Chapter Nine

"I'll be there in time. Don't worry about it, sir," Jack assured the person on the other line of the phone. "Tell her don't worry about me; I'll see her soon. Okay. Good-bye." Then he hung up.


Days passed so abruptly, and Rose was now starting to worry. She already done packing her first suitcase; there were three more, two of them were for her clothes and undergarments and the other one was for her body stuffs, such as lotion, creams, make-ups, etc. It rained heavily all day yesterday and also the day before, so Jack and her didn't get a chance to take a walk along the beach, but instead, she was stuck reading three novel books and it seemed that every hero in each stories reminded her of Jack. 'God, I really missed him.' Rose gave a big sigh and then looked at the window and watch the rain poured down. She hasn't seen Jack since Wednesday afternoon and now, she missed him unbearably. Of course they talked on the phone right before she went to sleep last night, but it seemed that every minute without his presence, Rose felt a big emptiness inside her body. And the big emptiness was Jack. 'Dear lord, what am I going to do after I go back to Philadelphia?' she asked herself hopelessly. Thinking for a solution, she walked and then flopped herself down to the bed. Staring blankly to the ceiling, she closed her eyes and tried not to think. For couple of seconds it worked, but then the picture of leaving Jack came back to her thought. 'Oh hell! Damn you, Rose, why do these things have to happen so quickly? Why can't it last forever?' she questioned herself with frustration. Then the phone rang. At first, she didn't notice the ring but on the sixth ring, she finally came back to reality and picked it up.


"Hey girl! How ya doing?" It was Crystal in her same regular cheerful voice. "You sound like you have a very bad cramp or something."

"Very funny," Rose answered sarcastically. "I'm just you know, not in myself lately, everything is going so fast and I just don't know what to do."

"You mean, you're going back to Philly and you're afraid you won't see Jack anymore."

"Yes and everything was going so fine until it crossed my mind that summer's almost over. Jack and I haven't talk about what we're gonna do about our relationship, and every time I ask him about these stuffs, he just keep saying that 'everything's gonna be all right'."

"Girl, you need to talk to him. If you want the relationship to work out at the end, you better talk to him now or else you're gonna have a problem. And I suggest don't waste anytime because you only got until Sunday morning to see him before you'll leave." She stopped for a second then continued, "Damn girl, it's now Friday! What do you still listening to me! Come on, Rose. Get out, stop reading those freaking books and go to you beau's cottage." She stopped again to see if Rose hang-up, but she didn't. "Jesus Christ! Ro--"

"Okay, okay, okay," Rose cut in. "Thanks Crystal."

"Welcome. Oh yeah, after you returned to Philly call me okay? Now hang up that damn phone."

Right after that, Rose quickly went to the bathroom to fix herself up. Her hair was loose and tangled up and it was hard to brush it, but managed to untangle it. Of course she changed her clothes into simple black shorts and happy face T-shirt. She went to her aunt's room to tell her that she was going to Jack's place.

The rain already stopped and the ground that she was walking on was very muddy. She finally reached Jack's cottage; it was very quiet in that part of the beach area, which the type of environment she wanted to be especially with Jack. She was nervous but didn't know why. 'Very weird' she thought. She never felt very nervous around Jack; she was always comfortable around him but this time it felt a little bit funny. She took a deep breath and then pushed the doorbell. It took a couple of minutes before Jack opened the door. When she was about to leave, the door flew open, Rose was surprised on what she saw. No wonder why he took so long, she thought. Jack's hair was wet and the only thing that covered him was a blue towel that wrapped around his waist. Rose stared at him for a moment. Thoughts went flying to Rose's mind. 'Stopped thinking about that,' she said inside her mind. 'Don't act like you never see him like this.' Well, she often saw him without his shirt but this time it was different because he was wearing a towel not a short. Under his short he might be wearing a boxer or a brief, but right now, maybe there was nothing under it. 'Oh God. Stop it, Rose. Stop thinking about those things,' she thought again. Finally, those thought were broken by the sound of Jack's voice.

