The Jedi are on their way. Finish up down there, take off, and then go into hyperspace." An empty seat filled with the image of the mysterious dark lord.

"Status report," the lord demanded.

"Everything is going as planned. We might need to pull out sooner than we thought, but not by much," Dooku said.

"Good, good. Now the Republic will see why they should fear the night. If they don’t wish to join, then they will be destroyed like the little planet of Naboo."

"But, my lord, this will cause debate in the senate. This will start the war," Gunray said.

"It does not matter. I am the senate," the dark lord said.

"And the Jedi?" Gunray asked.

"Let them come. Let fear and anger be filled in them to see an innocent planet be chosen. Tonight, the galaxy will be stained with the blood of Naboo. Wipe them out. Leave none alive. Kill down to the last child. For there will be no dawn for Naboo." The image shut off.

Chapter Fourteen