Chapter Four

Jobal was with a few women in a smaller part of the palace at tea.

"The purpose of a university is to find a suitable husband. Both of my daughters have done that," Jobal was bragging.

"Oh, here comes that husband of yours," one woman pointed out. Jobal put down her napkin and cup.

"Let’s get up before he sits with us," she said, and they did, just as Ruwee walked over to the table.

"Hello, ladies. I was hoping I might join in."

"I’m sorry, dear. You missed it. The Delancres and I were going to take a walk around the palace," Jobal said. She was hoping that he would leave.

"Then I will escort you ladies," he said.


Meanwhile, the queen and Qui-Gon were speaking.

"Any new messages yet?" she asked him.

"No, none," he said.

"Look, Master, I trust the High Council, but if nothing is coming through, why should we worry?" she asked. Qui-Gon leaned in.

"Look, your highness, if you don’t have a plan to get these people off this planet or in some shielded area, then there might not be a Naboo left. We must be on alert. Because the Trade Federation, the guilds, and Dooku will strike when you least expect it. Then these people will die."

"So, what do you want me to do? Tell them and have mass panic?"

"No one wants that, but you need to be ready. My two Jedi friends and I will stay as long as we can. But just because the messages have stopped coming through doesn’t mean anything."


Anakin and Padmé were looking off into the distance, still talking.

"Well, after that, Obi-Wan worked on a monetary system, and Qui-Gon and I started to do paintings for ten credits apiece." Anakin looked at her.

She smiled. "Why can’t I be like you, Anakin? Just head off to the horizon whenever I feel like it. Say we’ll go to that planet sometime, even if we just talk about."

"No, we’ll do it." Anakin smiled. "We’ll drink cheap beer, ride the roller coaster until we throw up." Padmé laughed. "And we’ll ride animals on the beach, right in the surf." Padmé smiled. "But you have to do it right, none of that ladylike stuff."

Padmé gave him a look. "You mean, one leg on each side?" she asked, and he nodded. "Can you show me?"

"Sure, if you like," Anakin said in a sweet voice. She loved his voice.

"Teach me to ride like a Jedi." She smiled.

"I’ll teach you to use spice like a smuggler," he said.

"And spit like a man," she mimicked him.

"What…they didn’t teach you that in finishing school?" Anakin smiled.


"Well, come on. I’ll show you." Anakin took her hand.

"No, Anakin."

"Come on. It’ll be fun." Anakin pulled her as she tried to pull back.

"No, Anakin. I couldn’t possibly." Anakin stopped, and they hung over the railing.

"Watch closely," Anakin told her. He spit hugely in the pond. Padmé gave him a disgusted look.

"That’s disgusting!" Padmé exclaimed.

"Okay. Your turn." Anakin said. Padmé spat, but it was small. "That was pitiful. Come on. You really need to hawk it up. Get some body leverage, arch your neck." Anakin spat. "See the range on that one?" Padmé nodded, trying to get some spit in her mouth. Then she spat. "That was better. But you’ve really got to hawk it up." Anakin started again, but Padmé noticed a few people walking by. She jabbed him in the side. He looked to his left, then circled to his right. He swallowed his mouthful of spit.

"Mother, Father." Padmé’s voice was nervous. She walked closer to them. "May I introduce Knight Anakin Skywalker." Padmé had to stop herself from laughing.

"Charmed, I’m sure," her mother said. Her father smiled and noticed Anakin had some spit on his chin. He pointed to his own chin and Anakin wiped it off. Padmé started to tell her parents and the women that were with them how Anakin had saved her life. Her father was impressed. But as she glanced at her mother, she saw that she looked at Anakin like an insect, a dangerous insect that must be squashed quickly.

"Well, Anakin, I thank you for that, and you seem like a good man to have around in a sticky spot," her father said. Ruwee liked Anakin already. Then a horn blew. "Why do they insist on announcing dinner like a damned bantha charge?" Padmé laughed.

"Shall we go dress, Mother?" Padmé asked. She stood next to her and started to walk.

"I’ll catch up later," Ruwee said.

"See you at dinner, Anakin," Padmé said. They walked away, and Anakin waved good-bye. He kept looking at Padmé as she walked off.

"Um…excuse me," Ruwee said. "Son, do you have any idea what you’re about to do?" Anakin shook his head. "Well, you’re about ready to go into the snake pit, and you’re going to wear that?" Anakin nodded. Ruwee sighed. "It’s your life." Ruwee walked off.

Chapter Five