Chapter Eight

The cell phone rang, and Rose lazily picked it up.

"Hello," she said, when she answered.

"Hey. Good morning, Sweetpea." She heard Cal on the other end.

"Good morning, darling," Rose said.

"Happy sweet sixteen!" Rose smiled.

"Thank you, babe!"

"Were you sleeping?" Cal asked.


"Sorry to wake you."

"It's all right. I should get up anyway."

"I'll be picking you up at 6:30 tonight," Cal said to her.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked.

"That's a surprise." Cal had a huge grin on the other end.

"All right, then."

"Just be dressed in your best!" Cal instructed her. "I should be going now. See you later, Sweetpea. I love you."

"I love you, too, darling." She heard Cal hang up on the other end and turned her cell phone off to charge it.

She couldn't figure it out. One minute, Cal was so sweet. The next, he was a monster. It was like he was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He hadn't known about the party last night. Thankfully, he didn't, or else he would have known about her brief encounter with Jack.

Jack. The name stuck in her head. She was deeply hurt by what he had said to her last night--not to talk to him at all. She knew she only had herself to blame. She just didn't know why it hurt so much.

If that's the way it's gonna be, I won't ever talk to Jack, Rose thought to herself. She didn't want to get in any more trouble with Cal.


Tommy and Christina were making out on the couch in Tommy's living room. Jack threw his pen at them, which broke up their kiss.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Tommy yelled at Jack.

"We're supposed to be studying for the history test tomorrow," Jack said.

"I know. I'm gonna pass anyway! That sucks for you, babe. You can't cheat off my test."

"Jack could cheat off my test, though. He sits right next to me, Hannah sits in front of him, and Fabrizio sits two seats behind him. We're all close together except for you, babe!"

"Yeah, sucks! Eric Sciortino sits next to me, though, and he's really smart!" Tommy smiled.

"Oh, right!" Christina said. Jack laughed at them. "What are you laughing at, Dawson?"

"You guys are so funny!" Jack answered her.

"Jack, you'll find your mate to swap spit with," Tommy said. Jack smirked.

"You guys continue to suck face while I watch TV! Then, when Christina's ready to leave, Tommy will drive us home!" Jack said. "Which will probably be forever!"

"Sounds like a plan!" Tommy yelled. Christina and Tommy immediately started to make out. Jack smiled at his friends.

He had hoped he would be like them. They were so in love with each other. He was the only one in the group who was single. His friends had found love. There was Tommy and Christina, and then Fabrizio and Hannah. Hannah and Fabrizio had dated for a little over a year already.

Jack sighed. He wanted to fall in love. He could only wish it was with Rose. The lost flower. She was so beautiful, and she was getting such harsh treatment. Cal was a monster who took advantage of Rose's weakness. She was fragile, an angel with broken wings, and Jack couldn't fix it. He was so mad that he couldn't help her. However, he did his part in doing what she wanted him to.

Chapter Nine