Chapter Eight

The next couple of weeks, I was like a cloud nine for both Jack and Rose. They were really having a great time together. There was only one more week before their summer together ended, days passed so quickly, but neither one even think about it during their time together. Rose couldn't believe that Jack was her boyfriend; it all started the day she bumped into him under an embarrassing circumstance, but now, she was with him. For the couple of weeks they were going out, they learned a great deal about each other. Rose learned that Jack was born in Boston from a normal family, unlike her, she was from one of the wealthiest family in Pennsylvania, which one of the things she disliked about herself. She also learned that Jack had an uncle who owned an art gallery where Jack worked, and he was the one who paid for Jack's expenses for his vacation. As for Jack, he learned almost everything happened to Rose about her childhood life, more about her family, and how she hate living with her mother's rule.

Most of the time, the couple spent their time walking in the beach holding hands just enjoying their time together. Going out to downtown, eating to their favorite restaurant where they had their first date, or even clamming in the bay. Rose hated clams and all seafood, but Jack loved them, especially sushi. Even though she hated them, she still enjoyed clamming under the beautiful scenery of the sunset with her Jack.

"Okay, if I'm gonna change my hair color, which one do you prefer better, blond or brunette?" Rose said while trying to balance herself on the high edge of the sidewalk with Jack beside her, making sure that she won't fall. He stopped for a moment and then turn to face her and gave a big sigh.

"I think I like the way your hair right now, and if God gave me a chance to change anything about you, I will just simply refuse it because for me, everything about you is perfect."

With that remark, Rose couldn't do anything except to stared at the blue-eyed angel in front of her. He looked so sincere and even without asking him if he really mean what he said, Rose could tell that he meant every word just by looking in his oceanic eyes and angelic face. But then she said with mischievous smile, "I think, you, Mr. Dawson, are lying."

"And what gives you any idea that I'm lying, Miss DeWitt Bukater?" Jack questioned his girlfriend with an amusing look.

"Well, for start, men like you usually lie about these kind of questions," Rose explained teasingly, "when their girlfriends ask them about how they look, men always say that they look perfect even though there's something wrong on how they look. And if I'm--" But Rose was interrupted by Jack's kiss; it was sweet and passionate and then a couple of minutes later their lips parted and Jack gave wry smile, put his hands to Rose's waist and lifted her up as if she weighted no more than a feather.

"Jack, put me down!"

"Not until you say you believe me," Jack said playfully.

"I won't, 'cause you were lying." With that, Jack lifted her even more higher and started spinning around.

"All right!" Rose screamed with laughter, "I believe you, Jack, and I was just joking. And you should know that by now, sweetie."

"Okay," Jack agreed and stopped spinning around, but he was still holding Rose up, "but there's one more thing." He gave a sly smile and then continued, "kiss me or I won't put you down."

"You can't make me, and how am I suppose to kiss you if you still holding me up?"

"You got a point in there." He put her down, but his arms were still around her. Rose tip toed so she could kiss him. First, she kissed his chin impishly and quickly, then his lips, but pulled away fleetly with a grin and break away from his hug and started running and said, "If you want more, Mr. Dawson, you have it get first."

She was now couple yards away and Jack said, "All right, if you want it that way, I advise you to run fast because I will take my time with that kiss when I catch you." Jack warned her, still standing as if he was not going to chase her.

"You'll get it if you're fast enough," Rose said. Jack started running to her direction, and it didn't take too long for him to catch up with her because of his athletic ability to run.

"Got ya!" he exclaimed as he wrapped his around her petite curves and pulled her close.

"Okay mister, you won," still catching her breath, her heart was pounding quickly from exhaustion and yet with excitement. "But you cheated."

"Me? Cheated?"

"Yes, you did!" said with assured tone.

"First you accused me of lying and now cheating? Well, it doesn't matter, does it? I caught you and now, where's my kiss?" She tip toed again so she could reach him then leaned her head so her lips onto his and that continued for a while and then they parted and Rose said, who was still trap in his arms, "Jack, what's gonna happen to us after the summer's over?"

He looked down at her and sighed. "One thing for sure, you'll be back to Philadelphia and I'm going back to Boston, but after that, well just figure it out. But don't think about that right now, okay?"

Rose nodded. "All right." Jack smiled down at her, and bent his head, and started kissing her around the neck, gently and playfully and Rose gave a little giggle. "But what if we don't see each other after we go back home?" She paused, waiting for his answer but there was no respond. "Are you listening to me, Jack?"

Jack stopped what he was doing and lifted his head from her neck and look at her, "Of course, I'm listening. And for the second time, stop thinking about it, baby. We'll try to figure and work it out okay?" He smiled and said sincerely, "Just remember this, whatever happened, I'll always remember you and you will always be my best girl."

