Chapter Ten

It was a lovely evening at first. Cal showered her with kisses. He then took her to the Marriott to have dinner, where they got a view of the city as it spun around. Then he took her up to the hotel suite. It was a honeymoon suite.

It was so lovely, the bed covered with silk sheets and music playing. Cal came up from behind her. He kissed her neck. Rose took the pins out her hair, letting her hair flow freely. Cal unzipped the back of her dress and it slipped off. He turned her around to kiss her. He removed the jacket of his suit, letting it drop to the floor. Then he unbuttoned his shirt. While continuing to kiss Rose, he unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor.

He brought Rose to the bed, her hands now running through his hair as he kissed her. He started to kiss her neck and slowly down her body, his lips touching her breast. He sucked them and Rose felt pleasure. Cal kissed her stomach and then slid off her underwear. He removed his briefs and took the condom out from his pocket. He ripped it open and put the condom on.

He slid into her. She was tight. This was her first time. It was hurting her, but she didn't care. Cal had come into her as she moaned. Cal was going faster now. Rose dug her fingernails into his back. It was so much pain. She wrapped her legs around him. Then Cal climaxed and Rose screamed. He fell on top of her sweaty body.

Rose was panting. She moved the hair that was matted down on her face. Cal rested his head on her chest for a few moments and then got up. He changed back into his clothes. Rose put her dress back on and fixed her hair.

When they were leaving, Rose noticed a handsome young gentleman looking at her. Cal noticed her smiling at him and dragged her to the parking lot. When the valet came with the car, Cal tipped him and pushed Rose into the car. Cal drove off down to an alley and stopped the car. He slapped her and pulled her hair, his other hand grabbing her by the throat.

"You're such a slut, Rose! Must you look at every guy who looks at you? I can't turn my head away for a second without you looking at someone else. What am I gonna do with you when I leave for college next year?"

Tears were streaking down her face. Her black eyeliner was getting messed up and her cheeks were starting to get black from it.

"I swear, Rose, I sometimes think I don't love you. You fucking whore! This is the thanks I get for taking you to the city to celebrate your birthday?"

Rose's face was getting red from Cal's grip on her neck.

"Fuck you, Rose!" Cal laughed. "Oh, wait, I already did that!" He let go of her and her head bounced off the window, leaving a striking pain. Rose held her neck, trying to massage it to ease the pain, to no avail.

When he stopped the car in front of her house, he kissed her forcefully.

"I love you, Rose. I didn't mean to do that to you. I'm sorry. Forgive me! I love you so much." Cal hugged her, stroking her hair, then let go. Rose nodded her head and got out the car. He didn't leave until she got inside the house.

Her parents were sleeping. She crept up the stairs quietly so as not to wake them.

She dropped her purse on the bedroom floor. Looking into the mirror, she could see the redness of her face and around her neck. Her hair was a mess from when Cal had pulled her hair. She brushed her hair. Her head still hurt from when she had bounced off the window.

Happy birthday to me! It certainly was a sweet sixteen! Rose thought. She let her tears fall from her eyes.

She picked up the phone from the receiver and called car service to come pick her up. She threw some money into her coat pocket and went downstairs. Five minutes later, a car showed up. Closing the door quietly, she left the house.

She went into the car. The cab driver asked her where she was going, and she just told him Staten Island. He looked at her weird, but just drove. He reached the middle of the Verrazano bridge, and she told him to stop.

"Listen, lady, I can't stop in the middle of the bridge."

"Stop the fucking car!" she yelled. Her eyes were greener, giving him a cold stare. The driver felt intimidated and he stopped.

"All right, miss." Rose took the money out of her pocket, throwing it into the front seat. She knew it was more than what it was supposed to be. She didn't care. She wouldn't need it anyway. She waited until the car drove off.

She looked out and saw no cars on the road. She walked closer to the railing, taking her coat off. She rubbed her arms. It was pretty cold, and she was still wearing her dress. She looked behind her. No one there. She put her hands on the railing and climbed over it, turning around to see nothing but ocean out ahead of her. She looked down. It was a long fall. Her hands still held onto the railing. She shut her eyes tight.

"Don't do it!"

Chapter Eleven