Chapter Six

Finally, she opened her eyes and looked around. It was the guy she bumped into!

"Hi!" greeted Rose with a surprise.

"Hey," said the guy. "I was walking and I saw you here. Did I disturb your quiet time? Do you want me to leave?"

"Oh, no! You didn't disturb me. I was just closing my eyes," reassured Rose after getting back into sitting position.

"I love this time of day especially if it's quiet."

"Yeah, me too," agreed Rose while looking at the guy. "Oh at night too, especially while you just listening at sound of the ocean." Rose couldn't believe that she was talking to the guy that she was picturing in her mind since she bumped into him.

"So, did you finished reading all of your books?" asked the guy with a smile.

"Yeas, I finished all of them. Actually, I already read three of those five books before. Those were my favorite. One of them was Sense and Sensibility. I first read it when I was in seventh grade and since then, I was inspired by the passion of life of the Dashwood sisters especially Marianne." Then, she wondered if she was talking too much.

"You surely read a lot of books. I mean it's good. So how's your summer so far?" questioned the guy and looked at Rose with his perfect blue eyes. Rose thought that his eyes were most beautiful eyes she ever saw in her whole life. There something with those eyes that telling her that she could trust him even though she doesn't really know him yet.

"So, how's your summer so far?" the guy repeated.

"Oh," Rose said. "Well, I usually spend my time with my friend, Crystal, reading books, walking in the beach, or just talking for a long time about different stuffs. It might sound not interesting, but I actually enjoy it. And then, I also spend my time with my Aunt Rebecca and Janice, her dog, doing each other's nails while watching romance videos. Then, I also write poems and stories if I came up with great ideas."

"Really?" asked the guy with interest while remembering the poems he found on the beach while he was taking a walk.

"Yeah, I love writing poems and stories because it expresses my feelings and thought," explained Rose and wondered why the guy was curious.

"Well, me, I'm not really a book reader and story or poem writer, but I love art. For me, art is, uh, well, I don't really have the exact word for it, but I love art. Let's just leave it like that." Then, the guy stood up. "Do you want to go to Tropical Bar to grab something drink or eat?"

"Sure, why not? I was just thinking about that." Then, the guy gave his hand to Rose so he can help her stood up.

Rose was enjoying every minute of the walk. I can spend my whole life with this guy, Rose thought to herself. Finally, they reached the Tropical Bar after a long walk. Next to the Tropical Bar, there was a club called El Sol. It was always full every night. After they went inside the Tropical Bar, the sat down on one of the benches near the window, where you can see the ocean view.

"What do you wanna drink?" asked the guy. "Coke? Dr. Pepper? Diet Coke? Or Diet Dr. Pepper?"

"Um, Diet Dr. Pepper," said Rose.

"Okay, anything else? Do you want something to eat with that?" asked the guy.

"I'm not really that hungry. But thank you, though. I'll just have a drink."

"All right, I'll be right back. I'm just gonna order."

After they went to the Tropical Bar, Rose and the guy went back to the far end of the beach and sat down at the same spot where they were before they went to the bar.

They spent most of the time talking about art and how they spend their time alone. Rose couldn’t believe that she was talking to him. She never met anyone like this guy before. He’s not boring and he really knows how to act with other people. "I can die right now," said Rose in her mind while looking at his eyes.

Most of the time, Rose caught herself just staring at him instead of paying attention to what he was talking about. He’s so amazing and really nice. When they were at the bar, Rose insisted Jack to accept her money for the drink, but he politely refused her money. He said that it was his treat because he was the one who asked her to go with him to the bar. But after that, he also told her that she could pay the bill next time. After that, all Rose could think of that moment was that the guy had said, "next time." That meant he wanted to see her again!

