Chapter Twenty-Eight

Friday the 13th
Before Junior Prom

Despite the fact that it was a cruel winter, the sun still managed to shine through the window. Ironically enough, the sun actually came out on Friday the thirteenth. It was the morning of junior prom, and everyone attending couldn’t be more thrilled.

The artist’s hands rubbed his blue eyes, waking up to the blinding of the sun. He yawned, not wanting to get out of bed, yet excited over today’s events. Back in Chippewa Falls, he had never attended any type of school function. Being here in Brooklyn, however, was a huge change. That change, exactly, was Rose.

It sucked that she wouldn’t be going, but at least he’d be with his friends. Still, it would have been amazing to share this night with Rose. This girl had made him learn how to feel again. It was incredible. After his father died, he had felt dead, like nothing would ever be okay again. Rose had changed all that, though. Her very existence had taught him the meaning to life, which was to live each day to its fullest. It was to make each day count.

"Jack!" He heard his mother call his name. "Are you up?" she asked, popping her head into his room.

"Yeah. Give me ten minutes, though. I’m going to rest my eyes," he said, the comforter covering his head.

"Your breakfast is going to get cold! Then we have to go get your suit from the tailor, the corsage, and the other stuff!" Rebecca yelled.

"Fine! Five minutes!"

"Okay!" she said. Jack smiled beneath his comforter and closed his eyes. However, he didn’t get to rest. "Out of bed, Mr. Dawson!" his mother yelled, and jumped onto his body.

"Mom!" he screeched, and burst out into a roar of laughter when she began tickling him.

"You should know by now that I’ll tickle you until you get your ass out of this bed!" Rebecca Dawson continued the torture.

"All right! All right!" Jack surrendered. "You win!" he said, sitting up on his bed.

"Of course I do. I’m Supermom." Jack rolled his eyes and smiled at his mother, who had her arms around his shoulders. "Now, come downstairs," she said, kissed the side of his head, and left the room.

With loving eyes, Jack stared after her. Next to his mother, Rose was the greatest girl he had ever met. Suddenly, a wonderful thought popped into his head--Rose is exactly the type of girl you’d bring home to Mom.


Thanks to Rose being such a great friend, she accompanied Hannah and Christina to get their hair and makeup done. Even though her mind was made up about not going to the prom, all she could feel was envious of her friends, especially since she wouldn’t be able to share the splendid occasion with her new boyfriend.

Just thinking about Jack in a tuxedo made her blush. She imagined him in his crisp white shirt with a black vest and a black bowtie. His black suit jacket and pants would bring out those beautiful blue eyes he owned, and she’d watch as his blond locks fell into his face. Rose was about to continue her fantasy when Hannah and Christina started laughing.

"What?" she asked.

"We’ve been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes!" Hannah said, continuing to laugh as Rose’s face turned a bright red.

"Yeah. I’ve been asking if I should have a few pieces of hair left out or totally swept back. Hannah says leave some of my hair out. What do you think? After you answer, you can go back to thinking of Mr. Dawson," Christina teased her.

Rose rolled her eyes and blushed. "I agree with Hannah."

"I knew I was right!" Hannah said.

"Doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion, though," Christina said. "You know, Rose, it’s a damn shame you’re not coming. You know how much fun we’d have if you came? Especially Jack."

"Don’t try to make me feel guilty about not going. My mind is made up. I refuse to attend the prom!" Rose stated.

"But why?" Hannah asked. "You never gave us a reason."

"It’s not up for discussion," Rose simply stated.

"Fine. Let’s just drop the subject," Christina said.

Rose sat back, feeling kind of guilty. Maybe she did owe them an explanation. However, the reason was so absurd. Could she possibly say it was because of these freakish dreams she was having? They would probably just laugh at her.

At the same time, though, she wanted to go to prom so badly. She wanted to go to at least share one dance with the boy she had so deeply fallen in love with.


It was six PM when Fabrizio and Hannah, who were in the limo, went to pick up Jack and Christina at her apartment. Rose was there at Christina’s to see them off. Rose was unable to squash her tiny bit of jealousy towards her friends as they took pictures with each other.

Both girls looked stunning as well in their dresses. Hannah’s golden hair was half up with light makeup on. Her tiny frame looked full as well in her dark blue strapless dress designed in silk. Her ears were dressed up with chandelier-like diamond earrings.

As for Christina, whose hair was up with a few strands of hair kept out, she wore a very well done figure-flattering dress that accentuated her curves. It was tight, clinging red dress. The straps started in the center, where the cleavage line stood, and wrapped around her graceful neck.

Even though Christina and Jack both wished to be escorted by the ones they loved, they were happy to at least have each other to go with. Rose had to admit they did look good together, too. It made her slightly jealous, but it was her decision to not attend.

"Okay. We’ve got to go get this party started!" Fabrizio said, putting an arm around his girlfriend’s shoulder.

"Wait!" Jack yelled. "I want to at least take a picture with Rose before we go."

