Chapter Fourteen

Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon found the lowest level of the palace. The room was as wide as the palace itself. It was a war bunker for the people of the palace. Within a few moments, the room was being filled with frighten people. Anakin ran to the wall with Padmé. More and more people came in. Padmé held onto Anakin tightly, breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face. She looked around. Some people were on there knees, praying. Others were holding onto each other.

Back in the shielded area outside of Theed, the people could see the fires, explosions, and ships hovering over the city. Sola was wrapped in her husband’s arms, crying. Jobal watch with nothing on her face--no emotion. Ruwee, however, had tears in his eyes. His daughter was somewhere in that fire. To himself, he said a prayer. He asked for Anakin to protect his daughter. He would leave it up to the fates for Anakin to hear it.

The room was getting crowded with people. Padmé was being pushed around by people trying to get by. She looked at Anakin.

"Ani?" She still had tears in her eyes. He looked down at her. "I’m scared." She cried. He kissed her forehead and brought her closer.

"You won’t die," he said softly.

Outside, a small band of droids found the power source of the city. They put a couple of bombs in it. After the timer went off, the power source blew and all the lights of Theed went out. Thousands of cities were without power already.

People in the room screamed. But the palace had a second power source that came from the waterfall. The lights were dim, but they had light, nonetheless.

Up in orbit, Dooku looked out a window and then looked at a timer. He tuned his head and nodded. A creature at a desk started to press a few keys, then a big button.

In the room under the palace, the ground shook again, and people got louder. Qui-Gon knew what it was.

"They’re launching the warheads," he said. Padmé grabbed tighter to Anakin, and Anakin responded.

The warheads outside of each city took off. In orbit, Dooku could see them traveling from one place to another. It only took one warhead to wipe out an entire three thousands leagues of land.

The room got quiet as people heard something. Before anyone could react, a warhead hit the city of Theed. The palace shook, and Anakin pushed Padmé to the ground, shielding her with his body. A seismic wave ran threw city. People could feel it run right under them. It stopped, but the palace groaned. People looked up, and they could hear the walls cracking. The whole palace caved in on itself. People screamed as they felt rumbling and heard concrete and steel coming down on them. But it stopped. People looked up, and they could hear cracking. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon looked at each other.

"If we don’t do something, we’re going to die," Obi-Wan said. The lights flickered. They would not stay on much longer. Anakin looked at Padmé.

"Stay here," he said, and kissed her on the lips. He got up and followed Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

"Ani! Ani, come back! Come back!" she cried out to him. "Please, come back!" The three Jedi got to the center of the room.

"Think of a dome shape," Qui-Gon said, and the other two nodded. People screamed. For a few moments, nothing happened, but then the cracks became louder. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon got to their knees in a circle and concentrated as the ceiling above them came down.

Chapter Fifteen