Chapter Two

Early in the morning after breakfast, Rose went out to go jogging. While she was running, she accidentally bumped into a young boy whose running toward her.

"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you. See, my sister is chasing me because I stole her diary last night."

Then, suddenly, a girl whose about Rose’s age said, "David, you’re dead meat. Where’s my diary. You’re in trouble now because I told mom and dad that you stole it last night." Then, she noticed Rose who’s looking at her. "What did you now, David? Did he do something to you?" she asked Rose.

"Uh, no. I just bumped into him while I was running," said Rose.

"Are you sure because this little worm in here can’t get himself out of trouble. By the way, my name is Crystal Bennett, and this is my little brother, David," Crystal said.

"Nice to meet you. I’m Rose DeWitt Bukater."

"That’s a pretty long name," said David. "But it’s a good name."

"Uh, before I forget, David, mom wants to talk to you. You’re in big trouble mister," said Crystal.

"I don’t believe you," answered David.

"Oh yeah, remember about the flower vase you broke last week, I told mom about that and she’s really mad. So I suggest you go back and beg for your life," said Crystal with a smile. Then David started running back to their beach house.

"That little leech, you gotta love him. So Rose wanna go to the Tropical Bar and get some drinks?" Crystal said.

"Sure," Rose answered. Then, after they went to the Tropical Bar, they spent the whole day together, talking about their life. Finally, Rose found herself a friend for the summer.

Chapter Three