"Rose, how you doing?" He smiled. "Come on in."

"Huh?" Still lost. "What?"

"I said come on in." He pulled her close to him, closed the door, and kissed her. "I was just getting ready to go in your house, but it seemed that you beat me to it."

"Well yeah." Still held close in his arms. "Actually we need to talk about something important." Her face got really serious and Jack got serious too. "It's about us, Jack."

He was looking at her and as if he already knew what she was going to talk about with him. "All right, but let me change first." He let go of her and went to his room. It didn't took him that long to change unlike her, takes a lot of time to get ready. He was wearing casual black baggy pants and a collar red shirt that was half way unbuttoned. He found Rose sitting on the sofa looking at some of his sport magazines. She looked really stunning. With her auburn and blue green eyes, she could be an angel. An angel that every man would want and keep forever, but in his case that would be impossible.

She looked up from what she was reading and saw Jack looking at her. He gave her a smile and went to her direction. He sat down beside her and put his arms around her as he drew her closer to him. He kissed her forehead and said, "What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Well, uh, Jack, you know on Sunday that I'll be going be back home and uh--" she paused and the continued, "What are we going to do about us?"

She looked directly at his eyes. There was a frown look in his crystal blue eyes which made Rose realized that something would go wrong or he would say something that was going to affect their relationship in a bad way. Jack released Rose from his embraced and stood up. He let out a big sigh of frustration and said, "About us, Rose…" There was a pause, and then he continued, "You know that meeting you is one of the greatest things ever happen to me, and you're very special to me, but…" There was another pause. "I think we should not see each other anymore after you leave. It will never work out."

There was a dead long silence. Rose couldn't believe that Jack just said that.

"What?" she finally said in disbelief.

Jack went back to sit beside her and said, "It would be too hard for both of us to see each other again. You'll be going back to school and you'll want to date with new guys. Believe me, Rose, they'll want to go out with you."

"But I don't anybody else. I want to be with you," she said with pleading in her eyes.

"Just trust me on this one. It'll never work out. I see a lot of people who have long distance relationship and at the end, their relationship just fall apart."

"If distance you're worrying about, there's no problem. Boston is just couple of hours drive from Philadelphia," Rose pointed out but not sure if that would work.

"I know, but--"

"But what?" Rose cut in. "Because it'll never work out. You told me that couple of times now. Jack, if you don't want me just tell me now. And so I won't bother you anymore about this." Tears started falling down in her face. Jack drew her close to him and let her head rested in his chest.

"Hush now, Rose," he said sincerely and he caressed her hair gently. "Just trust me on this one. It would be for the best. I can't explain it to you why we can't be together, but it's nothing to do with you, it's something about me. Please understand me and also we shouldn't be tied down to each other." He kissed her forehead slowly and looked at her, waiting for her response.

She knew it would be pointless to argue about it. Why? Why we couldn't be together? Rose wanted ask him, but she just painfully keep the question to herself. She dried off her tears and then lifted her face to meet Jack's.

"It will only have to be a summer romance," she said softly and again tried to fight the tears that going to fall. Jack bent to kiss her. It was soft and gentle.

"That makes us summer lovers," he murmured, his forehead resting in hers.

"Yes, summer lovers," Rose agreed. "Just summer lovers."

The rain started pouring again and the circumstances between them were not going good. Rose stood up and walked towards the window. She watched the rain as it fell down one by one in the windowpane. From the window, she could see the ocean. The waves were coming back and fort. They come and go like Jack. He came to her life and then, he would leave her. She turned around to find Jack staring at her. He had frown in his eyes and it looked like there something he wanted to tell her but he just couldn't. Rose let out a big sigh and then spoke in a gentle voice that was full of grief, "I should go."

"But it's raining outside. Why don't you just stay here until it stops," Jack said.

"Nah, it might take a long time before it stops and besides, it's fun to get soak in the rain. That's what I need right now."

"Look, Rose, I'm sorry but--" But Rose interrupted him quickly as she walked towards him to her fingers to his mouth to stop him.

