Chapter Twenty-Four

January 21, 2004

During the weekend of Rose’s final fight with Cal, she stayed with Christina. When asked what had happened to her by Christina’s parents, she dismissed it as a fight from school. They were somewhat surprised that she was even there, not having seen her visit in over a year. However, no questions were asked, and they let it go.

As for explaining it to her parents, she said the same thing. They were also surprised to hear that she was with Christina. Her explanation was that they had begun speaking again, realizing what great friends they were, and would probably spend more time together. The only thing they were suspicious about was the fight at school. Rose never got into fights, but they weren’t going to question her.

They told her that Cal had called the whole weekend, but she ignored them. She went straight up to her room and destroyed everything but the diamond he had given her. Her parents asked why she had done that, and she said that she had broken up with him, even though she hadn’t told him that yet. All she did was avoid him.

Her time was spent with Christina and Jack, for the most part. Christina, however, would drift off into thinking about Tommy and sit in silence. Rose and Jack, on the other hand, had a marvelous time together. She wished she had gotten to know him better earlier in the school year, rather than ignoring him.

Now it was Wednesday and she had to go to school for her history midterm. She was glad that at least Christina and Jack were in her class. Cal wouldn’t be there, since he was a senior and they only went in for AP midterms, which he was only taking three of. Her mother had been taking her to school, since she wasn’t taking anything from Cal anymore.

"What exam do you have tomorrow, Rose?" her mother asked as she drove.

"Pre-Calculus," she said. At first, she was going to abbreviate it, but then realized what it abbreviated to. Pre-Cal, she thought, when my life was normal. She could barely remember what her life had been like.

"Seriously, Rose, what went wrong between you and Cal?" her mother asked.

"I felt suffocated. That’s all. I’m only sixteen. I can’t be tied down now. He wanted too much from me." Ruth smiled at her daughter and placed a hand on her cheek.

"You two weren’t having sex, were you?" Rose’s jaw dropped at the question as Ruth stopped in front of the school.


"I’m sorry. Ignore me, and good luck!" Ruth said, and kissed her daughter on the cheek. Rose got her stuff and slowly got out of the car. She rubbed her ribs a little, still feeling the pain.

As soon as she got out the car, Jennifer Green rushed up to her and start chatting away about Cal. Rose rolled her eyes, not wanting to hear it at all. She could only imagine what Cal had been saying.

"Oh, my God! Rose, you have no idea how much Cal misses you! He wants to know why you have been avoiding him!" Jennifer kept rambling on and on. Rose couldn’t take it anymore. She had no idea why she had ever hung around with this girl. She turned to face Jennifer and unleashed her anger.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! That’s all I fucking hear! Why don’t you shut the fuck up?" Rose yelled, not caring who heard, and walked into the school with a smile on her face.


Jack spoke to a sad Christina, who was seated next to him in the classroom. He was glad that Rose was starting to warm up to him, but he didn’t like to see Christina still so heartbroken. Christina had told him not to worry. Rose’s dilemma was much more serious, she had told him. He sighed and watched as she continued to stare at Tommy on the other side of the room. He hadn’t even looked at them or gone up to speak to Fabrizio or Hannah.

"What’s up his ass?" Fabrizio asked.

"Yeah. He won’t even talk to Fabri or me," Hannah said.

"It’d be too awkward," Christina mumbled. "It’s all my fault!" Christina put her head on the desk.

"Chris, don’t say that!" Hannah said, trying to comfort her.

"Are you okay, Christina?" They all turned to see Rose there. It brought a smile to Jack’s face, but Fabrizio and Hannah looked puzzled.

"Since when does Christina ever concern you?" Hannah asked rudely.

"It’s okay, Hannah. Rose is just being a friend," Christina said.

"Yeah? Since when?" Fabrizio asked with a laugh.

"Since now," Rose answered, and smiled at Christina. Jack smiled at Rose with loving eyes while she wasn’t looking.

"I’m fine, Rose. I’m actually more concerned about you. How have you been holding up?" Christina asked.

"I feel like I can finally breathe," Rose said, and took a seat behind Jack. Jack turned around to smile at her, the only thing he could manage to do. "Thank you, Jack. You’re great!" she said, and kissed his cheek. Jack’s face turned bright red.

Oh, boy! How am I going to concentrate now?


