Chapter Ten

At last school, there was only five minutes left of class and it was Friday, and Rose couldn't just stand another minute to be on her last class, Calculus. It was the third week of school and was also very hectic, not to mention all the homework and projects she had to do for her four classes. Okay, it was her senior year and it supposed to be her most important year in high school, but it didn't feel like it.

There were a lot of problems she was facing right now like where to go on college, what courses to take, and not mention the enigma that her mother put her through. She kept asking which universities she would consider to go to and every dinner they would always go through the same discussion about her future life and how she would make the family finances even more prosperous. And her father, well, he the only advice he had given her about college so far was to choose the one that would make her satisfy. That was one thing that she loved about her dad, always try to be supportive even though he was too busy running the family business.

Rose could tell that there would be no problem about her grades, in matter of fact, she was included in the top five percent of her whole senior class at Madeline High. She was also the student body vice-president of the school. With all of these good things, she knew that she still wasn't satisfied. And she knew the reason. Jack.

Even though how much she tried to forget him, it didn't work. If she saw a guy with blond hair, she always thought of Jack, and every time she heard about someone talking about their summer, she remembered the time she and Jack spent on the beach.

Finally, the bell rang and everyone was dismissed. She started walking out of the room when Josh Hartwell stopped her.

"I thought that class would never end."

"Same here." She agreed. "It’s boring and very different from last year."

"Yeah, Mr. Smith is cool and all that but the way he explains the lesson, it's like lecturing us from the testament unlike Mr. Andrews." They both laughed and were in the hallway, walking their way down the stairs. "Look, um Rose, there is a cool movie they are showing at the mall tonight, and I'm just wondering if you would like to go."

He was asking her out? A sudden panic went inside Rose's body and it felt like she was being put into a trial. It had been four weeks since she and Jack parted and still thought that she wasn't ready to go out with someone yet. Oh, what to do? Rose questioned herself. Finally, she said politely, "I'll think about it."

"Cool with me." The curly blond boy said, "Look, I'll call you later and see if you're in for tonight, all right? You wanna catch a ride me?"

"No, I have someone waiting for me outside. Thank you though."

"Okay, catch up with you later then." Then he was gone.

Rose walked in front of the school and Mr. Jones was there, as usual waiting for her in the black Mercedes Benz. Being the daughter of one of the riches business tycoon in Philadelphia was not that easy. She had to attend and dress up for the formal business parties that her parents were going. Always had to pretend that she was having fun and try to be friendly. Now, she had new problem to face; she had to decide whether to go out or wait for a hope that would bring her and Jack together.

Once she got home, she quickly went to her room and closed the door. Think, Rose. Think. She told herself. While moving back and forth and back and forth, her phone rang. She quickly answered it, "Hello?"

"Hey girl!"

"Crystal, oh my god! Thank goodness it's you!" Rose blurted out thankfully.

"I'm fine. It's so wonderful of you to asked." Crystal said sarcastically but then changed the tone of her voice and uttered, "What's wrong, Rose?"

There was a moment of silence but then, "I've been asked out to the movie tonight."

"So?" the girl on the other side of the line simply replied.

"So? Crystal, do you know what it means?" She asked not caring if her friend answered or not. "It means that--"

"It means he likes you and ask you out because you're single," Crystal cut in, "And there's nothing wrong about that. And besides, girl, the thing between you and Jack no longer existed. It's over now and you said it yourself before you left, remember?"

You just don't understand, Rose thought, I still have feelings for him. I'm still in love with him.

"Anyway, how you've been? How's life?" Crystal questioned, changing the topic.

"I'll guess I've been okay and right now, I'm still deciding whether to go out with him or not."

"What's his name?"


"The guy who asked you to the movies, stupid!"

"Oh, his name is Josh Hartwell and I have fourth period with him."


"And what?" Rose repeated.

"I mean, you suppose to give me the details. How he looks like, is he cute."

"Well, let's see, um, he's nice, smart, good looking," Not as good looking as Jack, said a tiny voice behind her head, "He has curly blond hair, tall, and I can tell he has pretty good muscles."

"He sounds hot," said Crystal animatedly. "So what's you're problem about going out with him?"

"Nothing, but I still feel that I'm with Jack."

"Well, guess what? You aren't with him anymore. And seeing someone else is the great way to keep your mind off Jack. Trust me, honey, I'll work out."

Rose sighed, feeling hopeless and said, "I'll guess is not a bad idea. And maybe be it'll open up a new door for me out there."

"That's my girl." Crystal praised. "Rose, Jack is a very nice guy but I guess you two ain't really for each other, you know. And the things happened between you and him back in California was maybe just one of those things that really meant to happen for brief time and besides, you both knew that moment that relationship began, it wouldn't work at the end."