"Shush, I don't want to hear it, okay? I'm sorry too, Jack. It's just everything went so fast and I--never mind." Rose wanted to say that she wanted to be with him but even though how many times she says to him, she knew it would be useless. Instead of saying anything more, she just simply hugged him and kissed his cheek and then look deeply in his eyes.

Something inside her just exploded and it caused her to want something so badly. She wanted Jack! It seemed Jack wanted the same; he wanted her too. He bent his head to her neck and started kissing it softly first and then intently as it work its way up to her mouth. The kissed was a very powerful and nothing would be able to stop them from doing what they were about to do. Jack's kiss was full of intensity. She caressed his neck back and fort again and again. Jack pulled away looking into her eyes with concerned but Rose said breathlessly, "Don't stop." Then he found her mouth again and this time kissed it with full of intensity. It went for long time and the next thing she knew was that she was in Jack's arms, carrying her to his bedroom while the kissing continued. He placed her into his bed gently and left her mouth and went down to her neck and then to her throat. Their hands were busy on exploring each other and the next thing they knew, they were both naked under the blue sheet that Jack placed cover them. She was a little nervous but she really wanted this and there was no way she would let him stop. She might never see him again, but at least, she could keep this special memory with her. She wanted him to be her first.

The storm was so loud and the sound of lovemaking was in the same rhythm as it was. Jack was kissing her with mixture of passion and hunger for her. It felt so good to feel that Jack was once inside her. Now her most valued treasure was gone, but she didn't regret it. She gave it willingly to the man she was sure that she loved and also the man that she knew that she might never see ever again. He kissed her everywhere and left nothing untouched and explored her like no man ever done to her. After they moment of passion they lay there in silence. Rose, who's head rested on Jack's chest, was the listening to his heartbeat and was trying to recapture the scene just had been. I was a wonderful scene. Full of passion. I bet mom will kill me if she finds out about this, she thought but quickly erase her mother or anyone in her mind except for herself and her Jack. Her Jack? How was it possible to call him her Jack if they can't be together? She brushed that thought quickly and went back on recalling the event just happened.

I never thought that I would lose my mind
That I could control this
Never thought that I'd be left behind
That I was stronger than you, baby
Oh if only I knew what I've done
You know, so why don't you tell me
And I, I would bring down the moon and the sun
To show how much I care

Don't wanna lose you now
Baby, I know we can win this
Don't wanna lose you now
No no, or ever again

I've got this feeling you're not gonna stay
It's burning within me
The fear of losing
Of slipping away
It just keeps getting closer, baby
Whatever reason to leave that I've had
My place was always beside you
And I wish that I didn't need you so bad
Your face just won't go away

I never thought that I would lose my mind
That I could control this
Never thought that I'd be left behind
That I was stronger than you
Don't want to lose to loneliness
Oh I know we can win
Don't want to lose to emptiness, oh no
Never again…


It was 9:00 in the evening and Rose couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed and it won't help her fall asleep. She got up, went to the kitchen to find Aunt Becky sitting in the breakfast table with a coffee in her right hand and a romance novel on the other hand. She noticed Rose so she stopped reading and put her cup down in the table.

"What are you still doing up, honey?" she asked Rose.

"It's only nine and I can't sleep," Rose said as she pulled out one chair to sit with her aunt.

"So what did you do in Jack's place?" Becky asked as if she already knew what happened and just acting that she didn't know anything.

"Um, nothing much," Rose answered back as normal as she could. She knew that thing that happened in Jack's cottage was something that you would not call "nothing much." It was more than something, at least for her. It was one of the greatest moments in her life. The moment she lost her virginity. Well, that's right, losing her virginity to the man she loved, was one of the most important things that happened to her, and yet couldn't be with. Hard to believe, but she still wanted to find out what was the reason why Jack won't let their relationship to continue. It was so painful for her to recall the moment that Jack told her about it. Making love to Jack made her feel that she was a very mature woman. It lifted her spirit high and gave her a brand new experience.

"So are you ready for Sunday? Are you already finish packing your stuffs?" Becky asked to change the topic.

