Chapter Seven

It was once again morning, and Padmé, the family, and Bail were out on their private balcony, having breakfast and drinking coffee. She knew she would have to say something about why she didn’t show up for dinner. Bail pushed away his eggs.

"I said I wanted four minute eggs, not four and one minutes. And where in the gods’ name is our bread?" Bail shouted, which scared Ryoo and Pooja. A servant came over and took the plate.

"I’ll fix the eggs, and the bread just came out, sir." The servant left. Padmé sighed, and everyone else kept eating. Bail spoke again.

"What happened last night?" he asked Padmé. Padmé shrugged and smiled a little. Her mother set down her cup of coffee and listened.

"I was tired," she said, taking a sip of juice. Bail nodded.

"Partying and dancing make you tired." Bail nodded.

"I see you had that Delac man following me around." She set down her cup with some force. "Predictable." She leaned back in her chair. Her mother watched her.

"You will never behave like that again, Padmé. Do you understand?" Bail asked. Padmé looked at him.

"I’m not a servant that you can command," she said. Bail looked up. He thought she would just say yes dear, or sir, and drop it. "I’m your fiancée." She was a bit shaky saying that. Bail nodded, but had a look of anger.

"My fiancée. My fiancée! Yes, you are!" He stood up and turned the little table over. Ryoo and Pooja cried, and Sola’s eyes were huge. "And my wife by practice and soon by law!" He went to Padmé, stood over her, put both hands on her arms, and got in her face. "And you will honor me. You will honor me the way a wife should honor her husband. Because I will not be made a fool again. Is there anyway that I’m not clear?" She shook her head. He got up and left. Padmé was shaking. Her mother stood up and left, while her father went over to her. Padmé was in tears, and her father comforted her as best as he could while Tina and Trudy came to pick up the mess. Padmé got out of her chair and tired to help them.

"I’m…so…sorry, Tina and Trudy." Padmé started to pick up the broken china.

"It’s okay," Tina said.

"We had an…an accident…oh, let me help you." Padmé was crying.

"It’s all right, Countess." Trudy stopped Padmé. Padmé sat down on the floor and cried. Her sister felt bad for her. She was going through a lot. Ruwee came over, picked Padmé up, and cradled her in his arms, carrying her off to her room.


Tina was lacing Padmé’s corset as Padmé stood there in silence. Tina knew Padmé was still upset.

"You did bring this on yourself, you know," Tina said. Padmé let a tear fall. "First at dinner last night. Then that horrible thing on the balcony." Tina pulled tighter then threaded the string through again. Then she stopped. "Although I’ll never forget how Bail looked when you didn’t show up for dinner." They both laughed a little. There was a knock on the door. Jobal came in, a look of rage on her face.

"Leave, Tina," she said, and Tina left. Jobal started to lace Padmé’s corset. It was quiet for a few moments. "You are not to see that Jedi again. Do you hear me?" Padmé didn’t say anything. "Padmé?" she asked with some force. "I forbid it."

"Oh, stop it, Mother. You’ll give yourself a nosebleed." Padmé was trying to stand up for herself. Jobal turned Padmé around with force.

"This is not a game. You know the money is gone."

"Of course I know it’s gone. You remind me every day."

"Your grandfather left us with nothing but bad debts hidden by a good name. That name is the only card we have to play," Jobal said. Padmé leaned back against the bedpost. "I don’t understand you. It’s a fine match with Organa. It will ensure our survival."

"How can you put this on my shoulders?"

"Why are you being selfish?"

"I’m being selfish? Let’s take a look at how I’ve been selfish. I’m marrying a person I can’t even stand to be in the same room with. And I’m doing it at the age of eighteen. Why am I doing this? So you can live the life you want. I’m giving up all my happiness so you can be happy." Padmé started to let the tears fall. "I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked of me, and you still don’t appreciate it." Padmé was crying now. "What more do you want from me?"

"Is that what you want?" Jobal asked. "To see your father working as driver of some sort? Your sister and her family living middle class? Me as a servant? Watch all of our fine things be sold off? Have our memories scattered to the wind?"

