Chapter Six

"Christina!" she heard Jack yell. Christina turned her head from her locker to see Jack. He ran towards her.

"Hey, Jack!" Christina said, smiling at him. She was throwing her books into her book bag.

"What's up?" he asked her.

"Nothing much. Shit! My locker is messy!" she said.

"You have so many books in there." Jack looked in her locker.

"They're Tommy's stuff. Poor bastard's locker is on the first floor. We're lucky, though," Christina said.

"Lucky he has a good girlfriend to actually let him keep his stuff in her locker," Jack said. He leaned on the door, looking at the pictures she had taken with Tommy. There was one with Fabrizio, Hannah, Tommy, and her. Then there was new one of all five of them, Jack, Hannah, Tommy, Fabrizio, and her in her living room. It was the weekend her mom had gone to Boston with her stepdad. The picture had been taken by her sister.

"Yeah. I hate coming to school. It's so early. I shouldn't have gone to stupid Spanish club today." Christina buried her head in her locker.

"We all know the feeling. Tomorrow is Friday, though," Jack said.

Rose passed by and Jack moved his head in her direction. Christina giggled.

"Jack, you really should get over it," Christina said.

"I'm trying."

"Hey, guys!" Tommy kissed Christina and gave Jack a pound.

"Hey, babe! Our friend here is obsessed with the flower girl." Christina handed Tommy her books to hold.

"Jack, my friend, how many times do we have to tell you? Chicks like her are hard to get," Tommy said, looking at his hopeless friend.

"I know. I wish there was something I could do for her," Jack said, clutching his art portfolio.

"Hey, guys!" Fabrizio stopped at Christina's locker, holding Hannah's hand.

"Could you please tell Fabri here that we aren't going to watch that stupid Spy Kids movie, ever?" Hannah asked.

"Fabri, you are such a shithead. We're not even going to the movies tomorrow," Tommy said to Fabrizio.

"Then what are we doing?" Fabrizio asked in an annoyed voice.

"We're gonna jump into the Harlem River. It may be kind of cold, but not bad weather," Christina answered him.

"You afraid you're gonna drown, Fabri?" Jack teased him.

"N-no," Fabrizio stuttered. They all laughed at him. "Oh, shut up! I'm going to homeroom! You coming, Jack?" he asked. Jack nodded his head and followed Fabrizio.

Jack and Fabrizio ran downstairs to homeroom. They walked into homeroom, and Jack stopped when he saw Rose sitting down. Rose took a quick look at him, and Jack walked by her to talk to Fabrizio, seeing as they had time before the bell for homeroom had actually rang.

"Cal gave me a promise ring today!" Jack heard Rose telling Jennifer Green. She stuck her hand out to show her. Jack saw a big diamond ring on her finger from the corner of his eye.

"It's gorgeous, Rose! You must have the best boyfriend a girl could have!" Jennifer exclaimed. Jack rolled his eyes. The diamond looked more like an engagement ring than just a silly promise ring. He almost laughed at what Jennifer said about Cal being the best boyfriend. If only there were a way that he could make everyone see what an asshole Cal really was.


During her free period, Rose went into the bathroom. She saw Christina looking into the mirror, putting on lip gloss. Rose went to go look at herself in the mirror next to hers.

"Humph!" she heard Christina say.

"What?" Rose asked.

"Are you engaged or something?" Christina asked, referring to the ring.


"Then what's that big diamond doing on your finger?"

"That's none of your concern," Rose said, in a nasty tone.

"Cool your jets, Rose. I was just asking you a question."

"Well, don't ask."

"You are a big bitch. You know that, Rose?" Christina asked, turning to face Rose. Rose stared back at her in shock.

"What did you say?"

"Let's face it! You're not the Rose I've known my whole life, the best friend I once had!"

"Your point is?"

"I'm just saying, the Rose I know wouldn't have let some white-collared snob treat her like shit!"

"Cal and my relationship isn't any of you or anyone else's business." Christina grabbed Rose's arm, pushing the sleeves up.

"What are you doing?" Rose asked.

"What are these, Rose? Huh?" Christina asked, lifting Rose's arm to show her the bruises. "Where did you get them?"

"That's none of your business!" Rose pulled her arm away from Christina.

"Cal did this to you! I know he did!" Christina said. "You are a self-centered bitch! You are so fucking greedy! The minute we entered high school, you acted like you didn't even know me! You were obsessed with becoming popular. Those people aren't even your real friends. You are a sick bitch! You know, Rose--fuck you! You sold yourself out!" Christina grabbed her books and said one last thing to Rose. "Jack wouldn't treat you like Cal does." Then she stormed out the bathroom.

Rose leaned her forehead against the mirror. Tears started to roll down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away. She couldn't figure out when her life had gone all wrong. She knew every word Christina said was true. But she felt like she had no way out.

Chapter Seven