Chapter Three

"So, sweetie, how was your day?" asked Aunt Rebecca while preparing their dinner at the table.

"It was fun. I met a new friend and her is Crystal. Crystal Bennett," said Rose.

"Well, it’s about time you start socializing. Here you go and make sure you it all of them because it’s my specialty," said Rebecca while placing the lasagna in Rose’s plate.

"Mmm, looks delicious, but aunt, you put too much," Rose said.

"Just eat your dinner, dear," demanded Rebecca.

After helping her aunt to put up the dishes, Rose went outside with her notebook so she can write her poem and enjoy a quiet time at the beach. Rose loved writing poems and reading romance book. Rose found a spot to sit in. It was a big rock, which located near the water. Rose sat on it. Her feet were touching the sand, and she could feel the water touching her feet back and forth because of the waves.

Last night, she had a wonderful dream. In that dream, she was with this guy with blond hair. They were walking in the beach holding hands, and Rose can tell that she was a having a great time with the guy. But the problem was, in her dream, the guy’s face was not showing, and when they were about to kiss, she woke up. She tried to go back to sleep this morning, but she couldn’t fall asleep that was why she went jogging very early.

She was still thinking about that mystery guy from the dream. "Maybe he’s my soul mate," said Rose to herself while looking at the moon. "Well, Miss DeWitt Bukater, you just fooling yourself. That guy in your dream is not real. You don’t even know how he looks like." Then, she took her notebook and started writing on it. The first poem she wrote was about the man in her dream and what she felt about it, and the second poem was about what kind of man she want to be with and spend the rest of her life with. After she wrote and read her two poems, she tore and folded both of them from the notebook and threw it in the water. She just thought that everything she wrote in the poems were not real and will never come true. Then, she went back to the beach house sad and upset about her life.

Meanwhile, a man was walking at the beach barefooted while enjoying the peaceful sound of the night. Then, he saw something at sand. Curiously, he picked it up and saw that it was some kind of paper that was folded up. He unfolded the paper and discovered that there were two of them instead of one. Then, by his surprised, there were something written on it. He read both papers and fascinated by the theme of each poem. The man wondered why did the writer throw out these two lovely poems. Then, he folded the poems again and decided to keep them.

Chapter Four