"What memories, Mother? I have none."

"Through these hard times, I have sheltered, clothed, and cared for you. All I ask in return is that you help me here without complaint. Is that so much to ask?"

"Marrying a man you don’t love is hard to do." Padmé walked to her bathroom, slammed the door, and locked it. Jobal stood there and then walked away. Just as she walked out of Padmé’s room, Ruwee came.

"She’s your daughter." Jobal walked away. Ruwee went into Padmé’s room and heard sobbing coming from the bathroom.

Padmé was looking in the mirror, crying. Her face was wet and red. She heard a knock.

"Padmé? Padmé, my sweet?" It was her father. She slowly opened the door. "What happened?" Padmé wrapped her arms around her father.

"I can’t…I can’t do this." She sniffed. "I feel nothing for him." Ruwee pulled Padmé away so he could see her face. "But I have to. Don’t I? Because if I don’t, I’ll shame the family." Padmé let more tears fall. Sola was at Padmé’s door, listening. "You always told me to never dishonor our family. And I won’t, even if it means I must be with a man I hate. It’s to honor our family." She sniffed. Sola felt a tear fall. Her sister was ready to give up everything so they could have everything.

"Padmé." Her father cupped her cheeks. "The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter." He kissed her forehead and held her close. Sola smiled and made a promise to herself that she would give Padmé support through this.


Padmé, Bail, and the whole family were at a temple service. Everyone was singing a song when Bail noticed Anakin coming from the corner of his eye. Mr. Delac was at the door and stopped Anakin from coming in.

"Mister and Misses Amidala and Mister Organa continue to thank you for helping," Delac said.

"Please. I just want to speak to Padmé," Anakin was trying to say.

"They want to give you this." Delac handed Anakin some credits.

"I don’t want your money. I need to speak to Padmé."

"And to remind you that you are here on a mission, which you will attend to." Delac split the credits and handed them to two men. "Now, please show Knight Skywalker to his Jedi friends."

"Yes, sir." The two men showed Anakin out. Meanwhile, Jobal watched Anakin leave and smiled about it. Padmé, however, had no idea what had just happened. She was still looking in the songbook.


The group was now walking around the palace with the queen, speaking the mindless chatter Padmé couldn’t stand. A man came up to the queen.

"Here, your highness. Another message from the guilds." The man walked away and the queen looked at it. Jobal had a slightly worried look on her face.

"Oh, don’t worry. That’s why the Jedi are here." The queen smiled. The group moved on.

"Your highness," Padmé said. Her royal blue dress fluttered in the soft breeze and her hair did as well. "I did the sum in my head. And with the number of cruisers times the number of beings you mentioned--forgive me, but I don’t think there’s enough for everyone."

"About half. Padmé, you miss nothing, do you?" the queen asked. Padmé smiled. "Don’t worry about any of it. Come. Let’s go." The group went on, but Padmé felt someone pull her back. She turned around, and it was Anakin. The two walked into a small room.

"I can’t see you, Anakin."

"Padmé, wait." He took her hand, and she looked at him.

"Anakin, I’m engaged. I’m marrying Bail. I love…I love Bail." Padmé was trying not to have a breakdown.

"Padmé, you’re no picnic. You’re a spoiled little brat." Padmé was about to leave. "Wait. I’m not done. But you are the most beautiful, smart, talented, wonderful girl…woman…I have every seen or known." Padmé was about to pull away. "Let me get this out. I know how this galaxy works; I’ve been all over it. I have nothing to offer you and I know that. But I’m too involved now." He put his hand on her cheek. "You jump, I jump. Remember? I can’t turn away without knowing you’ll all right."

"Well, I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Really."

"Really? They’ve got you trapped, Padmé. And you will die if you don’t break free. I’ve seen this before. You may not die now, because you’re strong." He put both hands around her face. "But that fire…the fire that I love about you…that fire that burns in my soul for you…that fire will burn out." He looked into her eyes and she into his. She’d never seen such blue eyes before.

"It’s not up to you to save me, Anakin."

"Right. Only you can do that."

"I’m going back. Leave me alone." She left.

Chapter Eight