"Yeah," was the only word could Rose reply. She and Crystal talked for the next half an hour and then after that, she went downstairs for supper.

Her dad was not home again; he was in a business conference in Chicago and her mom accompanied him. They would be back tomorrow morning.

Sitting in the big dining table alone wasn't Rose's ideal dinner. The foods were great but she didn't feel like eating anything. The maid came in the dining room with the cordless phone.

"He said he is Josh Hartwell, miss."

Rose took the phone and said, "Thanks, Trudy. And you can clean up now because I'm not that hungry." She left the room and went upstairs.


"Coffee?" The Italian guy asked.

Jack simply shook his blond head. Tired and exhausted from work at the gallery, by rearranging the potion of the artworks. The last thing he needed now was to drink the coffee that would keep him awake. What he needed right now was a good and peaceful sleep. He was not in the mood for the talking.

It was only 8:52 in the evening and he was now sitting on the big brown couch inside the Cafe De Viera. As usual, Fabrizio and Tommy were joking and talking back the woman they encountered at his uncle's a gallery. Instead of doing their job, they were just try to talk to the woman and each did their best to get her number. But at the end, both didn't succeed because the lady was already married with children. Still, the two men talking about but Jack didn't care about it because he was doing his work and now, his eyes was about to close when Tommy hit him at his back playfully.

"So what's bugging your mind, boyo?" The man who was in his late twenty's asked curiously. He had no clue what was in his friend's mind tonight.

"Nothing. Just tired. What makes you say that something bugging me?" Jack asked. Was there really bothering me? Hell yeah! Blurted the tiny voice behind him, you miss her, idiot, that's what's bugging you all day.

"Well, tell you the truth man, all day you were quiet and hardly said any words and it's not like you. So spit it out, boyo." Tommy uttered as he crossed his arms and leaned on the cushioned chair.

"Really, man, there's nothing to tell. I'm just tired that's all."

"Sure." Tommy agreed, still not convince.

"Maybe there is no problem," Fabrizio De Rossi cut in with his accented Italian voice, "Maybe our Jack in here just want to get laid." Tommy and Fabrizio laughed.

But, "Maybe," Jack simply responded with a wry smile, remembering the time he shared with Rose but quickly snapped out of the thought when his cell phone rang.

"Hello, Jack." Thomas greeted before Jack could say anything.

"Hey, uncle."

"What does the old man wants now?" asked Fabrizio while sipping his coffee.

"I heard that," Thomas stated with humor on the other line.

The three men all laughed and then Fabrizio took the phone from Jack and said, still laughing, "Well, my old friend, what can we do for you?"

Fabrizio listen what Thomas said and after awhile, he pushed the power button of the cell and handed it to Jack.

"He wants you at the gallery now. He said he needs to talk you about something. So I suggest you go now and me and our Irish friend will hang out in here for awhile."

"All right, I'll catch up with you guys later." Then he exited the cafe. He got inside his red Chevy truck and started driving.


She went out with Josh. They saw this romantic movie, which Rose knew that he chose it so just he could go out with her. He'd been a real gentleman during the movie and even offered his jacket when he though she was cold. She even imagined that she was the woman in the movie and Jack was the guy the she fell in love with and married at the end. Lucy, the woman in the movie, and her had some similarities on their lives. They both met the guy they fell in love with during their vacation; they really enjoyed each others company and at the end of their vacation, they both parted. The big difference was that Lucy's man looked for her and proposed and married her, and as for Rose, her Jack didn't want them to continue their relationship. She tried not to think of Jack again but it didn't work. Jack was like a drug that she took just for one time, and after that, the effect was obsession and wanting more of that drug. She wanted Jack badly.

After the movie, they went to a restaurant to eat and talk about stuff in school, but Rose avoided talking about what they did over the summer. The restaurant reminded her of Inter, the restaurant where she and Jack had their first date and often go to eat. Josh seemed nice talker and fun to be with but it was not really the same as with Jack. Josh had a great sense humor, funny, nice, and so far hadn't done anything that offended her, but with Jack, everything went well and fantastic. Even only seeing him would make her day.

They were now walking in front of the Rose's house and as they walked, Josh was telling her about the party that would be on next week, Finally, they reached the big front door and Rose and him said goodnight to each other. Josh started heading for his car when he called Rose, who was also about to get inside the house.

"Yeah Josh?" Rose asked.

"I'm just wondering if you have any plans next week."

"Well, I'm not sure. Something always comes up so I don't really know if I'm doing something next week. Why?"

"Well if you're not busy, maybe you can go out with me again."

Again? Rose thought pathetically. I'm not over with Jack yet but it almost impossible to do that. Maybe this will help me. She cleared her throat and said, "Sure I would like that."

"Cool. I'm looking forward to it." He smiled and said good bye to her again. Rose didn’t say anything, but just smile at him. After getting inside, Rose went directly to her room and flew herself in her bed.

