Chapter Nineteen

The next day, Rose went to school. She still thought about her unsolved dream. What was the meaning of it? The answer remained a mystery. It freaked her out, though. The reality of it creeped her out.

Don't bother thinking about it, Rose! she told herself. She tried to block it out by thinking of schoolwork. As she opened her locker, Rose took a look at her reflection in the mirror. All was good with her appearance. She threw her pre-calculus, religion, and history books in her Von Dutch bag and held her physics book in her arms.

She looked at the pictures of Cal and herself in her locker. Unfortunately for her, he came over to check up on her. It was just like him to be on her ass 24/7. Rose pretended to fall asleep until he left. It was the only way to get rid of him.

Rose slammed her locker shut and turned around. With her head low, not paying attention, she bumped into Jack. His books fell out of his hand, and papers flew out of his brown art portfolio.

"Shit!" he cursed. He bent down, picking up all his stuff.

Rose went to help him. A sketching of his caught her eye. She went to go pick it up. Just as she was about to pick it up, Jack placed his hands over it and snatched it from underneath her hand. They stared into each other’s eyes, Jack half-smiling at her.

"Thanks," he said.

Rose replayed their make out session in her head. His soft lips kissed hers, and their tongues intertwined with each other perfectly. It was the perfect kiss. However, she couldn't let it happen again.

"Jack, I'm glad I bumped into you. I need to talk to you," Rose said to him. He looked at her, shoving his books into his black Jansport, his portfolio tucked under his right arm.

"Okay, shoot!"

"Jack, I need you to never talk to me again--never again." For some reason, Rose's own words hurt her. It was like someone had pierced her heart.

"All right," was all Jack said. Rose shook her head and squinted her eyes at him. Was she hearing things right? What did he mean, all right? He didn't look a bit hurt.

"All right?" Rose questioned him, annoyed.


"Okay! Fine, then!" Rose stormed off, annoyed. She mouthed to herself, "All right?" with a confused look on her face. She couldn't believe that was all he could say. She knew that was what she wanted, but it hurt her.


"Hey, guys!" Jack said to Fabrizio and Tommy. Jack looked at Tommy standing against a locker. His arms were folded across his chest as one of his feet pressed up against the locker, his knee bent. He looked up at the ceiling with his head back against the locker.

"Hey, Jack," Fabrizio said, opening his locker.

"What's wrong with him?" Jack asked Fabrizio.

"Christina still isn't talking to him," Fabrizio whispered to Jack.

That was unbelievable to Jack. Christina must have still been mad from yesterday. That was quite a temper tantrum to watch, especially since he didn't understand what she was saying with all the Spanish. It couldn't be good, though.

Just then, Christina and Hannah stepped up to the guys. Hannah gave a kiss to Fabrizio and said hi to the boys. Christina stood there, looking down on the floor.

"Hey, Jack, Fabri," she said. "I'm going upstairs to my locker. See you three later." Christina walked off. She and Tommy took one look at each other. Christina quickly turned her head and continued walking as Tommy watched. Tommy punched the wall, pissed off.

"Why does she have to be so stubborn?" Tommy complained. Hannah shrugged, not knowing her best friend's motives. "I called her when I got home, both her house and cell phone. I go online and she blocks me!"

"She'll loosen up," Jack said. "To get that off your mind, Rose told me to fuck off! Well, not in those words, but I got what she was trying to say!" Jack smiled as he said it, a sarcastic smile.

"Hasn't she been telling you that for the past two months?" Tommy asked him.

"Two months? Has it only been that long? I feel like she's been telling me to fuck off for a lifetime!" Jack said.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's been two months, Jack. I'll even check my calendar," Fabrizio said. Hannah rolled her eyes at him. "What?"

"You moron! He meant it in a metaphoric way!" Hannah explained to him.

"Why do you have to call me a moron?" Fabrizio asked her.

"Because you're my moron." Hannah blushed. They both giggled. "Excuse me, boys. Fabri and I need some alone time! Come on!" Hannah grabbed his hand and ran down the hall.

"Jesus, Christina won't even talk to me!" Tommy shut Fabrizio's left open locker.

"Seriously, you wouldn't think that she'd get mad over that!" Jack said.

"Well, she is very sensitive, and has a low tolerance of people. I should have thought before I spoke. I know how she is." Tommy buried his hands in his locker. "Anyway, don't worry, Jack. You'll find another girl! As for me, two months into the school year and already I'm out of a girlfriend."


In history class, Rose was as uncomfortable as she was in homeroom. She sat right in between Jack and Fabrizio. What was even worse was when Jennifer was talking to her. She kept on going on and on about junior prom, as if Rose could care. Rose didn't get these people that she hung around with. They were airheads, even though they were the smartest people in the school. They acted as if they had no brains.

To top it off, Jennifer kept saying what a cute couple Cal and Rose were. Jack had moved his seat to talk to Fabrizio. From what she could hear, they were talking about prom as well. Jack said he might as well go dateless since he didn't have a girlfriend. That came as a relief to Rose, as selfish as it sounded. She knew it was selfish of her, but she couldn't help it.

In history class, Mr. Malone was absent. Everyone was able to go talk to their friends. From what Rose could see, Christina was only talking to Hannah. Jack, Fabrizio, and Tommy were huddled in the back of the room. Rose wondered what was going on. Usually, when Mr. Malone was absent, Hannah and Fabrizio would be all over each other, as well as Tommy and Christina. Not like they were her friends, anyway. Rose would just keep out of it. Anything that was connected to Jack, that was. Just then, she overheard Christina and Hannah talking.

"Why don't you just go over there and talk to him?" Hannah asked Christina.

"Because…I don't know. I just can't believe he would say something like that to me. Where does he get off calling me a bullshitter?"

"Chris, we all thought you were bullshitting us!"

"Well, he should have believed me! He's my boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend, now!"

So, the lovely couple broke up? Rose asked herself.

"So what are you going to do about prom?" Hannah asked.

"I don't know. I'll still have Jack!" Rose cringed at his name and dropped her book. Christina and Hannah turned to stare at her. "Some people just don't know how to mind their own business!" Christina said, loud enough for her to hear.

Rose sank into her seat, continuing to do her work. Sometimes Christina could be a little bit intimidating, and, of course, she would intimidate Rose. Should have known better, Rose! she told herself.

"This announcement is for the junior class." The principal spoke into the intercom. "The junior prom will be pushed up to Friday, the thirteenth of February, 2004 due to senior class activities. The prom will now be held at the Brooklyn Marriott. Thank you."

The classroom went into a frenzy. Some people complained, and some people cheered. Rose rolled her eyes, not caring. Out of nowhere, a chill ran down her spine. Something was to come and it wasn't good at all.

Chapter Twenty
