Chapter Two

Rose sat at her desk, talking to some people. She didn't have many friends. She only had acquaintances, since her time was mainly occupied with Cal. Her homeroom teacher, Mr. Malone, came in. Everybody stood at the back of the room, knowing that seats were going to be assigned.

Mr. Malone seated the first row. The next row she was going to be seated in.

"Jack Dawson, you must be new. Sit in the second seat. Rose, sit in back of Jack." Rose walked slowly and sat behind the new kid. "Fabrizio, in back of Rose," Mr. Malone proceeded.

Rose sat down, and looked in the mirror she grabbed out of her purse. She was distracted when the boy in front of her turned around. She recognized that it was the same boy who had been staring at her out in the hall.

"Hi. My name is Jack Dawson. I'm new here," Jack said.

"I've noticed you were new here. Mr. Malone already established that," Rose said. Jack gave a weak smile.

"So, what's your name?" Jack asked. Rose seemed annoyed, but she had to admit that he was really cute.

"Rose DeWitt-Bukater," Rose answered him, giving a half smile.

"I'm gonna have to get you to write that one down," Jack said, and laughed. Rose laughed back.

"What school do you come from?" she asked.

"You wouldn't know it. I lived in Wisconsin. I moved here with my mom. My dad died of a heart attack over the summer." Rose could hear the pain in Jack's voice.

"I'm sorry," Rose said, feeling sympathy for Jack.

"It's all right." Jack was about to speak more, but the bell rang.

Rose got out of her seat and walked out of the room. She thought Jack was really nice. He seemed pretty interesting. Mostly, Rose thought he was really cute. Rose blocked these thoughts out of her head. She had a boyfriend. She wasn't supposed to think about other guys. What would Cal do if he knew what she was thinking?


Jack walked out of homeroom with Fabrizio, on their way to their first class. They had almost the same schedule, except their religion and math classes were at different times.

"I can't believe you had the balls to talk to her," Fabrizio said.

"What's so hard to believe?" Jack asked.

"First of all, her boyfriend is a man, for Christ's sake," Fabrizio said.

"Oh, gee. Thanks," Jack said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean! He's all built up. He'd smash your face in just for looking at Rose," Fabrizio said. The rest of the crew had caught up to them in the hallway, Hannah clinging to Fabrizio's arm. Tommy and Christina were holding hands.

"What's up, guys?" Tommy asked.

"Jack was talking to Rose in homeroom!" Fabrizio shouted. Tommy, Christina, and Hannah's jaws dropped open.

"What's the big deal?" Jack asked.

"You have no idea what Cal would do to you," Hannah said.

"He'd beat you to a bloody pulp!" Tommy said.

"You'd be left in the hospital for a week!" Christina said.

"He'd first throw you onto the ground. He would step on your stomach. Kick your ribs until he hears them crack. Then he'd choke you a bit. He'd do that finger in the mouth thing that they did in Gangs of New York. Knock his head onto yours until it bleeds. Continue to punch your face with brass knuckles and hang you up like a scarecrow!" Fabrizio was getting carried away into detail. "He'd probably rip your guts out. Spit on you! Your insides will literally become your outsides!" They all looked at Fabrizio like he was crazy. "What?"

"You are such an ass, Fabrizio!" Tommy said. He slapped Fabrizio on the back of the head.

"So, anyway, where are you guys going to now?" Christina asked, avoiding the situation.

"Jack and I have English. Where are you going to, babe?" Fabrizio asked Hannah.

"I have physics!" They all rolled their eyes. Hannah was the only one who was taking physics.

"Tommy and I have Spanish together!" Christina said.

"You don't have Mrs. Wallace this year, do you?" Fabrizio asked.

"No, we actually have Mrs. Bianchi. You'd think they give us an actual Spanish teacher!" Christina said. Her family was from Spain, so she hated the way the Spanish teachers taught.

"At least you're not taking physics. I have Mr. Ferragamo!" They all laughed at Hannah, who wasn't pleased to have him as a teacher.

"Who is Mr. Ferragamo?" Jack asked.

"Some crazy nut who hates freshmen!" Fabrizio answered. "Anyway! We have to get to class before the late bell! We have the raging alcoholic, Mr. Connors! Come on, Jack!" Fabrizio kissed Hannah. Jack followed Fabrizio. He walked up the stairs and saw Rose going the same way. She turned and smiled at him, but quickly turned away because she was with Cal. He wondered how bad Cal could possibly be.

Chapter Three