"I already finished packing this morning and the only thing I have to do now is wait for Sunday to come, which I don't want to come."

"It's Jack isn't it? You don't want to leave him."

Rose nodded her head solemnly. She wanted to spend more time with him; the time they spent together wasn't enough for her. She wanted to be with Jack for as long as it takes. Then this idea went through her mind, which lifted her sad mood up. Now, the only thing she had to do now was asked her aunt for permission.

Rose cleared her throat and said, "Auntie, this might sound a little off, but since Jack and I don't have a lot of time left to be together." She paused and continued. "Is it possible for me to spend the night with him and the whole day tomorrow? Please?" She looked at her aunt sincerely, hoping she would let her stay with Jack.

It seemed it took forever for her aunt to respond, but finally she said, "Rose, you know I'm not supposed to let you do this. Especially when your mom told me not to let you have any relationship with anyone during the summer, and yet I let you go out with Jack." She gave a big sigh and then proceed, "All right, you can stay, but--"

"Yes!" Rose interrupted her and jumped up from her chair and went to her aunt and hugged her tightly. "Oh, you're the best, Aunt Becky! You're so cool!"

"Okay, okay, hon." Trying to loosen Rose's hug. "Just one more thing."

"What is it?" Rose asked eagerly.

"Don't do anything I won't do, okay? Do you get what I mean?"

Rose nodded and hugged her aunt again and went to her room to get couple of her stuffs that she would need. She definitely knew what her aunt meant and even if she hadn't done that, she would still do it with Jack. She took a small backpack and put the necessary stuffs that she would need for tonight and tomorrow. Then she was on her way to Jack's.


9:14 PM

There was a knock on the door and Jack was just about to sit on the couch to watch football. It was unusual this time of day that someone knocks on his door. When he opened it, to his surprise, he found Rose with a small bag. She smiled at him and suddenly flew in his arm and kissed him.

Still astonished, Jack looked at Rose with questioning eyes. Rose understood what he was thinking so she said, "Aunt Becky let me stay in here and spend the night with you and the whole day tomorrow, that's if you don't mind. You don't mind, right?"

Jack gave a grin and closed the door, "Of course, I mind if you stay here, unless if you have something that'll convince me to change my mind."

He pushed her gently to the door and kissed her neck. Rose dropped her back on the floor and put her arms around him and said alluringly, "It depends on what you have in mind. I can persuade you in the different type of ways that you don't even imagine that I can do."

"Hmm, sounds engaging. Why don't you start persuading me inside my room." He kissed her forehead down her nose and then stopped until his lips met hers.

"You talking dirty, Mr. Dawson," Rose said as she brought her index finger to his lips and making circle around it. Then she stopped and kissed him as Jack carry her to his bed like what he did this afternoon before they made love for the first time.

The next morning, they were still in bed. Rose was awake, resting her head on Jack's bare well-built chest; she could hear his heart beat and feel that his were hers too, as if they shared the same heart, the same soul. She didn't know if Jack was awake and didn't have any intention to wake him; she just wanted to lay there beside him and enjoy the wonderful sound that filled the room. Sound of affection and tenderness. Then suddenly she felt Jack's hand caressed her back, which made her giggled and moved her head so she could see him.

"How long you've been awake?" Rose asked and then kissed him.

"Lets just say that I've been awake before you did."

"Really? You didn't even bother to let me know that you've been awake the whole time." She turned her body to face him and now she was on top of him with the bed sheet covering them. "I thought you were asleep and didn't want to wake you up."

"Well, I guess it's time for us to get up, huh?" He put each hand on her waist and pulled her beside him, and now he was the one on her top, kissing her neck, working its way down to her breasts. Rose put one hand on Jack's upper arm and the other one on the back of his head, caressing his sandy hair. Sensual pleasure starting to built inside her again like it did last night and it went the same for Jack. After they made love again, Jack got up, put on his boxer, and went to sit down on the edge of the bed and kissed Rose, who still on the bed, not wanting to get up.

"Please, can we stay here a little longer?" Rose begged with pleading eyes.

