Chapter Nine

Anakin and Padmé laughed all the down the halls and into her quarters.

"What do you think?" she asked as Anakin walked into the sitting room.

"It’s nice."

"That’s it? It’s nice?"

"Well, one has to remember I’ve been all over the galaxy, and I’ve seen…"

"I get it." Padmé smiled, taking off her coat and putting it on the sofa.

"You have these?" Anakin walked over to a painting.

"You know his work?" Padmé asked.

"Who doesn’t? I mean, look at his use of color."

"I know." Padmé walked back into a closet. "Bail always carts this hideous thing everywhere." Padmé unlocked the safe and picked up a piece of paper next to it.

"Should we expect him anytime soon?" Anakin asked, walking around the room.

"Not as long as the cigars and brandy hold out." Padmé finished writing, took off her engagement ring, put both the paper and the ring in the safe, and locked it. She walked over to Anakin, wrapped her arms around him, and started to kiss him with passion. He stopped her.

"Not that I’m not enjoying this, but why are you so excited?" he asked. She smiled, kissed him again, and he welcomed it. They eased down to the floor next to the fireplace. He was on top of her, and she looked up at him. With the Force, he was able to turn the lights down low, and some went completely off. "Nervous?" he asked. She shook her head, took his hand, and kissed each finger. She looked into the blue eyes that had more fire in them than the fireplace next to them. That fire he had was true love for her.

"Put your hands on me, Ani." She put his hand on her breast, and they kissed even more.


Both were breathing heavily as Anakin moved his head and looked down at her. She put one hand on his forehead and then pushed some hair back behind his ear.

"You’re trembling," she said.

"I’ll be all right." He kissed her, a deep kiss, and then stopped, trying catch his breath. Padmé kissed his forehead, he rested his head on her chest, and they both took deep breaths.


Meanwhile, Delac came over to Bail, who was smoking. He got up and walked over to a corner with his bodyguard.

"No one has seen her," Delac said.

"This is bullshit. This is a palace. There’s only so many places she could be. Delac, find her."


Anakin was out on the balcony. A breeze came by. He walked inside, and Padmé came out, wearing a light blue and red dress that fluttered as she walked.

"Oh, you look nice." Anakin was about to scoop her up when there was a knock on the door.

"Padmé?" It was Delac. Padmé grabbed Anakin’s hand, and they rushed out of the room. They made it to the other side of her quarters and out the back door. The two felt home free as they walked down the hallway together, hand-in-hand. But when they turned around, they saw Delac walking behind them and picking up speed. It was time to bolt.

"Go!" Padmé laughed, and the two ran, laughing. They saw an elevator and ran to it.

"Down! Down! Down! Take us down!" they yelled, laughing. The gate closed and the elevator went down. Delac was too late. He watched them grinning at him. Padmé raised her middle finger at him, and they laughed.

"Bye," Padmé said in a cute voice, and waved at him. Delac ran downstairs somewhere else. Anakin and Padmé got out of the elevator and went down more stairs. Anakin almost lost his balance, and Padmé howled with laughter. A man came by with a cart full of dirty dishes. Anakin ran into that, and Padmé laughed again.

"Sorry." Anakin, too, was laughing. They threw open a door and stood looking out a small window, catching their breaths.

"Wow…this guy." Anakin sucked in some air. "He seems more like a security guard than a bodyguard."

"I think he was," Padmé said. Delac appeared in the window. "Oh, gods."

"Oh, shit!" Anakin said, laughing.

"Run!" Padmé laughed, grabbed Anakin’s hand, and ran. They came to a dead end. "Ani!"

"No! In here!" Anakin pulled Padmé in and locked the door, just as Delac turned the corner.

Chapter Ten