Chapter Four

Rose and Crystal just came from the library to borrow some books. After that, they decided to go to the Tropical Bar to grab something eat. Both girls spent the whole morning and some part of the afternoon reading the book they borrowed at the beach. Then, by 4 o’clock, they went back to the Tropical Bar to get some snacks. While they were eating, David came running to Crystal and said, "Mom is looking for you, and she said that she needs you to help her prefer the foods for dinner because grandma and grandpa are coming here tonight."

"Tonight!" exclaimed Crystal.

"Yes, tonight. They just talked to mom on the phone about a while ago," explained David.

"Well, I guess I have to go and help mom," said Crystal while getting up from her sit and getting her books.

"Okay, see you later then. Bye!" said Rose while Crystal and David leaving the Tropical Bar.

After leaving the bar, Rose decided to continue reading her second book she read that day. She continued to read her book while she was walking with the book she was reading on her right hand and the other four books on the other hand. Not paying attention to where she was going, Rose bumped into a guy whose walking towards her who’s also not looking to where he was going. Rose was shocked and dropped all her books. "I’m really, really sorry about this," said Rose to the guy who was now picking up her books.

"That’s all right. I was not paying attention to where I was going, too. So you don’t have to apologize," said the guy while handling the books to Rose. Rose was so stunned when she saw the guy’s face.

She never saw such handsome face like that before. For seconds, she just stood there looking at the guy's face without saying a word. "Hello miss?" asked the guy while he was waving his hand back and forth to Rose’s face. Then Rose realized what was happening.

Then, she finally said, "Oh, I’m sorry about that. What was you saying to me?" Rose asked him again.

"I said you don’t have to apologized because it was also my fault," repeated the guy with a smile. "And here are you books," said the man.

"Thanks," Rose said.

"You’re welcome. I guess, I’ve better be going. Well, see you around," said the guy with another smile and started walking.

"Thanks again. Bye!" said Rose happily while waving bye at the guy. She watched him walk away until his figure faded away. "Oh my God," said Rose to herself, "I think I'm in love!"

That night, Rose couldn’t fall asleep. She was still thinking about the guy she bumped into this afternoon. She was picturing his face. That angelic face. "Rose, you’re so stupid. You had the chance to ask his name, but you didn’t instead, you just looked at him like you saw a ghost. What if you never saw him ever again? What will you do? Ah, stop thinking about him! He probably have a girlfriend," said Rose while looking at the ceiling. All that night, she thought about that mystery guy she saw until she fell asleep.

Chapter Five