"No," Jack said as he touched his forehead to hers, "and beside, haven't you got enough?"

"What if I haven't had enough," Rose implied with sly grin and yet tried to look innocent. "Will that changed your mind?"

"Baby, the answer is still no. Come on get up; I have plan for us do to for the whole day."

"Really? What is it?" Rose questioned excitedly.

"Yeah, I do." He stood up and continued, "So if you wanna find out, you'll just have get up and get ready." He held out his hand for her to pull her up. They showered together and then went to the cafe next to the Tropical Bar. It was a great day, the sun was up and the weather was just right, not too hot nor humid.

They went around downtown the whole morning. For lunch, they went to eat on Inter; they talked and then ordered the same food that they ate on their first date. Then, of course, they went to the park, walking hands held together and exchanging sweet talk. During afternoon they went back to the beach area. And again they sat and talked about the things they did and how they would miss each other. By the time the sun went down, they started walking back to Jack's cottage to get Rose's stuffs and then went to back to Rose's beach house. It was so quiet as if the only people in there were the two of them.

"Well, I see you tomorrow morning," Jack said and leaned closer and kissed her. This kissed felt different, and Rose knew that. And this was the last night he would get to be with her and she would miss him unbearably.

"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow." The kissed again and then Rose went inside. As soon as she was inside, she went quickly in front of the window and drew the curtain aside as she watched Jack walk. After his figure vanished, she went to her room, changed, and went to bed.

The next morning, after getting ready for breakfast, Rose found Jack with her aunt in the kitchen having conversation. She didn't expect him to be this early. Jack got up and went to her and kissed her on the cheek while Aunt Becky put another plate on the table for her.

The breakfast went long and of course during conversations, Rose hardly talk, just sat there with sad frown and hurt feeling showing on her face. After breakfast, they packed all their stuffs and Rose and Jack decided to go to the beach one last time.

"I'll guess this is it, huh?" Jack asked as he sat down on the sand.

"Yes, I guess," Rose said as sat herself down right beside him and then turned to look at the waves of the water. "You know what, the waves are like us." Instead of getting a response from Jack, there was silence. Jack was looking at the waves, too. Maybe they were thinking the same thing about the waves; they come and go like their relationship. They met each other and now they were separating.

Then Jack turned his head toward Rose and said, "You're special to me. You know that?"

Special? He said that to her before. What did he mean by that? Did he mean that he loved her? Or just special like getting your first kiss? Either of those things, it didn't matter for Rose to know because they were parting and Jack made it clear that there was nothing they could do to make this relationship work after summer.

So she responded, "You too." I love you and I want to be with you, she wanted to add but decided to keep it inside her. Jack found her mouth and kissed it tenderly. They would only be summer lovers.

Summer lovers.

There was a cab waiting outside when Rose and Jack came back from the beach. Their luggage and bags were already at the compartment of the vehicle and the only thing it was waiting for was Rose to get in. Aunt Becky got out of the cab and went to Jack and said solemnly, "This is it. I'm going to miss you, Jack, and it's been a pleasure to get to know you." She gave him a hug and continued, "Take care of you, okay?" then she turned to Rose. "Honey, it's time for us to go."

"All right, I'll be there in a second." Then Becky went inside and it was time for her to say her final good-bye. Tears were falling down and she tried to brush them away but it wouldn't just stop from keep falling down. She hug him tightly and said, "I'm gonna miss you, Jack. I won't forget you and thank you for all the great time you shared with me."

Jack pulled her close and kissed her, "Always remember that you'll always be special to me. Remember that. I--" He paused and then proceed with unfamiliar emotions, that Rose never seen before, in his face, "I think it's time for you to go."


"Good-b--" but before he could finished saying it, Rose put her finger to stop him from saying it and Jack get the message that she didn't want to hear it. They kissed and then Rose got inside the cab.

As the cab moved farther and farther, she took one last look at Jack and then turned her head back to face the road. Her summer vacation was over, and Jack would only be a part of her past…

Chapter Ten