"How do you think you did?" Jack asked Rose as they left the room.

"I suppose I did good. Christina made me hit the books last night! That girl really loves history!" Rose said.

"Damn straight I do. Plus, how else were we going to get our troubles off our minds?" Christina jumped into the conversation.

"Excuse me, Rose, but why aren’t you with Cal?" Fabrizio flat-out asked.

"Yeah. He is usually hounding you!" Hannah added.

"If you’d really like to know, it’s because I dumped the asshole!" Rose said happily.

"Does it have anything to do with that fading bruise around your eye?" Fabrizio asked, and Christina nudged him.

"It’s okay, Chris. Yes, it does!"

"Can we talk about something else? Like how Rose will be hanging out with us more?" Jack asked.

"Definitely! I’m so sick of that stuck-up crowd. I never really fit in with them. They talk about the same shit all the time," Rose said.

"Hey, Fabri, Hannah," Tommy said as he quietly passed by and walked over to his locker.

"Hey, man! Why don’t you come over here? Stop making yourself an outcast!" Fabrizio yelled over to his friend.

"I’m fine where I am!" Tommy yelled back.

"Um…go talk to him. It’s okay with me. It’s Jack and me he is mad at!" Christina said to Fabrizio.

"Are you sure?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah. I’m actually going to go home and write more sappy poetry," Christina said.

"All right. Later, guys!" Fabrizio said, Hannah tagging along.

"Let’s get out of here," Christina said.

"Great idea! Hey, who wants to go get something to eat?" Jack asked.

"I do! I’m famished!" Rose said.

"Ditto!" Christina yelled.

"Ditto? What is this word, ditto?" Jack asked.

"Are you freaking kidding me? You never heard the word ditto?" Christina asked in shock. "Rose, please do tell this kid what ditto means before I go madly insane!"

"The word ditto is used when something was previously mentioned and used to avoid repeating the sentence or whatever!" The girls laughed.

"Oh, I get it now!" Jack said.

"Let’s use examples! I have a shitty life!" Christina said.

"Ditto!" Rose and Jack said at the same time, laughing.

"I like fried chicken!" Jack said, using an example of his own.

"Ditto!" both girls said.

"I think Brad Pitt is so hot!" Rose practically drooled when she stated her example.

"Ditto!" Jack and Christina said. The girls laughed at Jack, who began to scratch his head when he realized what he had said.

"Bad example!" Jack said. He grabbed Rose around the waist and began to tickle her as they walked outside the school. Rose giggled, but stopped when she saw Cal standing there, watching them.

"Oh, shit!" Rose muttered.

"Do you wanna take another way out?" Christina asked.

"No. I’m fine," Rose answered.

"Sure?" Jack asked.

"Positive. I won’t let him taunt me. I have to confront him now, or it’ll never happen."

"I got your back, girl! I swear, if he tries anything, I’ll take out a cancleta!" Christina said.

"It’s okay, Christina. He only likes to treat me like shit in private places. This is too public for him." Rose sighed as she stepped over to the monster.

"What are you doing here, Cal? You don’t have an exam today!"

"I was waiting for you, Sweetpea. I should really be the one asking what you are doing with that gutter rat and spic!" Cal yelled loud enough for them to hear. Christina got angry and was about to run down the stairs to attack him, but Jack held her back.

"They are more human then you’ll ever be! Oh, and I hate the name Sweetpea! I’m not a fucking vegetable! It’s over, Cal! I don’t want you to look at me, call me…nothing! I am sick of you and the way you treat me!"

"Rose, I’m sorry. I can change! I never meant to do those things!" Cal looked as if though he was going to cry.

"Save the bullshit for another dumb girl! I’m not dealing with you anymore except this once. From now on, you stay away from me. You no longer exist to me, and none of the memories we share exist, either. We can make a deal that you never attempt to call me or whatever it is that you want from me, and in return I’ll keep silent about all the times you’ve hit me. Your actions don’t need to come to light, since you are the son of Nathan Hockley. Think of how it’d upset him!"

"Rose, please. I love you! You are precious to me!" Cal continued to plead.

"Jewels are precious! Good-bye, Cal," Rose said, and walked away, Christina and Jack behind her.

Cal kept his eyes locked on their backs, an evil smirk forming. There was no way he was going to let Rose get away so easily.

Chapter Twenty-Five