"Oh, my god!" said Rose while looking at her watch. "It’s time for dinner. My aunt is probably looking for me right now, and I didn’t even noticed the time." Rose had promised her aunt that morning that she’ll be back before 7:30, but now, it’s 8:04. Rose was thinking if she gonna be in trouble, but she remembered that her aunt have a room for explanation unlike her mother. But now, she didn’t want to leave the guy because she having a great time with him and she had just started to get to know him personally.

Getting up on his feet, the guy said, "I’ll guess you have to go, huh?"

"Yeah," said Rose while trying to get up but she was having a hard time to get up on her feet probably because her legs were crossing each other for long time. "Little help here, please." Rose held out her arms for him and gave him an embarrass smile. Then, the guy pulled Rose as if she weights less than feather. Oh, God, he's so strong, thought Rose to herself. After helping her to get back on her feet, Rose said not wanting to go, "Well, I guess see ya around?"

"Yeah I'll see ya around maybe tomorrow."

"Really?" Rose got excited.

"Yeah," he looked at Rose for a moment and said, "Well, see you around, uh…"

Both of them laughed realizing that they don't even know each other's name. For the moment they just laughed and then Rose finally broke the awkward situation. "I'm really sorry, we've been talking for a long time and I didn't even bother introducing myself to you. Anyway, I'm Rose. Rose DeWitt Bukater. And you are?"

"Jack. Jack Dawson. Well Rose, it's really great to see you again. I had a nice time talking to even though during that time, we didn't even know each other's name, now that I know your name, would you like to go with me at the club tomorrow night?"

Rose couldn't believe what she was hearing. Did he just ask her out? The guy that Rose bumped into yesterday, asked her out! Oh my God! Rose said it to her mind while she tried not to act ever excited.

"I would love to, Jack. What time we should meet?"

"Around 7:00 so we can eat first and then go to the club. I'll wait for you outside the Tropical Bar. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, it's okay. So see you tomorrow," said Rose happily.

"That's great. Do you want me to walk you home?"

"Sure, if you don't mind."

"No, I don't mind at all."

They started walking, and Rose was very excited and can't wait till tomorrow night. When they reached Rose's beach house, they said good-byes to each other and she stay outside until Jack disappeared in sight. Rose went inside happily and found her aunt sitting at the couch in their living room. Rose was expecting an upset look from her aunt, but instead she had a mischievous look in her face.

"So, how did it go?" her aunt asked excitedly.

"What are you talking about, auntie?" Rose questioned her aunt back with a puzzled look.

"Sweetie, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're late for dinner and a boy walked you home. So, what happened today with him? Did he ask you out?"

"Well, first, we talked and we went to the Tropical Bar. I had nice time and I couldn't believe that he asked me out! Can you believe that Aunt Rebecca, we just met and then he asked me out!" squealed Rose excitedly. "Oh my God, I have to tell this to Crystal; she's gonna freak out when she finds out that I'm going on a date with the guy she thinks that is a psycho! Jesus! What am I gonna wear?"

"Calm down, Rose. It's gonna be fine. The only thing you have to worry about is if, I should let you go out with him. I'm responsible for you and I'm not sure if I should let you go out with that guy."

"Come on, Aunt Rebecca," begged Rose. "There's nothing to worry about and I know you'll let me go because you're the coolest aunt in the world! And beside, I might not have another chance. You know mother; she won't let me do this kind of stuff. Please aunt!" Then Rose gave her aunt a puppy face.

"Okay you can go, but first you have to eat your dinner, all right?" agreed Rebecca.

"Thanks, Aunt Rebecca. I know that you're the best. She gave her aunt a hugged and went to the kitchen happily while singing "I Want It That Way."

That night, she had a dream about the guy in her last dream. His face was still blurry, but the setting was different. Instead of being in the beach walking together, they were at the church! They are getting married! When they were about to kiss, Rose woke up again. For a couple of minutes, she was just sitting in the bed while thinking about the dream. Why on earth I keep having dreams about that same guy? Who is he and what does the dream means?" Rose asked herself and then fell asleep picturing Jack's face…

Chapter Seven