Chapter Five

When Rose woke up the next day, she was in a happy mood. She made her aunt a breakfast in the bed. And her aunt couldn't understand what's wrong with her niece. After breakfast, Rose went to Crystal's house. The Bennett just finished their breakfast. Then, Rose and Crystal went for a walk around the beach. Crystal started noticing that Rose was acting very differently that day. So she asked Rose what she's up to.

"You look very happy today, girl! Is there anything you wanna share to me?" asked Crystal.

"Well, actually yesterday, I bumped into this really hot guy after I left the Tropical Bar. I was reading my book, and I was not paying any attention where I was going, so I just keep walking until I bumped into him. At first, I was kind of upset because I was reading a really good part, but when he looked at me after picking up my books from the ground, my body couldn't moved. I was just standing there looking at him like I was seeing a ghost. And now, maybe he thinks I'm stupid or something. And I really, really like him. No, I don't like him! I love him!" said Rose excitedly to her friend.

"Rose, sweetie, listen to me. First, I'm so happy for you that you met your dream guy, but this is insane. You can't possibly fall in love with a guy who you just met. And besides, you don't even know him. You don't know his name and maybe, he's even a psycho killer!" Crystal explained to Rose.

"Psycho killer! You don't even know how he looks like. He's really fine!" said Rose.

"Oh, great. If a guy is really cute, it doesn't mean that he can't be a killer. Take the movie American Psycho for example, that guy in there really dressed nice and he looks good, but inside he's a psycho killer. See, anything you see outside doesn’t represent their real personality," said Crystal.

"Okay, okay, I get what you saying. So what do you want me to do? Go find him and follow him wherever he goes like a stalker. And introduce myself to him and get to know him," said Rose.

"Yeah, something like that, but leave the stalker part because you're not really gonna stalk him," agreed Crystal. The two girls spent the whole morning talking, and they separated to eat lunch.

While eating their lunch, the phone rang. Aunt Rebecca went to the living room to answer the phone. Rose was playing with her food. She can't eat because she was thinking about the mystery man she bumped into. Then she heard her aunt coming to the kitchen with the phone. "She's here. We're just eating our lunch. Oh, you want to talk to her? Okay, I'll give it to her," said her aunt.

"Oh, great, it's mom," said Rose in her mind with uninterested thought. Then, her aunt gave the phone to her. " Hi mom! How are you?" asked Rose her mother.

"I'm fine, darling. So, what have you been doing so far?" asked Ruth.

"Well, I met a new friend and her name is Crystal Bennett. She and me..." then she was interrupted by Ruth.

"Honey, it's 'She and I.' Don't forget that even though you're in a vacation, it doesn't mean that you have to forget how to talk formally," said Ruth. Rose hated when her mother tries to correct everything she did wrong. Ruth always wanted Rose to act properly every time, but Rose hated it.

Then Rose said with upset tone, "Okay mother, She and I always spend our time walking in the beach, reading books, and talking. So how's dad?"

"Well, your father is doing fine. He has to go to New York tonight because he that has meeting with Edward Walker, and I, I have to attend Molly Brown's party. I wish you are here, sweetie, so you can go with me."

"Yeah, me too, mom," said Rose even though it was not true. Another thing that Rose hated of being rich was going to her parents' boring parties. She always sees the same people. And her mother always tells her to go out with her friend's son. One time, Rose went to a date with Derrick Roberts, one of the sons of Ruth's friend's, he was so boring, the only thing they talked about during their date was about business and politics. And after that date, she always hides from him every time he visited her house.

"Well, sweetie, I have to go. Take care. Don't eat too much junk and watch your skin when you're out. And don't give your aunt any headaches. Okay, bye. I love you," said Ruth.

"I love you, too, mom. Bye." Then, she hanged the phone.

After lunch, Rose went to the Bennett's house. She stayed there until 4:00. Then, she went to the beach and took a walk alone. Finally, Rose reached her favorite part of the beach. It was located very far from the beach houses. It was so quiet in there and hardly anyone goes in that part of the beach. Rose sat on the sand and looked at the water. "I hate my life!" said Rose to herself after she threw a piece of rock in the water. "Why can't my life be easy? I'm the unluckiest person in this world. I'm rich, but I'm not happy with that. I have so many rules to follow and so many things that I can't do." Then, Rose leaned back on the sand and closed her eyes and tried to imagine what her life would be if she didn't have rich parents and has normal life. After a few moments, she sensed that someone had sat down beside her. Who had followed her? Crystal? Aunt Rebecca?

Chapter Six