Chapter Five

When it was time to go sailing, Rose and Jack met up with her cousin at the pier. Rose's cousin was on her mother's side of the family, so she looked a lot like Rose, except she had her mother's attitude, and Rose did not really like her, but she loved sailing, and Jessica was the only one who knew how.

"Rose! My goodness! You look a fright! Come inside. You can change belowdecks, and I'm sure I can do something with your hair!"

"Jack, you can come aboard and look around. I'll be back in a moment."

"That...person is coming with us?" Jessica asked incredulously.

"Yes, he is, and Jessica, I would appreciate it if you would be pleasant and civil to him. I invited him along as my guest, and he is my friend! I am not going to let you do something with my hair. I happen to like it down!"

Rose appeared above decks five minutes later in an outfit of pale purple silk that flared at her hips and just cleared the deck. Her long red hair curled loosely down her back, and she called to Jack excitedly that they would be leaving in just a few moments.

Chapter Six