"Really?" Rose said. "You mean it?"

"Yes, I do and when did I ever lie to you?"

She grinned and said, "Just a few minutes ago." But when she stared at his eyes, they had serious and genuine look in them, so she said earnestly, "You never lie to me and I'm not only thankful for that, but I'm also thankful for having you with me right now." They kissed and continued their walk.

I'd go anywhere for you
Anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you
Anything you want me to

I'd walk halfway around the world
For just one kiss from you
Far beyond the call of love
The sun, the stars, the moon
As long as your love's there to lead me
I won't lose my way, believe me
Even through the darkest night you know

I'd go anywhere for you
Anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you
Anything you want me to
Your love as far as I can see
Is all I'm ever gonna need
There's one thing for sure
I know it's true
Baby, I'd go anywhere for you

I used to think that dreams were just
For sentimental fools
And I'd never find someone
Who'd give their love so true
But I knew the very minute
Couldn't live my life without you in it
And now I want the whole wide world
To know

I'd go anywhere for you
Anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you
Anything you want me to
Your love as far as I can see
Is all I'm ever gonna need
There's one thing for sure
I know it's true
Baby, I'd go anywhere for you…


That night, Rebecca and Rose were preparing dinner. Rose got back to the beach house around 5:45. When Jack and Rose started going out, the three of them had their traditional dinner every Sunday, and Jack always came at seven thirty or even earlier to help. The summer was really perfect; everybody was getting along really fine and Jack was very friendly, the moment Rose introduced him to her aunt, she instantly like him, he had this way on people, which was really nice.

"Are you almost done with the salad?" Becky asked her niece while putting some dirty dish in the dishwasher.

"I'm almost done. I just need to put the dressing on it." She finally put the dressing. "Done! Here taste this, auntie."

She took a fork and tasted it. "Very nice. It almost tastes better than my salad," she complimented with an approving smile. She look at the clock and said, "By the way, it's 8:13 and Jack is not here yet." Then the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it. It's probably Jack," Rose volunteered.

She went out of the kitchen excitedly and open the door for Jack, who was wearing a black pants and a white shirt saying, "FBI" lining vertically in which each letters was written in bold print but there were small prints beside each letter saying "Female Body Investigator."

"Very funny," Rose said after reading the prints in his shirt and then they hugged and kissed lightly. "Where did you get that?"

"My friend, Armando gave it to me before I went to vacation and I think it's pretty cool." Then he gave her another kiss and said, "Where's Aunt Becky?"

"I'm here, Jack!" Rebecca called out from the kitchen. He went there followed by Rose. She just finished preparing the table and everything was set. She came up to Jack and gave him a hug. "Aren't we running a little bit late tonight?"

"Sorry about that. I received a phone call from Boston and it was my parents. There were asking how's everything going and when I'm coming back home."

"And when exactly you're going back home?" Becky asked.

"Maybe a couple of days after you two leave. I figure that I should stay longer and then head back home and start my work again."

"I just can't believe that days pass so quickly, don't you think Rose?" Rose was just standing in there with a frown in her face on the thought of leaving the Jack and going back to Philadelphia. But she brushed the thought away and focused on what her aunt's question.

"Yeah, I think so too. I only have two more weeks before I go back to school."

"Well, we just have to make the best of it," Jack said while putting a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "It's gonna be fine," he whispered to her.

After the dinner, they all gathered in the sitting room talking about their plans after the summer was over. Jack and Rose were sitting together in one couch and Rebecca with Janice in her lap in the other. Rose was fully quiet during the entire time. Aunt Becky was talking about heading back either to her apartment in Italy or stay with her friends in New York. Jack noticed Rose was very silent and just simply held her close to him the whole time.

It was almost twelve and Jack got up to say good bye to Rose and her aunt. Jack patted Janice's head and Rebecca gave him a hug and then went into her room with Janice following behind her. Jack and Rose were left alone and then they went outside in the front porch. From there, you can see beautiful scenery of the beach under the moonlight. It was so quiet and calm. They stared at the view ahead of them without saying any word to each other but held each other's hand tightly like they didn't want to let go and finally Rose said after the dead long silence, "I'm gonna miss this place after I go back to Philadelphia."

Jack sighed. "Same here." Then he turned to face her. "But that's not the only thing I'm going to miss. I'm going to miss something very important happen to me in here. And that would be you."

"Jack, I'm going to miss you, too."

Jack held her close to him and said, "Never let go Rose. Never."

"I won't." She felt a tear coming down from her eye and didn’t want Jack to see it so she said, "Good night, Jack."

"Good night, Rose." He kissed her passionately and then left. Rose watched his figure as it fade away from the view and asked herself what would happen to her after the summer was over and life without Jack…

Chapter Nine