What'd had I done? She asked herself. Why did I agree to go out with him anyway? Tears flowing constantly down her cheeks. It felt as if she was cheating on Jack.

…All those endless times we tried to make it last forever more
And baby I know
I need you
I know deep within my heart
It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right
I really need you, oh

I need you tonight--I need you, oh I need you baby
I need you right now--it's gotta be this, it's gotta be this
I know deep within my heart
No, it doesn't matter if it's wrong or it's right
All I know is baby
I really need you tonight…

Jack was laying at his bed, looking up the ceiling. He couldn't sleep and now thinking about the situations that happened back at the gallery.

When he returned at the place, he found his uncle was already closing it. Everything seemed to be on their right place and Jack kept wondering what his uncle wanted. After entirely closing the door, Thomas led Jack to the couch.

"What is it, uncle?" Jack finally said.

"Your father called and asked me to tell you that you need to go home. He wants to talk you."

"You mean, wants to torture me." Jack corrected.

"Give your old man a break, son. He's not that bad and plus you mother misses and wants to see you." Thomas explained, "You haven't see them for like, how long? Eight months. The only communication you and your parents have is through telephone and when was the last time you call them? Like two months ago."

"Don't tell me that you agree with this," Jack murmured, feeling sleepy, "You actually want me to go back home. Damn, dad will pressured me again on going back to university."

"Well, I think it's about time for you to continue your studies of business. Or maybe you have changed your mind about going to that kind of field."

Jack sighed, "I'm still going to take business, but I'm not ready yet. And plus, I'm still too young to that kind of shit."

"Ah, you told me that same thing almost three years ago after you graduated high school."

"Well, I'm only twenty years old and I know, I'll still be the owner the Dawson Enterprise whatever happen." He paused and then continued, "And plus, you need me in here."

"Nonsense, my boy, I have Tommy and Fabrizio to help me with things around here. That's the reason they are here, right. For them to work and get paid. And as for you, you came here to get experience and I think you have enough. Besides, I think you're bored hanging around and staying with your old uncle." Thomas stated with humor.

For the moment, Jack didn't say anything, but then he gave a wry smile and, "I think I'll give it a shot, but it doesn’t mean I won't be back because, trust me, uncle, I can change my mind anytime soon."

Thomas patted his nephew's back and said, "That's my boy. When are you planning to leave? I suggest it better be soon."

"Why go home early if I have a lot of time in my hand? I think you just can't wait to get rid of me, old man." Jack said. "Well, I think you're right, the sooner I talk to him the better. I'll say, this Friday."

"All right, Friday it is then." He gave Jack another pat on the back and then got up from the couch, "And oh, you are free to go now, son. I won't be back till mid night. I have some other work to do."

"Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?" Jack questioned as he let himself up into a standing position.

"Yes, I am sure. I think you had enough for today."

"Okay then. I'll be leaving now."

Well, tonight was Wednesday, and he would be leaving his uncle's apartment on Friday and that would give him a lot of time to pack, not that he had a lot of things to load. Most of his things and belongings were at his parents' house, so that made it easy for him.

He tossed and turned on his bed and looked at his clock to find out that it was one in the morning and yet he was widely awake. Then, he decided to get up from his bed. He walked back and forth, back and forth. Suddenly, he noticed two pieces of folded paper under his bed. He picked it up and unfolded it. To his surprise, poems were written on them. The pieces of paper his found at the beach one night while he was walking. The handwriting was familiar. He forgot about this during the whole summer and still surprise that he still had it.

He re-read them and remembered why he kept them. They were beautifully written by the writer, which he no idea who. Then for the first time, he noticed little letters at the bottom. It was written: R.D.W.B.

R.D.W.B? He thought and then suddenly he said at loud, "Rose DeWitt Bukater!"

It was Rose's poems! She wrote it. That was why he recognized the handwriting. Rose loved to write poems, and he even remembered that she always let him read the poems she wrote.

Oh, his lovely Rose. His lovely Rose? Rose didn't belong to him. Maybe for a while, but not anymore. Why the hell I feel guilty? He asked himself. Parting was for the best. He shouldn't feel guilty. It was only a summer fling. Nothing more.

Then, he went back to sleeping position and gave it another try. He closed his eyes and memories of Rose went flashing in his mind. Rose during their first date at the park. Rose laughing while he was chasing her around the beach. Rose leaning her head on his shoulder while she was reading some of the poems she wrote. Rose while they were making love. Rose--

'That's enough. It was only a fling, remember?' He reminded himself silently, 'You and her were just summer lovers.' He paused and then proceed, 'Rose DeWitt Bukater, you're part of my past now and will no longer part of me.' Then, he finally drifted into sleep.

Chapter Eleven