"Aw!" Christina and Hannah squealed, causing the couple to blush.

"Jack, I look horrible right now compared to Hannah and Christina," Rose said.

"Shut up and take the fucking picture!" Christina yelled.

"Yeah. What she said," Fabrizio said. Hannah nudged him in the ribs, causing him to roll his eyes.

Rose gave in and wrapped her arms around his waist, while his were around her body. Their cheeks were pressed against each other’s with smiles of joy. Hannah, Christina, and Rebecca all took their cameras out and snapped pictures.

"That was beautiful, dude!" Fabrizio said, teasing them as he clapped his hands.

"Oh, shut up, Fabri!" Hannah said.

"Whatever. Come on. Let’s go," Fabrizio said, linking his arm with Hannah’s. The rest of them followed to the limo.

Fabrizio, Hannah, and Christina said their good-byes to Rose and got in. Christina looked at her friend, smiling, wishing that she’d come.

"I’ll call you when I get home. Three way with Hannah! Even though it’ll be late as hell!" Christina said.

"A three way? Aw…man, I’d love to see that!" Fabrizio said.

"You are so disgusting!" Hannah said.

"Oh, you love it, though!" Fabrizio winked at his girlfriend and kissed her.

Now it was time for Jack to say good-bye to Rose. He didn’t want to part ways with her, but they couldn’t be late to the prom. If only there were a way to change her mind.

They hugged each other, giving each other sweet kisses on each other’s lips, neither one wanting to let go. Rose pressed her head against his chest as he stroked her hair, taking in the aroma of her shampoo. His mother thought it too cute and snapped a picture, just like Hannah and Christina did from the sunroof.

"Stop taking pictures, Goddammit!" Fabrizio yelled, only to be kicked by Hannah. "Mother fucker!"

"I hope you have a good time!" Rose said.

"I’d have a great time if you were coming."

"Well, my best friend is your substitute date, so you should have a blast," she said, looking up into his gorgeous eyes as he smiled down at her.

"I’ll get going now, or I’ll never leave."

"Yeah! Get in here, already!" Fabrizio yelled.

"Fabri, if you do not stop, I’ll dig my nails into your balls!" Christina yelled.

"Sorry!" he said, and moved in closer to Hannah.

Jack placed his hand on Rose and gave her a kiss before heading into the car. Even as he sat in his place next to Christina, he could not take his eyes off of her; neither could she.

"All right! Let’s get this party started!" Fabrizio yelled as the limo drove off.

Rose looked on, only wishing that she’d get to share a dance with Jack Dawson.


Now at home, she sat in front of her computer, occupying her time with online quizzes. Rose kept staring at the dress that hung on the door of her closet. She would automatically turn around, reminding herself that it was her choice to not attend.

Look for something to do, Rose! she told herself.

She typed in different URL’s to look for some kind of game to play. However, her eyes were drawn back onto her dress. It should’ve been her and Jack together on the dance floor. Just like it should be Christina and Tommy together.

Images of her and Jack dancing together danced around in her head. Almost as if they were dancing on clouds. Only the two of them existed. However, the sound of someone instant messaging her distracted Rose.

"Who is this?" she asked out loud, her eyes reading the screen name. TouchMeImIrish. She typed back. Who is this?

TouchMeImIrish: Tommy.

Roses Are Red: Oh, hi.

Rose typed back, wondering how he got her screen name. It figured, though. She hadn’t changed it since the eighth grade. He must have seen it on Christina’s buddy list.

TouchMeImIrish: I thought you’d be at the prom with them. Don’t you have a crown to win?

Roses Are Red: Maybe if our school actually had prom kings and queens, it’d be possible. Also, I decided on not going. What’s it to you?

TouchMeImIrish: Just wondering. Also bored. Well, did you at least see what Christina looked like? I’ve noticed you guys are friends again.

She smiled on the other side of the screen. Of course, he still loved his ex-girlfriend.

Roses Are Red: She looks beautiful. You should be there with her.

TouchMeImIrish: Just like you should be there with Jack.

Roses Are Red: You want her back.

TouchMeImIrish: I never said that.

Roses Are Red: You didn’t have to. We all know you do. However, you guys are so stubborn. Hannah and I saw how much you love her still after seeing you defend her from those girls I actually used to call friends. Admit it, Thomas.

He didn’t answer. Rose figured she might have upset him and was about to close the IM box.

TouchMeImIrish: I love her. I miss her.

It put a smiled on her face. She knew it. Rose turned her head and looked at her dress once again, knowing what she had to do.

Roses Are Red: Tommy, I have a proposition for you.

TouchMeImIrish: What?

Roses Are Red: You still have your tux?

TouchMeImIrish: What are you thinking of, Bukater?

On Tommy’s side of the screen, he read what she was writing, and for the first time in months, a real smile actually appeared on his face. Rose DeWitt-Bukater was brilliant.

Chapter Twenty-Nine