Chapter Sixteen

Padmé saw the sleek ship come into view on what was once again a gloomy day. It had been like this for the past two days. It had only been two days since the attack happened, but it felt like a lifetime. She was going back to Alderaan with Bail now. But going back to Alderaan was not that bad. She had some friends and family there. And she knew they were dying to see them after hearing what had happened to Naboo. The ship landed, and a man all dressed up came out. Argh…it’s the head chairman, Padmé thought to herself.

"Why, Bail, what happened to your left eye?" the chairman asked. Padmé smiled to herself. She hadn’t known she could punch that hard. The two men talked, and her mother joined in. They started to laugh, but once again it was mindless chatter to Padmé. She stood there as the wind blew and picked up the cloak up a little. The conversation between Bail, the chairman, and Jobal died away in her ears. But from behind, a word caught her attention.

"That Jedi--you know, the one with blue eyes?" a clone trooper was saying. Padmé turned around and walked over to the small group, still talking about some order that had been given that they didn’t like.

"Excuse me?" She came up to them. "My name is Countess Padmé Amidala. I…I thought most of the Jedi went to other planets to help them get ready for the people from here?"

"Yes, Countess, you’re right, but I believe a few are still here," a trooper said.

"Can you tell me where I can find them?" Padmé asked.

"Yes. You see those three ships? They’re in one of those," the trooper said. Padmé nodded, smiling.

"Thank you." Padmé started walking towards them, but stopped. She turned around and saw her family still talking, but they didn’t notice she was gone. Padmé ran to the three ships as fast as she could.

The first one was the biggest of the three. She looked everywhere, but didn’t see what she was looking for. The second, nothing, and the third, also nothing. She walked outside and saw a small ship leaving. She knew it. That was the one she wanted. But he wasn’t there. She could feel it. She walked over, sat on a rock, and watched the troopers and people walk by. She could hear machines going through the rubble. Padmé rested her chin in her hands and felt stupid. She had gotten her hopes up so high, and found nothing. The wind blew through her hair, and she stood up. There was nothing more she could do but leave with her family. But she could do one thing.

Padmé walked out to the site were the palace rubble was. She stood there and looked around. It was so desolate here. No one was out here. The only sounds she heard were the waterfall and the wind blowing softly. She let a tear fall and said a silent prayer and a thank you. Padmé looked at the palace one last time.

"Padmé?" a voice asked. She turned around, and someone stood before her. The wind picked up just a bit. The two stood there, staring at one another. They ran to each other as fast as they could. She jumped into his arms, and they kissed each other all over their faces, necks, and lips. She let tears of joy roll down her face when she looked at him. She saw a scar on his right eyebrow, and when he brought up his right arm to touch her face, he was wearing a glove. She knew what had happened. But it didn’t matter. He was alive. She hugged him and cried on his shoulder.

After a long time in his arms, she heard people coming.

"Padmé!" It was her mother calling. She opened her eyes from a dream and looked her family. She got in front of Anakin, still holding his hand. "How dare you run off like that, and…" Her mother stopped talking when she saw Anakin standing behind Padmé. "He’s alive. How nice. Now, the chairman is waiting, so say good-bye to your friend, and let’s go." Padmé stood there, looking at her mother, and shook her head. "What do you mean, no?"

"I’m staying, and there’s nothing you can do about." Padmé was standing up for herself now.

"Padmé you are courtier, not a commoner," her mother was saying. "Commoner and commoner go fine together, but not a courtier and a commoner."

"What bothers you more, Mother, is that Anakin is common and competition," Padmé said, and her father smiled. Her mother looked at her in disgust.

"So, that’s how it is? What can this Jedi give you that Bail can’t?" Jobal asked.

"Doesn’t matter."

"The hell it doesn’t. You are coming with us."

"I am going with Anakin," Padmé told her mother.

"You’re going to live life as a pauper!"

"I’d rather rot than be married to that man over there!" Padmé shouted at her mother. "Besides, you want to live a life of money. And if money is all you want, then that is all you will receive. You marry him, since you love him so much," Padmé said, Jobal looked at Anakin, who had a smile on his face. Jobal walked away.

"Come, Ruwee, Sola." She kept walking, but they didn’t move. Ruwee walked over to Padmé, and Sola and her family followed.

"You can go," Ruwee said. Jobal screamed like a little girl and stomped off. She turned around.

"You won’t last a minute!" she yelled, and stomped off again. Sola laughed at that with her two daughters. Padmé smiled and turned to face Anakin. Anakin looked down at her, then pulled something out.

"I was hoping you could tell me who the owner of this…well…rather beautiful hairpiece is." Anakin held it out. It was a small comb that was attached to a butterfly, and in the center was an emerald green diamond. Padmé looked at it. She walked past Anakin and sat on a rock.

"It belongs to a commoner who only pretended to be a courtier to save her family’s lives." Padmé had tears in her eyes.

"I know, but…" Anakin walked over to Padmé and knelt before her. "This belongs to a woman who is my match in every way possible." Anakin took Padmé’s left hand, and her eyes dropped as she watched Anakin put the little piece in her hand. "I will soon be a Jedi Master…but…" Sola had a smile on her face and covered her mouth in happiness. "I would truly feel like the Chosen One if you, Padmé Nicole Isabel Amidala…would be my wife." Anakin closed her hand over the little hairpiece. She cried. Anakin waited for her answer. She looked up at him, smiled, and jumped into his arms. He swung her around. Sola, Richard, Ryoo, Pooja, and Ruwee clapped.

Chapter Seventeen